What is Tezos? Your Essential Guide

What is Tezos? Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform known for its on-chain governance and self-amendment capability, setting a new precedent in the digital ledger space.
March 29, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

What is Tezos

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

What is Tezos? Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform known for its on-chain governance and self-amendment capability, setting a new precedent in the digital ledger space. By emphasizing stakeholder empowerment and technological adaptability, Tezos allows for seamless network evolution without hard forks. This article delves into how Tezos works, its consensus model, and the real-world applications leveraging its technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Tezos is a decentralized blockchain platform prioritizing energy efficiency and security with a proof-of-stake model, supporting continuous innovation through regular protocol upgrades and the use of cryptographic encryption for user data security.
  • The platform features a unique on-chain governance system that allows stakeholders direct participation in decision-making and employs Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) to facilitate environmentally sustainable and flexible consensus without the need for forking.
  • Real-world applications of Tezos include digital collectibles and NFTs through partnerships with major brands, and its native cryptocurrency, XTZ, which offers multiple uses including transaction fees and governance, as well as passive income opportunities through staking and delegation.

The Essence of Tezos: A Comprehensive Overview

Tezos is not just a regular blockchain network. It’s a sophisticated and advanced platform, built to avoid common pitfalls seen in other crypto projects, and designed to evolve over time. At its core, Tezos is all about decentralization and automatic upgrades. The founder, Arthur Breitman, has always highlighted its superior speed, scalability, and robustness compared to its competitors.

The Tezos platform offers several key features for tezos users:

  • It operates on a proof-of-stake model, prioritizing energy efficiency and security, reinforcing Tezos’ commitment to decentralization.
  • User information on the Tezos network is protected through state-of-the-art cryptographic encryption, ensuring data security.
  • Regular protocol upgrades, such as the introduction of Private Smart Rollups, demonstrate Tezos’ capacity for innovation and continuous improvement, making tezos work effectively for its users.

Decentralization and Self-Governance

One of the standout features of Tezos is its unique on-chain governance system. This system allows users to participate directly in the platform’s decision-making process, ensuring that the network evolves in alignment with stakeholder interests. This governance model was designed to facilitate decentralized innovation by enabling network participants to vote on amendments, formalized through an election cycle consisting of four distinct voting periods.

Contributors to the Tezos ecosystem are incentivized for their efforts, with rewards distributed for accepted protocol amendments. Furthermore, Tezos employs an on-chain upgrade mechanism, eliminating the need for forks and enabling seamless implementation of new features within the blockchain.

Smart Contracts and Formal Verification

Tezos allows for the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications. These operate free from potential censorship and are unaffected by third-party interventions. But what sets Tezos apart is its use of formal verification. This mathematical approach confirms the correctness of smart contracts and greatly enhances their security by preventing costly errors.

To aid in formal verification, the Tezos protocol utilizes languages engineered for this purpose, heightening the safety and robustness of smart contracts being executed with XTZ transactions. This robustness and security are confirmed through mathematical proofs before the smart contracts are deployed.

The Birth and Evolution of Tezos

Tezos founders Arthur and Kathleen Breitman

Along with a group of core developers, Arthur and Kathleen Breitman created Tezos. Arthur invented the name "Tezos," and he also created a program to look for unclaimed websites with English names that were pronounceable. Arthur’s background in computer science, applied mathematics, and quantitative finance played a key role in shaping the development of Tezos.

After its founding, Tezos officially went live in 2018, marking the beginning of its journey in the blockchain space.

The Record-Breaking ICO

Tezos made a grand entrance into the world of cryptocurrencies with its tezos ico in July 2017. The ICO successfully raised $232 million, setting a new industry standard for blockchain projects. The funds were raised in both Bitcoin and Ethereum, showcasing investor confidence and the broad support for the Tezos blockchain platform.

Overcoming Challenges and Controversies

Like many startups, Tezos had its share of growing pains. The platform experienced infighting between its creators and the Tezos Foundation, impacting the development and progress of the platform. Post-ICO, Tezos faced controversies over spending decisions, resulting in class-action lawsuits alleging misrepresentation and violations of U.S. securities laws.

However, Tezos has shown resilience by overcoming these initial management and legal issues and regaining momentum.

The Inner Workings of Tezos: Liquid Proof of Stake

Tezos Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) consensus

At the heart of Tezos’ operation is its unique consensus algorithm, the Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS). This innovative variant of traditional consensus mechanisms is deeply integrated with the platform’s on-chain governance. Any stakeholder can participate in the network’s consensus by ‘baking’ their tokens to become a node or by delegating their tokens to another baker without owning a full node themselves.

Tezos’ LPoS offers the following benefits:

  • It does not enforce a fixed number of block producers, allowing for flexibility and security within the ecosystem.
  • Participants can freely delegate their tokens to any baker, without locking the tokens in place.
  • The LPoS mechanism is designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional proof-of-work systems, aligning with global efforts towards more environmentally sustainable blockchain operations.

Bakers and Delegates

Within the Tezos ecosystem, bakers play a pivotal role, functioning like miners or validators in other blockchain networks. However, they have added the responsibility of proposing changes and deciding the future of the network. Delegates, on the other hand, play a supportive role by transferring their baking rights to bakers. This enhances the bakers’ capacity to be chosen for block production and governance, and in return, they get a share of the baking rewards.

The network favors validators with a balanced share, discouraging centralization and promoting profitability by increasing chances of being chosen to bake blocks based on the number of ‘rolls’ or token holdings they possess. After a 35-day initial period, bakers start to receive rewards, with distributions every three days thereafter. A portion of these rewards can be shared with their delegates, incentivizing participation within the Tezos ecosystem.

Participating in Governance

Tezos’ governance process is a democratic one. Proposals within the Tezos network are submitted and voted on through a 4-phase cycle consisting of:

  1. Proposal submission
  2. Exploration vote
  3. Testing
  4. Final decision vote

Bakers in the Tezos network can submit proposals and may include an invoice to receive a reward if their proposal is implemented after passing all voting stages.

XTZ token holders play a key role in the governance of Tezos. By baking or delegating their tokens, they can vote on proposals during the election cycles. This democratic approach to governance has resulted in the successful implementation of 14 upgrades, emphasizing a strong culture of innovation within the Tezos community.

The Power of XTZ: Tezos' Native Cryptocurrency

Illustration of XTZ, Tezos' native cryptocurrency

XTZ, the native token of the Tezos blockchain, serves multiple purposes. It’s used for transaction fees, governance participation, and as a store of value. For transactions on the Tezos blockchain, such as purchasing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), XTZ is used to pay the necessary protocol fees. Holders of XTZ not only have governance rights but they also participate in the decision-making processes that govern the Tezos blockchain.

To mitigate the impacts of inflation on the token’s value, XTZ integrates burning mechanisms. This is a strategic move to maintain the token’s value despite its fully inflationary nature.

Staking and Passive Income Opportunities

In Tezos, token holders can earn passive income by staking their XTZ or delegating them to validators, known as bakers, who participate in the network consensus and earn rewards. When selecting a validator for staking, Tezos holders should consider various factors, such as:

  • The validator’s security
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Commission rates
  • Network share
  • The number of other users delegating to them

The final rewards for Tezos stakers can be impacted by the commission rates set by validators, as these fees are deducted from the staking income earned. Choosing validators that provide additional services such as taxation tools and explorers can offer long-term benefits for Tezos delegators, beyond mere staking rewards.

Market Dynamics and Tokenomics

XTZ has a fully inflationary model, with an annual inflation rate of 18%. This means that new XTZ tokens are continuously being created at this rate. Despite this, Tezos gains value from its native token XTZ and the usage of its platform for asset tokenization by companies.

This unique combination of features and its integration with real-world applications makes XTZ a promising asset within the crypto market.

Tezos in Action: Real-World Applications

Tezos real-world applications in various industries

Tezos is more than just a theoretical concept. It has real-world applications in various industries. Through partnerships with notable brands like Manchester United, MacLaren, RedBull Racing, and GAP, Tezos is being utilized for digital collectibles and NFTs. Moreover, companies like Securitize, Elevated Returns, BTG Pactual, and tZero have chosen Tezos to tokenize their assets, demonstrating enterprise confidence in Tezos’ blockchain technology. As a result, many investors are considering to buy tezos as a promising investment.

Beyond these partnerships, Tezos is home to a thriving DeFi ecosystem, with applications such as SpicySwap and Kolibri built on its platform. These applications utilize XTZ to enable secure and decentralized financial interactions. Tezos is also home to a thriving NFT art ecosystem and gaming applications, showcasing the platform’s capability to support creative industries and innovative gaming experiences.

Acquiring and Managing XTZ

Acquiring and managing XTZ is straightforward. Buying Tezos can be done through centralized and decentralized exchanges, such as:

Selling XTZ, also known as selling tezos, can be done on platforms like Kriptomat, and Trust Wallet also facilitates the conversion of XTZ to multiple fiat currencies.

To securely store XTZ, software wallets such as Trust Wallet are recommended. These wallets are free, user-friendly, and available on both smartphones and desktops. They provide added features like a security scanner, encrypted cloud backup, and allow users to retain full control over their private keys.

Tezos' Future Outlook and Investment Potential

The future of Tezos looks promising. Tezos differentiates itself with security token compliance, formal mathematical verification of smart contracts, and ease of network upgrades. By 2030, analysts anticipate a potential increase in Tezos' price due to its scalability and energy-efficient algorithm. Since its inception, the tezos xtz token has attracted significant exchange listings and investor interest.

Price predictions based on Tezos’ features suggest a possible high of $2.26 by 2024 and reaching between $6.01 to $8.12 by 2030. With its diverse developer ecosystem benefiting from a compensation structure that rewards contributions to protocol improvements, and partnerships with prominent businesses, Tezos has a promising future.

The Tezos Foundation’s efforts are anticipated to significantly influence future movements in the network’s value and its investment potential.


Tezos is a revolutionary blockchain platform, redefining the potential of decentralized applications and smart contracts. Its unique on-chain governance and liquid proof of stake consensus mechanism allow for unprecedented user participation and network evolution. With a record-breaking ICO and overcoming initial challenges, Tezos has proven its resilience and potential in the blockchain space.

Because of its distinctive features, partnerships, and ongoing innovation, Tezos' future appears promising. As we move towards a more decentralized and sustainable future, Tezos stands as a beacon of innovation and potential in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is xtz coin?

Tezos (XTZ) is an open-source blockchain platform for creating and hosting decentralized applications and assets. It is designed to be self-upgradable.

How much is one Tezos worth?

One Tezos is currently worth around $1.38, with a 24-hour trading volume of $150.73M and a market cap of $1.35B. The price has increased by 0.53% in the last 24 hours.

Is Tezos worth investing?

Considering Tezos' past performance and potential market downturns, it might not be the best investment option. Tezos had a successful year in 2021 but struggled in 2022, and it may continue to underperform.

Why is Tezos so popular?

Tezos is popular due to its adaptable on-chain governance model, high staking participation, and being an environmentally friendly blockchain with low transaction fees. These features make it a reliable platform for NFTs, dApps, and smart contracts.

What is Tezos used for?

Tezos is used for creating smart contracts and decentralized applications, facilitating formal verification for improved security and allowing stakeholders to propose and vote on changes, supporting applications like DeFi, NFTs, and crypto gaming.

What is Tezos? Your Essential Guide

HomeWhat is
What is Tezos

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

What is Tezos? Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform known for its on-chain governance and self-amendment capability, setting a new precedent in the digital ledger space. By emphasizing stakeholder empowerment and technological adaptability, Tezos allows for seamless network evolution without hard forks. This article delves into how Tezos works, its consensus model, and the real-world applications leveraging its technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Tezos is a decentralized blockchain platform prioritizing energy efficiency and security with a proof-of-stake model, supporting continuous innovation through regular protocol upgrades and the use of cryptographic encryption for user data security.
  • The platform features a unique on-chain governance system that allows stakeholders direct participation in decision-making and employs Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) to facilitate environmentally sustainable and flexible consensus without the need for forking.
  • Real-world applications of Tezos include digital collectibles and NFTs through partnerships with major brands, and its native cryptocurrency, XTZ, which offers multiple uses including transaction fees and governance, as well as passive income opportunities through staking and delegation.

The Essence of Tezos: A Comprehensive Overview

Tezos is not just a regular blockchain network. It’s a sophisticated and advanced platform, built to avoid common pitfalls seen in other crypto projects, and designed to evolve over time. At its core, Tezos is all about decentralization and automatic upgrades. The founder, Arthur Breitman, has always highlighted its superior speed, scalability, and robustness compared to its competitors.

The Tezos platform offers several key features for tezos users:

  • It operates on a proof-of-stake model, prioritizing energy efficiency and security, reinforcing Tezos’ commitment to decentralization.
  • User information on the Tezos network is protected through state-of-the-art cryptographic encryption, ensuring data security.
  • Regular protocol upgrades, such as the introduction of Private Smart Rollups, demonstrate Tezos’ capacity for innovation and continuous improvement, making tezos work effectively for its users.

Decentralization and Self-Governance

One of the standout features of Tezos is its unique on-chain governance system. This system allows users to participate directly in the platform’s decision-making process, ensuring that the network evolves in alignment with stakeholder interests. This governance model was designed to facilitate decentralized innovation by enabling network participants to vote on amendments, formalized through an election cycle consisting of four distinct voting periods.

Contributors to the Tezos ecosystem are incentivized for their efforts, with rewards distributed for accepted protocol amendments. Furthermore, Tezos employs an on-chain upgrade mechanism, eliminating the need for forks and enabling seamless implementation of new features within the blockchain.

Smart Contracts and Formal Verification

Tezos allows for the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications. These operate free from potential censorship and are unaffected by third-party interventions. But what sets Tezos apart is its use of formal verification. This mathematical approach confirms the correctness of smart contracts and greatly enhances their security by preventing costly errors.

To aid in formal verification, the Tezos protocol utilizes languages engineered for this purpose, heightening the safety and robustness of smart contracts being executed with XTZ transactions. This robustness and security are confirmed through mathematical proofs before the smart contracts are deployed.

The Birth and Evolution of Tezos

Tezos founders Arthur and Kathleen Breitman

Along with a group of core developers, Arthur and Kathleen Breitman created Tezos. Arthur invented the name "Tezos," and he also created a program to look for unclaimed websites with English names that were pronounceable. Arthur’s background in computer science, applied mathematics, and quantitative finance played a key role in shaping the development of Tezos.

After its founding, Tezos officially went live in 2018, marking the beginning of its journey in the blockchain space.

The Record-Breaking ICO

Tezos made a grand entrance into the world of cryptocurrencies with its tezos ico in July 2017. The ICO successfully raised $232 million, setting a new industry standard for blockchain projects. The funds were raised in both Bitcoin and Ethereum, showcasing investor confidence and the broad support for the Tezos blockchain platform.

Overcoming Challenges and Controversies

Like many startups, Tezos had its share of growing pains. The platform experienced infighting between its creators and the Tezos Foundation, impacting the development and progress of the platform. Post-ICO, Tezos faced controversies over spending decisions, resulting in class-action lawsuits alleging misrepresentation and violations of U.S. securities laws.

However, Tezos has shown resilience by overcoming these initial management and legal issues and regaining momentum.

The Inner Workings of Tezos: Liquid Proof of Stake

Tezos Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) consensus

At the heart of Tezos’ operation is its unique consensus algorithm, the Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS). This innovative variant of traditional consensus mechanisms is deeply integrated with the platform’s on-chain governance. Any stakeholder can participate in the network’s consensus by ‘baking’ their tokens to become a node or by delegating their tokens to another baker without owning a full node themselves.

Tezos’ LPoS offers the following benefits:

  • It does not enforce a fixed number of block producers, allowing for flexibility and security within the ecosystem.
  • Participants can freely delegate their tokens to any baker, without locking the tokens in place.
  • The LPoS mechanism is designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional proof-of-work systems, aligning with global efforts towards more environmentally sustainable blockchain operations.

Bakers and Delegates

Within the Tezos ecosystem, bakers play a pivotal role, functioning like miners or validators in other blockchain networks. However, they have added the responsibility of proposing changes and deciding the future of the network. Delegates, on the other hand, play a supportive role by transferring their baking rights to bakers. This enhances the bakers’ capacity to be chosen for block production and governance, and in return, they get a share of the baking rewards.

The network favors validators with a balanced share, discouraging centralization and promoting profitability by increasing chances of being chosen to bake blocks based on the number of ‘rolls’ or token holdings they possess. After a 35-day initial period, bakers start to receive rewards, with distributions every three days thereafter. A portion of these rewards can be shared with their delegates, incentivizing participation within the Tezos ecosystem.

Participating in Governance

Tezos’ governance process is a democratic one. Proposals within the Tezos network are submitted and voted on through a 4-phase cycle consisting of:

  1. Proposal submission
  2. Exploration vote
  3. Testing
  4. Final decision vote

Bakers in the Tezos network can submit proposals and may include an invoice to receive a reward if their proposal is implemented after passing all voting stages.

XTZ token holders play a key role in the governance of Tezos. By baking or delegating their tokens, they can vote on proposals during the election cycles. This democratic approach to governance has resulted in the successful implementation of 14 upgrades, emphasizing a strong culture of innovation within the Tezos community.

The Power of XTZ: Tezos' Native Cryptocurrency

Illustration of XTZ, Tezos' native cryptocurrency

XTZ, the native token of the Tezos blockchain, serves multiple purposes. It’s used for transaction fees, governance participation, and as a store of value. For transactions on the Tezos blockchain, such as purchasing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), XTZ is used to pay the necessary protocol fees. Holders of XTZ not only have governance rights but they also participate in the decision-making processes that govern the Tezos blockchain.

To mitigate the impacts of inflation on the token’s value, XTZ integrates burning mechanisms. This is a strategic move to maintain the token’s value despite its fully inflationary nature.

Staking and Passive Income Opportunities

In Tezos, token holders can earn passive income by staking their XTZ or delegating them to validators, known as bakers, who participate in the network consensus and earn rewards. When selecting a validator for staking, Tezos holders should consider various factors, such as:

  • The validator’s security
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Commission rates
  • Network share
  • The number of other users delegating to them

The final rewards for Tezos stakers can be impacted by the commission rates set by validators, as these fees are deducted from the staking income earned. Choosing validators that provide additional services such as taxation tools and explorers can offer long-term benefits for Tezos delegators, beyond mere staking rewards.

Market Dynamics and Tokenomics

XTZ has a fully inflationary model, with an annual inflation rate of 18%. This means that new XTZ tokens are continuously being created at this rate. Despite this, Tezos gains value from its native token XTZ and the usage of its platform for asset tokenization by companies.

This unique combination of features and its integration with real-world applications makes XTZ a promising asset within the crypto market.

Tezos in Action: Real-World Applications

Tezos real-world applications in various industries

Tezos is more than just a theoretical concept. It has real-world applications in various industries. Through partnerships with notable brands like Manchester United, MacLaren, RedBull Racing, and GAP, Tezos is being utilized for digital collectibles and NFTs. Moreover, companies like Securitize, Elevated Returns, BTG Pactual, and tZero have chosen Tezos to tokenize their assets, demonstrating enterprise confidence in Tezos’ blockchain technology. As a result, many investors are considering to buy tezos as a promising investment.

Beyond these partnerships, Tezos is home to a thriving DeFi ecosystem, with applications such as SpicySwap and Kolibri built on its platform. These applications utilize XTZ to enable secure and decentralized financial interactions. Tezos is also home to a thriving NFT art ecosystem and gaming applications, showcasing the platform’s capability to support creative industries and innovative gaming experiences.

Acquiring and Managing XTZ

Acquiring and managing XTZ is straightforward. Buying Tezos can be done through centralized and decentralized exchanges, such as:

Selling XTZ, also known as selling tezos, can be done on platforms like Kriptomat, and Trust Wallet also facilitates the conversion of XTZ to multiple fiat currencies.

To securely store XTZ, software wallets such as Trust Wallet are recommended. These wallets are free, user-friendly, and available on both smartphones and desktops. They provide added features like a security scanner, encrypted cloud backup, and allow users to retain full control over their private keys.

Tezos' Future Outlook and Investment Potential

The future of Tezos looks promising. Tezos differentiates itself with security token compliance, formal mathematical verification of smart contracts, and ease of network upgrades. By 2030, analysts anticipate a potential increase in Tezos' price due to its scalability and energy-efficient algorithm. Since its inception, the tezos xtz token has attracted significant exchange listings and investor interest.

Price predictions based on Tezos’ features suggest a possible high of $2.26 by 2024 and reaching between $6.01 to $8.12 by 2030. With its diverse developer ecosystem benefiting from a compensation structure that rewards contributions to protocol improvements, and partnerships with prominent businesses, Tezos has a promising future.

The Tezos Foundation’s efforts are anticipated to significantly influence future movements in the network’s value and its investment potential.


Tezos is a revolutionary blockchain platform, redefining the potential of decentralized applications and smart contracts. Its unique on-chain governance and liquid proof of stake consensus mechanism allow for unprecedented user participation and network evolution. With a record-breaking ICO and overcoming initial challenges, Tezos has proven its resilience and potential in the blockchain space.

Because of its distinctive features, partnerships, and ongoing innovation, Tezos' future appears promising. As we move towards a more decentralized and sustainable future, Tezos stands as a beacon of innovation and potential in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is xtz coin?

Tezos (XTZ) is an open-source blockchain platform for creating and hosting decentralized applications and assets. It is designed to be self-upgradable.

How much is one Tezos worth?

One Tezos is currently worth around $1.38, with a 24-hour trading volume of $150.73M and a market cap of $1.35B. The price has increased by 0.53% in the last 24 hours.

Is Tezos worth investing?

Considering Tezos' past performance and potential market downturns, it might not be the best investment option. Tezos had a successful year in 2021 but struggled in 2022, and it may continue to underperform.

Why is Tezos so popular?

Tezos is popular due to its adaptable on-chain governance model, high staking participation, and being an environmentally friendly blockchain with low transaction fees. These features make it a reliable platform for NFTs, dApps, and smart contracts.

What is Tezos used for?

Tezos is used for creating smart contracts and decentralized applications, facilitating formal verification for improved security and allowing stakeholders to propose and vote on changes, supporting applications like DeFi, NFTs, and crypto gaming.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

What is Tezos? Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform known for its on-chain governance and self-amendment capability, setting a new precedent in the digital ledger space. By emphasizing stakeholder empowerment and technological adaptability, Tezos allows for seamless network evolution without hard forks. This article delves into how Tezos works, its consensus model, and the real-world applications leveraging its technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Tezos is a decentralized blockchain platform prioritizing energy efficiency and security with a proof-of-stake model, supporting continuous innovation through regular protocol upgrades and the use of cryptographic encryption for user data security.
  • The platform features a unique on-chain governance system that allows stakeholders direct participation in decision-making and employs Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) to facilitate environmentally sustainable and flexible consensus without the need for forking.
  • Real-world applications of Tezos include digital collectibles and NFTs through partnerships with major brands, and its native cryptocurrency, XTZ, which offers multiple uses including transaction fees and governance, as well as passive income opportunities through staking and delegation.

The Essence of Tezos: A Comprehensive Overview

Tezos is not just a regular blockchain network. It’s a sophisticated and advanced platform, built to avoid common pitfalls seen in other crypto projects, and designed to evolve over time. At its core, Tezos is all about decentralization and automatic upgrades. The founder, Arthur Breitman, has always highlighted its superior speed, scalability, and robustness compared to its competitors.

The Tezos platform offers several key features for tezos users:

  • It operates on a proof-of-stake model, prioritizing energy efficiency and security, reinforcing Tezos’ commitment to decentralization.
  • User information on the Tezos network is protected through state-of-the-art cryptographic encryption, ensuring data security.
  • Regular protocol upgrades, such as the introduction of Private Smart Rollups, demonstrate Tezos’ capacity for innovation and continuous improvement, making tezos work effectively for its users.

Decentralization and Self-Governance

One of the standout features of Tezos is its unique on-chain governance system. This system allows users to participate directly in the platform’s decision-making process, ensuring that the network evolves in alignment with stakeholder interests. This governance model was designed to facilitate decentralized innovation by enabling network participants to vote on amendments, formalized through an election cycle consisting of four distinct voting periods.

Contributors to the Tezos ecosystem are incentivized for their efforts, with rewards distributed for accepted protocol amendments. Furthermore, Tezos employs an on-chain upgrade mechanism, eliminating the need for forks and enabling seamless implementation of new features within the blockchain.

Smart Contracts and Formal Verification

Tezos allows for the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications. These operate free from potential censorship and are unaffected by third-party interventions. But what sets Tezos apart is its use of formal verification. This mathematical approach confirms the correctness of smart contracts and greatly enhances their security by preventing costly errors.

To aid in formal verification, the Tezos protocol utilizes languages engineered for this purpose, heightening the safety and robustness of smart contracts being executed with XTZ transactions. This robustness and security are confirmed through mathematical proofs before the smart contracts are deployed.

The Birth and Evolution of Tezos

Tezos founders Arthur and Kathleen Breitman

Along with a group of core developers, Arthur and Kathleen Breitman created Tezos. Arthur invented the name "Tezos," and he also created a program to look for unclaimed websites with English names that were pronounceable. Arthur’s background in computer science, applied mathematics, and quantitative finance played a key role in shaping the development of Tezos.

After its founding, Tezos officially went live in 2018, marking the beginning of its journey in the blockchain space.

The Record-Breaking ICO

Tezos made a grand entrance into the world of cryptocurrencies with its tezos ico in July 2017. The ICO successfully raised $232 million, setting a new industry standard for blockchain projects. The funds were raised in both Bitcoin and Ethereum, showcasing investor confidence and the broad support for the Tezos blockchain platform.

Overcoming Challenges and Controversies

Like many startups, Tezos had its share of growing pains. The platform experienced infighting between its creators and the Tezos Foundation, impacting the development and progress of the platform. Post-ICO, Tezos faced controversies over spending decisions, resulting in class-action lawsuits alleging misrepresentation and violations of U.S. securities laws.

However, Tezos has shown resilience by overcoming these initial management and legal issues and regaining momentum.

The Inner Workings of Tezos: Liquid Proof of Stake

Tezos Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) consensus

At the heart of Tezos’ operation is its unique consensus algorithm, the Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS). This innovative variant of traditional consensus mechanisms is deeply integrated with the platform’s on-chain governance. Any stakeholder can participate in the network’s consensus by ‘baking’ their tokens to become a node or by delegating their tokens to another baker without owning a full node themselves.

Tezos’ LPoS offers the following benefits:

  • It does not enforce a fixed number of block producers, allowing for flexibility and security within the ecosystem.
  • Participants can freely delegate their tokens to any baker, without locking the tokens in place.
  • The LPoS mechanism is designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional proof-of-work systems, aligning with global efforts towards more environmentally sustainable blockchain operations.

Bakers and Delegates

Within the Tezos ecosystem, bakers play a pivotal role, functioning like miners or validators in other blockchain networks. However, they have added the responsibility of proposing changes and deciding the future of the network. Delegates, on the other hand, play a supportive role by transferring their baking rights to bakers. This enhances the bakers’ capacity to be chosen for block production and governance, and in return, they get a share of the baking rewards.

The network favors validators with a balanced share, discouraging centralization and promoting profitability by increasing chances of being chosen to bake blocks based on the number of ‘rolls’ or token holdings they possess. After a 35-day initial period, bakers start to receive rewards, with distributions every three days thereafter. A portion of these rewards can be shared with their delegates, incentivizing participation within the Tezos ecosystem.

Participating in Governance

Tezos’ governance process is a democratic one. Proposals within the Tezos network are submitted and voted on through a 4-phase cycle consisting of:

  1. Proposal submission
  2. Exploration vote
  3. Testing
  4. Final decision vote

Bakers in the Tezos network can submit proposals and may include an invoice to receive a reward if their proposal is implemented after passing all voting stages.

XTZ token holders play a key role in the governance of Tezos. By baking or delegating their tokens, they can vote on proposals during the election cycles. This democratic approach to governance has resulted in the successful implementation of 14 upgrades, emphasizing a strong culture of innovation within the Tezos community.

The Power of XTZ: Tezos' Native Cryptocurrency

Illustration of XTZ, Tezos' native cryptocurrency

XTZ, the native token of the Tezos blockchain, serves multiple purposes. It’s used for transaction fees, governance participation, and as a store of value. For transactions on the Tezos blockchain, such as purchasing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), XTZ is used to pay the necessary protocol fees. Holders of XTZ not only have governance rights but they also participate in the decision-making processes that govern the Tezos blockchain.

To mitigate the impacts of inflation on the token’s value, XTZ integrates burning mechanisms. This is a strategic move to maintain the token’s value despite its fully inflationary nature.

Staking and Passive Income Opportunities

In Tezos, token holders can earn passive income by staking their XTZ or delegating them to validators, known as bakers, who participate in the network consensus and earn rewards. When selecting a validator for staking, Tezos holders should consider various factors, such as:

  • The validator’s security
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Commission rates
  • Network share
  • The number of other users delegating to them

The final rewards for Tezos stakers can be impacted by the commission rates set by validators, as these fees are deducted from the staking income earned. Choosing validators that provide additional services such as taxation tools and explorers can offer long-term benefits for Tezos delegators, beyond mere staking rewards.

Market Dynamics and Tokenomics

XTZ has a fully inflationary model, with an annual inflation rate of 18%. This means that new XTZ tokens are continuously being created at this rate. Despite this, Tezos gains value from its native token XTZ and the usage of its platform for asset tokenization by companies.

This unique combination of features and its integration with real-world applications makes XTZ a promising asset within the crypto market.

Tezos in Action: Real-World Applications

Tezos real-world applications in various industries

Tezos is more than just a theoretical concept. It has real-world applications in various industries. Through partnerships with notable brands like Manchester United, MacLaren, RedBull Racing, and GAP, Tezos is being utilized for digital collectibles and NFTs. Moreover, companies like Securitize, Elevated Returns, BTG Pactual, and tZero have chosen Tezos to tokenize their assets, demonstrating enterprise confidence in Tezos’ blockchain technology. As a result, many investors are considering to buy tezos as a promising investment.

Beyond these partnerships, Tezos is home to a thriving DeFi ecosystem, with applications such as SpicySwap and Kolibri built on its platform. These applications utilize XTZ to enable secure and decentralized financial interactions. Tezos is also home to a thriving NFT art ecosystem and gaming applications, showcasing the platform’s capability to support creative industries and innovative gaming experiences.

Acquiring and Managing XTZ

Acquiring and managing XTZ is straightforward. Buying Tezos can be done through centralized and decentralized exchanges, such as:

Selling XTZ, also known as selling tezos, can be done on platforms like Kriptomat, and Trust Wallet also facilitates the conversion of XTZ to multiple fiat currencies.

To securely store XTZ, software wallets such as Trust Wallet are recommended. These wallets are free, user-friendly, and available on both smartphones and desktops. They provide added features like a security scanner, encrypted cloud backup, and allow users to retain full control over their private keys.

Tezos' Future Outlook and Investment Potential

The future of Tezos looks promising. Tezos differentiates itself with security token compliance, formal mathematical verification of smart contracts, and ease of network upgrades. By 2030, analysts anticipate a potential increase in Tezos' price due to its scalability and energy-efficient algorithm. Since its inception, the tezos xtz token has attracted significant exchange listings and investor interest.

Price predictions based on Tezos’ features suggest a possible high of $2.26 by 2024 and reaching between $6.01 to $8.12 by 2030. With its diverse developer ecosystem benefiting from a compensation structure that rewards contributions to protocol improvements, and partnerships with prominent businesses, Tezos has a promising future.

The Tezos Foundation’s efforts are anticipated to significantly influence future movements in the network’s value and its investment potential.


Tezos is a revolutionary blockchain platform, redefining the potential of decentralized applications and smart contracts. Its unique on-chain governance and liquid proof of stake consensus mechanism allow for unprecedented user participation and network evolution. With a record-breaking ICO and overcoming initial challenges, Tezos has proven its resilience and potential in the blockchain space.

Because of its distinctive features, partnerships, and ongoing innovation, Tezos' future appears promising. As we move towards a more decentralized and sustainable future, Tezos stands as a beacon of innovation and potential in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is xtz coin?

Tezos (XTZ) is an open-source blockchain platform for creating and hosting decentralized applications and assets. It is designed to be self-upgradable.

How much is one Tezos worth?

One Tezos is currently worth around $1.38, with a 24-hour trading volume of $150.73M and a market cap of $1.35B. The price has increased by 0.53% in the last 24 hours.

Is Tezos worth investing?

Considering Tezos' past performance and potential market downturns, it might not be the best investment option. Tezos had a successful year in 2021 but struggled in 2022, and it may continue to underperform.

Why is Tezos so popular?

Tezos is popular due to its adaptable on-chain governance model, high staking participation, and being an environmentally friendly blockchain with low transaction fees. These features make it a reliable platform for NFTs, dApps, and smart contracts.

What is Tezos used for?

Tezos is used for creating smart contracts and decentralized applications, facilitating formal verification for improved security and allowing stakeholders to propose and vote on changes, supporting applications like DeFi, NFTs, and crypto gaming.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser