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Find the best price, lending rates, staking rewards and loan rates from Bitget.

Last updated: September 7, 2024|Advertising disclosure

Bitget prices

Bitcoin (BTC)Bitget$53,964
Ethereum (ETH)Bitget$2,266
Binance Coin (BNB)Bitget$490.7
See all 871 prices

Latest Bitget interest rates

Bitget lending rates

CoinPlatformInterest rate
Lido Staked ETH (STETH)BitgetUp to 4.2% APY
Near Protocol (NEAR)BitgetUp to 4.2% APY
Sui (SUI)BitgetUp to 2.5% APY
See all 118 lending rates

Bitget staking rewards

CoinPlatformStaking rewards
Toncoin (TON)BitgetUp to 3.88% APY
Near Protocol (NEAR)BitgetUp to 9% APY
Sui (SUI)BitgetUp to 3.4% APY
See all 14 staking rewards

Bitget loan rates

CoinPlatformInterest rate
Chainlink (LINK)BitgetFrom 3.11% APR
Near Protocol (NEAR)BitgetFrom 4.4% APR
Internet Computer (ICP)BitgetFrom 1.56% APR
See all 97 loan rates
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