What Is a Layer 1 Blockchain? The Fundamental Infrastructure

Curious about the backbone of the crypto universe? What is a layer 1 blockchain, you ask? It is the primary network where cryptocurrencies exist, get transacted, and stay secure.
May 7, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Curious about the backbone of the crypto universe? What is a layer 1 blockchain, you ask? It is the primary network where cryptocurrencies exist, get transacted, and stay secure. Let’s cut through the technical haze and zero in on this blockchain stratum, understanding its pivotal role in powering an ecosystem thriving with digital aspiration.

Key Takeaways

  • Layer 1 blockchains are standalone systems that form the foundation of a decentralized cryptocurrency network using consensus mechanisms like PoW or PoS to secure transactions.
  • Scalability challenges of Layer 1 blockchains are being addressed through various methods, including consensus mechanism shifts (like PoW to PoS), block size changes, and sharding, to improve transaction processing capacity.
  • Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions are complementary, with Layer 2 aiming to reduce congestion and augment transaction throughput without compromising the decentralized and secure nature of the main chain.

Exploring the Foundation: The Role of Layer 1 in Blockchain Technology

The Layer 1 blockchain, functioning as a foundation for a decentralized cryptocurrency network, facilitates secure and transparent transactions. As the base layer, it underpins the entire blockchain system. So, what makes it so crucial? Well, understanding Layer 1 is like understanding the blueprint of a building, it provides a holistic view of the architecture.

Layer 1 protocols form the critical backbone for the development of secure and scalable decentralized systems. These foundational layers use consensus mechanisms, like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), to provide security and process transactions. They are independent and standalone systems, meaning they don’t rely on other networks to process transactions or provide security.

Essentially, Layer 1 acts as the power source for the blockchain platform. It is the only layer upon which other blockchain layers and applications are painted, thus forming the crux of the blockchain network.

Deciphering Consensus Mechanisms: The Heart of Layer 1

The Heart of Layer 1

At the core of Layer 1, you’ll find consensus mechanisms. They are not just the pulse but the lifeblood of blockchain networks, validating transactions and establishing trust among participants. Proof of Work (PoW), which accounts for about 60% of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization, is the dominant player among these.

PoW requires miners to solve cryptographic puzzles, providing security to the blockchain against issues like double-spend attacks, thereby directly influencing the blockchain’s ability to process transactions. Yet, the scope of the blockchain world extends beyond PoW. Advancements in Layer 1 ecosystems have given birth to new consensus mechanisms aiming to enhance transaction speed, efficiency, and security for blockchains.

Proof of Work (PoW) and Its Impact on Scalability

The computational muscle behind the PoW consensus mechanism involves miners using specialized equipment to mine blocks, a process that demands significant computational effort. This competition among miners to solve puzzles can slow down transaction processing, presenting a scalability issue.

With more miners joining the network, the difficulty adjustment algorithm increases, maintaining stability but further impacting scalability due to the regulated production of new blocks. This phenomenon makes one wonder, is there a more scalable solution? Enter, Proof of Stake (PoS)!

Transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS)

In the PoS consensus mechanism, node operators are required to lock up a substantial deposit of Ether (ETH) to participate. The mechanism employs a lottery system to select which staker will record the next block on the blockchain.

The shift from PoW to PoS consensus protocols within Layer 1 blockchains contributes to the continuous effort to solve the blockchain trilemma, aiming to enhance scalability and cut transaction costs while preserving security. It’s clear that the quest for a balanced, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism is far from over!

Alternative Consensus Protocols

To find that perfect balance between efficiency, security, and decentralization, blockchain networks are exploring hybrid consensus mechanisms and other advanced protocols, like Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). Harmony, for instance, uses Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS) as an alternative consensus protocol to improve transaction speeds and reduce gas fees.

These alternative consensus protocols, akin to promising newcomers in the blockchain world, present innovative solutions to the perennial challenge of balancing the blockchain network’s core principles.

The Scaling Challenge: Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Layer 1 blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, can only handle a limited number of transactions per second, which creates challenges for scalability as the ecosystems grow. Techniques for scaling Layer 1 blockchains include making fundamental changes to the core blockchain protocol, such as modifying block size, consensus algorithms, or implementing database sharding.

As an example, the development of alternative Layer 1 blockchains such as Solana highlights the effort to address scaling issues with faster transaction times and lower fees compared to older blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Amplifying the scalability of Layer 1 blockchains stays a key focus in the blockchain industry due to its importance in managing increased transaction volumes and promoting wider adoption.

The Block Size Debate

One of the methods to improve scalability is by increasing the block size, which allows more transactions to be verified at a time, expanding the overall capacity of the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Cash, derived from a hard fork of Bitcoin, exemplifies scalability and speed enhancement by raising the block size limit to 32 MB.

However, the seemingly simple solution of enhancing block size to improve scalability might undermine security by leading to a more centralized network, where fewer nodes can participate in the validation process due to higher resource requirements, including the management of asymmetric key pairs.

This brings us to another technique to improve scalability: sharding, which can be considered as one of the scaling solutions.

Sharding as a Database Partitioning Technique

Sharding is a popular layer-1 scaling solution that involves dividing a network and its nodes into different shards to improve transaction speed. By partitioning the blockchain database into smaller, manageable parts, called shards, sharding allows for parallel processing of transactions, which can increase scalability while aiming to preserve decentralization and security.

Dynamic sharding is a process that enhances scalability and decentralization by efficiently processing transactions across different shards, thus reducing network congestion. Elrond, for example, is a layer-1 network that has implemented sharding, significantly enhancing its performance and scalability.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2: Complementary Networks for Enhanced Performance

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2

Layer 1 and Layer 2 are partners, not rivals, when it comes to boosting blockchain performance. Layer 1 handles the consensus mechanisms and native token, while Layer 2 consists of overlaying networks built on top of Layer 1 to reduce network congestion and increase transaction throughput. Both layers work together to ensure the stable and efficient processing of transactions to accommodate increased demand on blockchain networks.

Layer 2 solutions like nested blockchains, state channels, and sidechains are designed to work symbiotically with Layer 1, enhancing scalability without compromising the main chain’s decentralization or security. However, they must align with the maximum transaction throughput defined by Layer 1, and there are risks such as blockchain forks and reduced transaction verification transparency.

A perfect example of a Layer 2 solution is the Lightning Network, a Layer 2 protocol designed to enable faster transaction speeds and minimal fees on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Understanding the Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is a layer-2 protocol designed to work atop the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling faster transaction speeds with minimal fees. Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network are implemented to surmount the scaling challenges inherent in Proof of Work (PoW) systems such as Bitcoin.

Layer 2 scaling tactics, including rollups, state channels, and side chains, contribute to amplifying the processing capacities of blockchain transactions. It’s like having a supercharger for your car’s engine, boosting its performance without making major modifications to the engine itself.

Showcasing Layer 1 Blockchain Platforms

Layer 1 blockchain platforms display a variety of inventive strategies aimed at enhancing transaction speed, efficiency, and scalability. There are numerous Layer 1 blockchains, each with their own unique features and mechanisms. For instance, Celo, a layer 1 network forked from Go Ethereum in 2017, implemented Proof of Stake and a unique address system, distinguishing it from Ethereum.

Each platform, including Solana and Cardano, brings a unique approach to addressing the challenges intricately associated with Layer 1 blockchains. Let’s delve deeper into these two platforms.

Solana: A Case Study in High-Speed Transactions

Solana represents a Layer 1 blockchain that focuses on enhanced transaction throughput and reduced costs by deploying an innovative consensus mechanism. Employing a Proof of History mechanism, Solana achieves high-speed processing of transactions, which is central to its performance.

Solana claims to handle thousands of multiple transactions per second and offers a block confirmation time as quick as 400 milliseconds, demonstrating its efficiency in processing transaction data and keeping transaction fees low. With its high transaction volume, it’s like the express lane in a supermarket, processing transactions faster and more efficiently while also being able to validate and verify transactions.

Cardano: Balancing Decentralization and Scalability

On the other hand, Cardano focuses on balancing decentralization and scalability through its unique consensus mechanism and layered architecture. The platform employs the Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which is more environmentally friendly and scalable than Proof-of-Work systems.

The development of Cardano is backed by academic research and is carried out with a scientific approach to ensure robustness and security. Future phases of Cardano’s roadmap, such as Basho and Voltaire, aim to improve scalability and introduce a treasury system and decentralized governance.

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

The primary constraint of Layer 1 blockchain lies in its struggle to strike a delicate equilibrium between decentralization, security, and scalability — a concept referred to as the blockchain trilemma. The crypto community’s ongoing effort to solve the blockchain trilemma aims to find a harmonious balance between these three core principles.

Proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms help solve the trilemma by making the system more scalable, processing transactions faster, and charging less for them, all while using less computing power. Emergent Layer 1 protocols like Cardano, Polkadot, and Solana are actively seeking to address the blockchain trilemma, with a particular focus on improved scalability and speed, while also advancing energy efficiency.

Navigating through the blockchain trilemma illuminates the intricacies and challenges Layer 1 blockchains encounter and the continuous endeavors to mitigate them.

Integrating Smart Contracts and DApps on Layer 1

Layer 1 blockchains, equipped with smart contract capabilities, foster the development of decentralized applications and tokens — cornerstones of decentralized finance and the web3 domain. Layer 1 blockchains provide a secure and immutable platform that finds use in diverse sectors, including financial services, supply chain management, and digital identity and governance.

The two-tier structure of Algorand’s Layer 1 blockchain allows fundamental transactions and simpler smart contracts on the base layer, while complex smart contracts and decentralized applications are handled on a separate layer. This is an architectural approach for integrating DApps on Layer 1.

The Future of Layer 1: Evolving Beyond Transaction Processing

Layer 1 blockchain's future lies in:

  • Transcending transaction processing
  • Emphasis on innovation in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services
  • Evolving to support a vast range of applications and services, covering more advanced and diverse use cases.

Features such as decentralized file storage and specialized payment systems are being introduced, signifying growth beyond basic blockchain functionalities. To enhance their functionality, Layer 1 blockchains aim to become more interconnected, successfully integrating with a variety of external systems and services.

As we look ahead, the future of Layer 1 blockchains is exciting, with promising advancements and innovations on the horizon.


In conclusion, Layer 1 blockchains serve as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems. The future of Layer 1 blockchains involves evolving beyond transaction processing, focusing on innovations in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services. As we continue to explore the vast potentials of blockchain technology, one thing is clear: Layer 1 blockchains are here to stay and will continue to shape the future of decentralized systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of Layer 1 in blockchain technology?

Layer 1 serves as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems.

What are consensus mechanisms?

Consensus mechanisms are crucial for validating transactions, building trust, and maintaining security and integrity in blockchain networks.

What is the blockchain trilemma?

The blockchain trilemma refers to the struggle to maintain decentralization, security, and scalability in blockchain networks. Achieving this balance is a significant challenge.

How do Layer 1 and Layer 2 work together?

Layer 1 handles consensus mechanisms and native tokens, while Layer 2 utilizes overlaying networks to alleviate network congestion and boost transaction throughput, allowing them to work together seamlessly.

What does the future hold for Layer 1 blockchains?

The future of Layer 1 blockchains will involve evolving beyond transaction processing and focusing on scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services to drive innovation in the space.

What Is a Layer 1 Blockchain? The Fundamental Infrastructure


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Curious about the backbone of the crypto universe? What is a layer 1 blockchain, you ask? It is the primary network where cryptocurrencies exist, get transacted, and stay secure. Let’s cut through the technical haze and zero in on this blockchain stratum, understanding its pivotal role in powering an ecosystem thriving with digital aspiration.

Key Takeaways

  • Layer 1 blockchains are standalone systems that form the foundation of a decentralized cryptocurrency network using consensus mechanisms like PoW or PoS to secure transactions.
  • Scalability challenges of Layer 1 blockchains are being addressed through various methods, including consensus mechanism shifts (like PoW to PoS), block size changes, and sharding, to improve transaction processing capacity.
  • Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions are complementary, with Layer 2 aiming to reduce congestion and augment transaction throughput without compromising the decentralized and secure nature of the main chain.

Exploring the Foundation: The Role of Layer 1 in Blockchain Technology

The Layer 1 blockchain, functioning as a foundation for a decentralized cryptocurrency network, facilitates secure and transparent transactions. As the base layer, it underpins the entire blockchain system. So, what makes it so crucial? Well, understanding Layer 1 is like understanding the blueprint of a building, it provides a holistic view of the architecture.

Layer 1 protocols form the critical backbone for the development of secure and scalable decentralized systems. These foundational layers use consensus mechanisms, like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), to provide security and process transactions. They are independent and standalone systems, meaning they don’t rely on other networks to process transactions or provide security.

Essentially, Layer 1 acts as the power source for the blockchain platform. It is the only layer upon which other blockchain layers and applications are painted, thus forming the crux of the blockchain network.

Deciphering Consensus Mechanisms: The Heart of Layer 1

The Heart of Layer 1

At the core of Layer 1, you’ll find consensus mechanisms. They are not just the pulse but the lifeblood of blockchain networks, validating transactions and establishing trust among participants. Proof of Work (PoW), which accounts for about 60% of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization, is the dominant player among these.

PoW requires miners to solve cryptographic puzzles, providing security to the blockchain against issues like double-spend attacks, thereby directly influencing the blockchain’s ability to process transactions. Yet, the scope of the blockchain world extends beyond PoW. Advancements in Layer 1 ecosystems have given birth to new consensus mechanisms aiming to enhance transaction speed, efficiency, and security for blockchains.

Proof of Work (PoW) and Its Impact on Scalability

The computational muscle behind the PoW consensus mechanism involves miners using specialized equipment to mine blocks, a process that demands significant computational effort. This competition among miners to solve puzzles can slow down transaction processing, presenting a scalability issue.

With more miners joining the network, the difficulty adjustment algorithm increases, maintaining stability but further impacting scalability due to the regulated production of new blocks. This phenomenon makes one wonder, is there a more scalable solution? Enter, Proof of Stake (PoS)!

Transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS)

In the PoS consensus mechanism, node operators are required to lock up a substantial deposit of Ether (ETH) to participate. The mechanism employs a lottery system to select which staker will record the next block on the blockchain.

The shift from PoW to PoS consensus protocols within Layer 1 blockchains contributes to the continuous effort to solve the blockchain trilemma, aiming to enhance scalability and cut transaction costs while preserving security. It’s clear that the quest for a balanced, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism is far from over!

Alternative Consensus Protocols

To find that perfect balance between efficiency, security, and decentralization, blockchain networks are exploring hybrid consensus mechanisms and other advanced protocols, like Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). Harmony, for instance, uses Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS) as an alternative consensus protocol to improve transaction speeds and reduce gas fees.

These alternative consensus protocols, akin to promising newcomers in the blockchain world, present innovative solutions to the perennial challenge of balancing the blockchain network’s core principles.

The Scaling Challenge: Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Layer 1 blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, can only handle a limited number of transactions per second, which creates challenges for scalability as the ecosystems grow. Techniques for scaling Layer 1 blockchains include making fundamental changes to the core blockchain protocol, such as modifying block size, consensus algorithms, or implementing database sharding.

As an example, the development of alternative Layer 1 blockchains such as Solana highlights the effort to address scaling issues with faster transaction times and lower fees compared to older blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Amplifying the scalability of Layer 1 blockchains stays a key focus in the blockchain industry due to its importance in managing increased transaction volumes and promoting wider adoption.

The Block Size Debate

One of the methods to improve scalability is by increasing the block size, which allows more transactions to be verified at a time, expanding the overall capacity of the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Cash, derived from a hard fork of Bitcoin, exemplifies scalability and speed enhancement by raising the block size limit to 32 MB.

However, the seemingly simple solution of enhancing block size to improve scalability might undermine security by leading to a more centralized network, where fewer nodes can participate in the validation process due to higher resource requirements, including the management of asymmetric key pairs.

This brings us to another technique to improve scalability: sharding, which can be considered as one of the scaling solutions.

Sharding as a Database Partitioning Technique

Sharding is a popular layer-1 scaling solution that involves dividing a network and its nodes into different shards to improve transaction speed. By partitioning the blockchain database into smaller, manageable parts, called shards, sharding allows for parallel processing of transactions, which can increase scalability while aiming to preserve decentralization and security.

Dynamic sharding is a process that enhances scalability and decentralization by efficiently processing transactions across different shards, thus reducing network congestion. Elrond, for example, is a layer-1 network that has implemented sharding, significantly enhancing its performance and scalability.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2: Complementary Networks for Enhanced Performance

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2

Layer 1 and Layer 2 are partners, not rivals, when it comes to boosting blockchain performance. Layer 1 handles the consensus mechanisms and native token, while Layer 2 consists of overlaying networks built on top of Layer 1 to reduce network congestion and increase transaction throughput. Both layers work together to ensure the stable and efficient processing of transactions to accommodate increased demand on blockchain networks.

Layer 2 solutions like nested blockchains, state channels, and sidechains are designed to work symbiotically with Layer 1, enhancing scalability without compromising the main chain’s decentralization or security. However, they must align with the maximum transaction throughput defined by Layer 1, and there are risks such as blockchain forks and reduced transaction verification transparency.

A perfect example of a Layer 2 solution is the Lightning Network, a Layer 2 protocol designed to enable faster transaction speeds and minimal fees on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Understanding the Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is a layer-2 protocol designed to work atop the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling faster transaction speeds with minimal fees. Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network are implemented to surmount the scaling challenges inherent in Proof of Work (PoW) systems such as Bitcoin.

Layer 2 scaling tactics, including rollups, state channels, and side chains, contribute to amplifying the processing capacities of blockchain transactions. It’s like having a supercharger for your car’s engine, boosting its performance without making major modifications to the engine itself.

Showcasing Layer 1 Blockchain Platforms

Layer 1 blockchain platforms display a variety of inventive strategies aimed at enhancing transaction speed, efficiency, and scalability. There are numerous Layer 1 blockchains, each with their own unique features and mechanisms. For instance, Celo, a layer 1 network forked from Go Ethereum in 2017, implemented Proof of Stake and a unique address system, distinguishing it from Ethereum.

Each platform, including Solana and Cardano, brings a unique approach to addressing the challenges intricately associated with Layer 1 blockchains. Let’s delve deeper into these two platforms.

Solana: A Case Study in High-Speed Transactions

Solana represents a Layer 1 blockchain that focuses on enhanced transaction throughput and reduced costs by deploying an innovative consensus mechanism. Employing a Proof of History mechanism, Solana achieves high-speed processing of transactions, which is central to its performance.

Solana claims to handle thousands of multiple transactions per second and offers a block confirmation time as quick as 400 milliseconds, demonstrating its efficiency in processing transaction data and keeping transaction fees low. With its high transaction volume, it’s like the express lane in a supermarket, processing transactions faster and more efficiently while also being able to validate and verify transactions.

Cardano: Balancing Decentralization and Scalability

On the other hand, Cardano focuses on balancing decentralization and scalability through its unique consensus mechanism and layered architecture. The platform employs the Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which is more environmentally friendly and scalable than Proof-of-Work systems.

The development of Cardano is backed by academic research and is carried out with a scientific approach to ensure robustness and security. Future phases of Cardano’s roadmap, such as Basho and Voltaire, aim to improve scalability and introduce a treasury system and decentralized governance.

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

The primary constraint of Layer 1 blockchain lies in its struggle to strike a delicate equilibrium between decentralization, security, and scalability — a concept referred to as the blockchain trilemma. The crypto community’s ongoing effort to solve the blockchain trilemma aims to find a harmonious balance between these three core principles.

Proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms help solve the trilemma by making the system more scalable, processing transactions faster, and charging less for them, all while using less computing power. Emergent Layer 1 protocols like Cardano, Polkadot, and Solana are actively seeking to address the blockchain trilemma, with a particular focus on improved scalability and speed, while also advancing energy efficiency.

Navigating through the blockchain trilemma illuminates the intricacies and challenges Layer 1 blockchains encounter and the continuous endeavors to mitigate them.

Integrating Smart Contracts and DApps on Layer 1

Layer 1 blockchains, equipped with smart contract capabilities, foster the development of decentralized applications and tokens — cornerstones of decentralized finance and the web3 domain. Layer 1 blockchains provide a secure and immutable platform that finds use in diverse sectors, including financial services, supply chain management, and digital identity and governance.

The two-tier structure of Algorand’s Layer 1 blockchain allows fundamental transactions and simpler smart contracts on the base layer, while complex smart contracts and decentralized applications are handled on a separate layer. This is an architectural approach for integrating DApps on Layer 1.

The Future of Layer 1: Evolving Beyond Transaction Processing

Layer 1 blockchain's future lies in:

  • Transcending transaction processing
  • Emphasis on innovation in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services
  • Evolving to support a vast range of applications and services, covering more advanced and diverse use cases.

Features such as decentralized file storage and specialized payment systems are being introduced, signifying growth beyond basic blockchain functionalities. To enhance their functionality, Layer 1 blockchains aim to become more interconnected, successfully integrating with a variety of external systems and services.

As we look ahead, the future of Layer 1 blockchains is exciting, with promising advancements and innovations on the horizon.


In conclusion, Layer 1 blockchains serve as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems. The future of Layer 1 blockchains involves evolving beyond transaction processing, focusing on innovations in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services. As we continue to explore the vast potentials of blockchain technology, one thing is clear: Layer 1 blockchains are here to stay and will continue to shape the future of decentralized systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of Layer 1 in blockchain technology?

Layer 1 serves as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems.

What are consensus mechanisms?

Consensus mechanisms are crucial for validating transactions, building trust, and maintaining security and integrity in blockchain networks.

What is the blockchain trilemma?

The blockchain trilemma refers to the struggle to maintain decentralization, security, and scalability in blockchain networks. Achieving this balance is a significant challenge.

How do Layer 1 and Layer 2 work together?

Layer 1 handles consensus mechanisms and native tokens, while Layer 2 utilizes overlaying networks to alleviate network congestion and boost transaction throughput, allowing them to work together seamlessly.

What does the future hold for Layer 1 blockchains?

The future of Layer 1 blockchains will involve evolving beyond transaction processing and focusing on scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services to drive innovation in the space.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Curious about the backbone of the crypto universe? What is a layer 1 blockchain, you ask? It is the primary network where cryptocurrencies exist, get transacted, and stay secure. Let’s cut through the technical haze and zero in on this blockchain stratum, understanding its pivotal role in powering an ecosystem thriving with digital aspiration.

Key Takeaways

  • Layer 1 blockchains are standalone systems that form the foundation of a decentralized cryptocurrency network using consensus mechanisms like PoW or PoS to secure transactions.
  • Scalability challenges of Layer 1 blockchains are being addressed through various methods, including consensus mechanism shifts (like PoW to PoS), block size changes, and sharding, to improve transaction processing capacity.
  • Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions are complementary, with Layer 2 aiming to reduce congestion and augment transaction throughput without compromising the decentralized and secure nature of the main chain.

Exploring the Foundation: The Role of Layer 1 in Blockchain Technology

The Layer 1 blockchain, functioning as a foundation for a decentralized cryptocurrency network, facilitates secure and transparent transactions. As the base layer, it underpins the entire blockchain system. So, what makes it so crucial? Well, understanding Layer 1 is like understanding the blueprint of a building, it provides a holistic view of the architecture.

Layer 1 protocols form the critical backbone for the development of secure and scalable decentralized systems. These foundational layers use consensus mechanisms, like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), to provide security and process transactions. They are independent and standalone systems, meaning they don’t rely on other networks to process transactions or provide security.

Essentially, Layer 1 acts as the power source for the blockchain platform. It is the only layer upon which other blockchain layers and applications are painted, thus forming the crux of the blockchain network.

Deciphering Consensus Mechanisms: The Heart of Layer 1

The Heart of Layer 1

At the core of Layer 1, you’ll find consensus mechanisms. They are not just the pulse but the lifeblood of blockchain networks, validating transactions and establishing trust among participants. Proof of Work (PoW), which accounts for about 60% of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization, is the dominant player among these.

PoW requires miners to solve cryptographic puzzles, providing security to the blockchain against issues like double-spend attacks, thereby directly influencing the blockchain’s ability to process transactions. Yet, the scope of the blockchain world extends beyond PoW. Advancements in Layer 1 ecosystems have given birth to new consensus mechanisms aiming to enhance transaction speed, efficiency, and security for blockchains.

Proof of Work (PoW) and Its Impact on Scalability

The computational muscle behind the PoW consensus mechanism involves miners using specialized equipment to mine blocks, a process that demands significant computational effort. This competition among miners to solve puzzles can slow down transaction processing, presenting a scalability issue.

With more miners joining the network, the difficulty adjustment algorithm increases, maintaining stability but further impacting scalability due to the regulated production of new blocks. This phenomenon makes one wonder, is there a more scalable solution? Enter, Proof of Stake (PoS)!

Transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS)

In the PoS consensus mechanism, node operators are required to lock up a substantial deposit of Ether (ETH) to participate. The mechanism employs a lottery system to select which staker will record the next block on the blockchain.

The shift from PoW to PoS consensus protocols within Layer 1 blockchains contributes to the continuous effort to solve the blockchain trilemma, aiming to enhance scalability and cut transaction costs while preserving security. It’s clear that the quest for a balanced, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism is far from over!

Alternative Consensus Protocols

To find that perfect balance between efficiency, security, and decentralization, blockchain networks are exploring hybrid consensus mechanisms and other advanced protocols, like Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). Harmony, for instance, uses Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS) as an alternative consensus protocol to improve transaction speeds and reduce gas fees.

These alternative consensus protocols, akin to promising newcomers in the blockchain world, present innovative solutions to the perennial challenge of balancing the blockchain network’s core principles.

The Scaling Challenge: Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Addressing Layer 1 Limitations

Layer 1 blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, can only handle a limited number of transactions per second, which creates challenges for scalability as the ecosystems grow. Techniques for scaling Layer 1 blockchains include making fundamental changes to the core blockchain protocol, such as modifying block size, consensus algorithms, or implementing database sharding.

As an example, the development of alternative Layer 1 blockchains such as Solana highlights the effort to address scaling issues with faster transaction times and lower fees compared to older blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Amplifying the scalability of Layer 1 blockchains stays a key focus in the blockchain industry due to its importance in managing increased transaction volumes and promoting wider adoption.

The Block Size Debate

One of the methods to improve scalability is by increasing the block size, which allows more transactions to be verified at a time, expanding the overall capacity of the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Cash, derived from a hard fork of Bitcoin, exemplifies scalability and speed enhancement by raising the block size limit to 32 MB.

However, the seemingly simple solution of enhancing block size to improve scalability might undermine security by leading to a more centralized network, where fewer nodes can participate in the validation process due to higher resource requirements, including the management of asymmetric key pairs.

This brings us to another technique to improve scalability: sharding, which can be considered as one of the scaling solutions.

Sharding as a Database Partitioning Technique

Sharding is a popular layer-1 scaling solution that involves dividing a network and its nodes into different shards to improve transaction speed. By partitioning the blockchain database into smaller, manageable parts, called shards, sharding allows for parallel processing of transactions, which can increase scalability while aiming to preserve decentralization and security.

Dynamic sharding is a process that enhances scalability and decentralization by efficiently processing transactions across different shards, thus reducing network congestion. Elrond, for example, is a layer-1 network that has implemented sharding, significantly enhancing its performance and scalability.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2: Complementary Networks for Enhanced Performance

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2

Layer 1 and Layer 2 are partners, not rivals, when it comes to boosting blockchain performance. Layer 1 handles the consensus mechanisms and native token, while Layer 2 consists of overlaying networks built on top of Layer 1 to reduce network congestion and increase transaction throughput. Both layers work together to ensure the stable and efficient processing of transactions to accommodate increased demand on blockchain networks.

Layer 2 solutions like nested blockchains, state channels, and sidechains are designed to work symbiotically with Layer 1, enhancing scalability without compromising the main chain’s decentralization or security. However, they must align with the maximum transaction throughput defined by Layer 1, and there are risks such as blockchain forks and reduced transaction verification transparency.

A perfect example of a Layer 2 solution is the Lightning Network, a Layer 2 protocol designed to enable faster transaction speeds and minimal fees on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Understanding the Lightning Network

The Lightning Network is a layer-2 protocol designed to work atop the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling faster transaction speeds with minimal fees. Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network are implemented to surmount the scaling challenges inherent in Proof of Work (PoW) systems such as Bitcoin.

Layer 2 scaling tactics, including rollups, state channels, and side chains, contribute to amplifying the processing capacities of blockchain transactions. It’s like having a supercharger for your car’s engine, boosting its performance without making major modifications to the engine itself.

Showcasing Layer 1 Blockchain Platforms

Layer 1 blockchain platforms display a variety of inventive strategies aimed at enhancing transaction speed, efficiency, and scalability. There are numerous Layer 1 blockchains, each with their own unique features and mechanisms. For instance, Celo, a layer 1 network forked from Go Ethereum in 2017, implemented Proof of Stake and a unique address system, distinguishing it from Ethereum.

Each platform, including Solana and Cardano, brings a unique approach to addressing the challenges intricately associated with Layer 1 blockchains. Let’s delve deeper into these two platforms.

Solana: A Case Study in High-Speed Transactions

Solana represents a Layer 1 blockchain that focuses on enhanced transaction throughput and reduced costs by deploying an innovative consensus mechanism. Employing a Proof of History mechanism, Solana achieves high-speed processing of transactions, which is central to its performance.

Solana claims to handle thousands of multiple transactions per second and offers a block confirmation time as quick as 400 milliseconds, demonstrating its efficiency in processing transaction data and keeping transaction fees low. With its high transaction volume, it’s like the express lane in a supermarket, processing transactions faster and more efficiently while also being able to validate and verify transactions.

Cardano: Balancing Decentralization and Scalability

On the other hand, Cardano focuses on balancing decentralization and scalability through its unique consensus mechanism and layered architecture. The platform employs the Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which is more environmentally friendly and scalable than Proof-of-Work systems.

The development of Cardano is backed by academic research and is carried out with a scientific approach to ensure robustness and security. Future phases of Cardano’s roadmap, such as Basho and Voltaire, aim to improve scalability and introduce a treasury system and decentralized governance.

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

Navigating Through the Blockchain Trilemma

The primary constraint of Layer 1 blockchain lies in its struggle to strike a delicate equilibrium between decentralization, security, and scalability — a concept referred to as the blockchain trilemma. The crypto community’s ongoing effort to solve the blockchain trilemma aims to find a harmonious balance between these three core principles.

Proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms help solve the trilemma by making the system more scalable, processing transactions faster, and charging less for them, all while using less computing power. Emergent Layer 1 protocols like Cardano, Polkadot, and Solana are actively seeking to address the blockchain trilemma, with a particular focus on improved scalability and speed, while also advancing energy efficiency.

Navigating through the blockchain trilemma illuminates the intricacies and challenges Layer 1 blockchains encounter and the continuous endeavors to mitigate them.

Integrating Smart Contracts and DApps on Layer 1

Layer 1 blockchains, equipped with smart contract capabilities, foster the development of decentralized applications and tokens — cornerstones of decentralized finance and the web3 domain. Layer 1 blockchains provide a secure and immutable platform that finds use in diverse sectors, including financial services, supply chain management, and digital identity and governance.

The two-tier structure of Algorand’s Layer 1 blockchain allows fundamental transactions and simpler smart contracts on the base layer, while complex smart contracts and decentralized applications are handled on a separate layer. This is an architectural approach for integrating DApps on Layer 1.

The Future of Layer 1: Evolving Beyond Transaction Processing

Layer 1 blockchain's future lies in:

  • Transcending transaction processing
  • Emphasis on innovation in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services
  • Evolving to support a vast range of applications and services, covering more advanced and diverse use cases.

Features such as decentralized file storage and specialized payment systems are being introduced, signifying growth beyond basic blockchain functionalities. To enhance their functionality, Layer 1 blockchains aim to become more interconnected, successfully integrating with a variety of external systems and services.

As we look ahead, the future of Layer 1 blockchains is exciting, with promising advancements and innovations on the horizon.


In conclusion, Layer 1 blockchains serve as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems. The future of Layer 1 blockchains involves evolving beyond transaction processing, focusing on innovations in scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services. As we continue to explore the vast potentials of blockchain technology, one thing is clear: Layer 1 blockchains are here to stay and will continue to shape the future of decentralized systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of Layer 1 in blockchain technology?

Layer 1 serves as the foundational layer of the blockchain network, playing a crucial role in transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, and providing the necessary infrastructure for secure and scalable systems.

What are consensus mechanisms?

Consensus mechanisms are crucial for validating transactions, building trust, and maintaining security and integrity in blockchain networks.

What is the blockchain trilemma?

The blockchain trilemma refers to the struggle to maintain decentralization, security, and scalability in blockchain networks. Achieving this balance is a significant challenge.

How do Layer 1 and Layer 2 work together?

Layer 1 handles consensus mechanisms and native tokens, while Layer 2 utilizes overlaying networks to alleviate network congestion and boost transaction throughput, allowing them to work together seamlessly.

What does the future hold for Layer 1 blockchains?

The future of Layer 1 blockchains will involve evolving beyond transaction processing and focusing on scalability, security, and integration with external systems and services to drive innovation in the space.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser