What is NEAR Protocol? Your Essential Guide

If you’re asking, ‘What is NEAR Protocol?’, think of it as a ground-breaking platform that aims to streamline the world of blockchain and dApps.
March 29, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

If you’re asking, ‘What is NEAR Protocol?’, think of it as a ground-breaking platform that aims to streamline the world of blockchain and dApps. With a focus on speed, efficiency, and simplicity, the NEAR Protocol stands out as an evolving force in the blockchain universe. This article will guide you through the basics and benefits of the NEAR Protocol, how it differentiates itself with distinctive technological advancements like sharding, and a glimpse into its dynamic ecosystem—all articulated without technical overload.

Key Takeaways

  • NEAR Protocol is a decentralized platform designed to enhance usability and scalability for decentralized applications through a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and unique sharding technology called Nightshade, offering an optimized environment for both developers and users.
  • The NEAR Protocol ecosystem supports a user-friendly experience with features such as human-readable account names, and facilitates an array of projects and use cases, including DeFi, NFTs, and AI. Key developments cater to developer ease with modular components and plans for cross-platform interoperability.
  • The NEAR Protocol places strong emphasis on community-driven governance and transparent decision-making, with the NEAR token enabling stakeholders to partake in on-chain governance and contribute to network operations, highlighting a sustainable economic model with a unique burning mechanism.

Understanding NEAR Protocol: The Basics

NEAR Protocol, a decentralized platform, has risen as a powerful player in the blockchain arena, merging smart-contract capabilities, scalability, and a usability-first philosophy. Offering scalable solutions through sharding technology and a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, the NEAR Protocol is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with blockchain and protocol technology.

The NEAR token, the lifeblood of the NEAR Protocol, is a multifunctional asset used for:

  • Transaction fees
  • Data storage collateral
  • Rewarding stakeholders
  • Participating in on-chain governance

With a unique burning mechanism, where 70% of transaction fees are burned, NEAR Protocol ensures a sustainable economic model that reduces the overall circulating supply of NEAR tokens.

Purpose of NEAR Protocol

NEAR Protocol has been designed to rival smart contract-enabled blockchains such as Ethereum, EOS, and Polkadot, with the goal of offering a strong base for decentralized applications. By focusing on enhancing usability, NEAR Protocol is challenging the status quo and creating a seamless experience for developers building decentralized applications and for users interacting with them.

NEAR Protocol works to eliminate challenges like onboarding complexities for new users, while also offering compatibility solutions for developers, NEAR Protocol is making a significant impact in the blockchain space. As a high-performance blockchain, it offers an optimized environment for building and deploying efficient decentralized applications, contributing to its scalability and speed.

Core Technology: Sharding and PoS

A groundbreaking sharding solution that fragments the network into shards forms the crux of the NEAR Protocol’s technology, facilitating parallel computation and scaling the network’s capacity as nodes increase. The protocol’s Nightshade sharding mechanism dynamically distributes validators across all shards, enhancing security and reducing computational load by resolving issues like application concentration on single shards.

NEAR Protocol’s Proof-of-Stake system operates on the principle of nodes staking NEAR tokens to attain the status of validators, selected through a dynamic auction process every epoch. From validating transaction ‘chunks’ for shards to producing blocks and processing transactions, validators perform varied roles. Fishermen nodes keep a watch for malicious behavior, with penalties established to deter wrongdoing, reinforcing the secure and trusted nature of the protocol.

Key Features of NEAR Protocol

Beyond being merely a blockchain platform, NEAR Protocol serves as a user-centric ecosystem, boasting unique features that boost user experience and developer accessibility. Offering human-readable account names and modular components for development, the NEAR Protocol is paving the way for a new era of blockchain technology.

The platform is designed to allow users, including those from Web 2.0 backgrounds, to quickly and easily engage with the ecosystem, potentially lowering the entry barrier for adoption. To support developer needs and increase accessibility, NEAR Protocol is working with the Polygon team to develop zero-knowledge proofs for WebAssembly smart contracts, known as zkWASM, allowing developers to focus on just the code.

Moreover, plans are underway to integrate with Ethereum wallets like MetaMask, enhancing cross-platform interoperability on the crypto platform.

Human-Readable Account Names

In an innovative step towards increasing the platform’s usability and user-friendliness, NEAR Protocol has incorporated human-readable account names as a fundamental feature. By replacing complex traditional public key hashes with human-readable account IDs, the NEAR Protocol has improved the ease of remembering and managing digital assets.

These human-readable account names reduce the complexity and potential for errors during transactions, making the platform more approachable for everyday users. This approach also enables a quick setup for users coming from Web 2.0 or traditional crypto environments, further broadening the platform’s accessibility.

Modular Components for Development

Providing modular components like pre-built building blocks for integration, and customization options such as contract name alterations and royalty settings, NEAR Protocol caters to the evolving needs of developers, along with economic incentives for developers like contract rewards. The platform supports Rust and AssemblyScript for smart contract development and offers development tools like SDKs, a custom Gitpod IDE, and command-line tools.

Furthermore, with NEAR's Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) support, Ethereum applications can be deployed using familiar tools like Truffle and Web3.js, as demonstrated in NEAR’s EVM GitHub repository. This level of support and flexibility makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.

NEAR Protocol Ecosystem: Projects and Use Cases

Illustration of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem showcasing projects like Ref Finance, NearPay, CoinPipe, and NearZombies, demonstrating the platform's diversity and use cases.

Hosting a diverse assortment of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), tools, and applications across sectors such as:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Gaming
  • Decentralized data storage

The NEAR Protocol ecosystem is a lively, expanding community. From leading DeFi platforms like Ref Finance to payment solutions like NearPay and CoinPipe, NEAR Protocol’s ecosystem is bustling with innovative projects and use cases.

One such innovative educational project on the NEAR Protocol is NearZombies, which merges learning with interactive NFT gaming, offering coding tasks to educate users about the network. As we explore further, let’s delve into some more specific projects that have leveraged the power of the NEAR Protocol.


Mintbase, a platform for creating and selling NFTs, has moved from Ethereum to the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of lower gas fees and improved scalability. This move signifies the growing recognition of the NEAR Protocol’s capabilities and its potential to host complex projects in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

The transition from Mintbase to the NEAR Protocol marks a significant milestone in the growth of the NEAR ecosystem. It validates NEAR’s promise of delivering a more scalable and user-friendly platform for developers and businesses, and sets the stage for more Ethereum projects to consider NEAR as a viable alternative.

Paras and NPunks

Paras is an online marketplace built on the NEAR Protocol that allows creators and collectors to issue and trade digital card collectibles. With low transaction fees, Paras facilitates affordable trading and minting of digital cards, making it a go-to platform for creators and collectors alike.

On the other hand, NPunks, NEAR Protocol’s analog to CryptoPunks, offers a collection of 10,000 uniquely generated characters. Each NPunk is non-fungible and distinct, with its own set of visual features and attributes. The NPunks project has cultivated a dedicated following and community within the NEAR ecosystem and has become a hallmark of NEAR’s capability to host and facilitate complex NFT projects.

Governance and Community Involvement in NEAR Protocol

Designed to encourage speedy protocol enhancement, stimulate community-driven creativity, and ensure efficient execution and decision-making within the network, NEAR Protocol’s governance system also guarantees fair representation and network consensus. The NEAR Foundation board chooses the Reference Maintainer, who is responsible for carrying out technical upgrades to the NEAR Protocol network, including protocol maintenance.

Community-elected representatives oversee the Reference Maintainer, ensuring community input in the protocol’s evolution. Also, NEAR token holders have the ability to partake in on-chain decision-making processes or delegate their voting rights to validators, promoting a decentralized governance structure.

NEAR Foundation

The NEAR Foundation Council serves as a governing body similar to a board of directors, making critical decisions and providing oversight. Practicing prudent treasury management, the NEAR Foundation holds fiat reserves in AAA-rated Swiss bank accounts, limiting non-NEAR asset exposure, and employing proactive risk management to protect its funds.

To commit to transparency, the NEAR Foundation publishes quarterly progress reports, detailing the status of its treasury and updates within the ecosystem.

The NEAR Foundation is instrumental in maintaining the protocol by ensuring effective treasury utilization, reinvestment within the ecosystem, and planning for eventual community-led treasury management.

Token Holder Participation

NEAR token holders contribute to the platform’s governance through staking tokens, signifying their commitment and accountability in maintaining the network’s integrity. The NEAR Foundation facilitates community involvement in governance, with initiatives like the NEAR Digital Collective (NDC) enabling collective decision-making.

The NEAR Community Treasury is managed to fund community-driven projects, ensuring a decentralized approach to the platform’s progression. Token holders not engaged in validation can impact the ecosystem by providing liquidity or using applications, thus influencing the network’s functionality.

NEAR tokens, serving as a native token, are indispensable for network operations such as transaction processing and data storage, acting as a foundational utility token for the protocol.

Acquiring and Storing NEAR Tokens

Photo of NEAR tokens being acquired on popular exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Bybit, showcasing the accessibility and availability of the tokens.

NEAR tokens, being the vital force of the NEAR Protocol, are widely traded on numerous renowned cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, indicating their escalating adoption. For storing NEAR tokens, users can choose between cold wallets for larger, long-term holdings and hot wallets for smaller, short-term holdings.

The non-custodial NEAR Wallet provides users with:

  • A secure way to manage their tokens without an intermediary
  • A straightforward process for acquiring and storing NEAR tokens
  • The ability to become a part of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem with ease

Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the blockchain world, the NEAR Wallet is designed to make token management simple and secure.

Buying NEAR Tokens

You can purchase NEAR tokens on the following prominent exchanges:

These exchanges provide a range of platforms catering to different user preferences, including the NEAR-crypto platform. Additionally, the Coinbase platform offers an intuitive step-by-step process to buy NEAR tokens, adding convenience and accessibility to the purchase experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a beginner in the crypto world, the availability of NEAR tokens on these exchanges provides a seamless and secure way to buy NEAR tokens. With various secure payment methods, such as bank accounts, debit cards, and wire transfers, acquiring NEAR tokens is a breeze.

Storing NEAR Tokens

For daily use and transactions, software wallets offer convenience for near-token storage, while hardware wallets are more secure for long-term storage. The native NEAR web wallet is user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and enables direct staking. Other hot wallets like Trust Wallet, NEAR Mobile, and HERE Wallet cater to mobile users, with some offering unique services such as non-blocking staking and buying NEAR without KYC.

For enhanced security, NEAR token holders can utilize the following:

  • Hardware wallets that enable asset management and token staking on the NEAR network, such as those that Ledger Live supports
  • Multi-signature wallets for added security
  • Non-custodial wallets, such as MyNearWallet, ensure ownership control and transaction authorization via multiple private keys.

The Future of Near Protocol: Developments and Innovations

Illustration of the future developments of Near Protocol, including Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding, stateless validation, zero-knowledge proofs, and improved user experiences during network congestion.

Looking forward, NEAR Protocol’s future holds a plethora of promising advancements and innovations. Some of these include:

  • Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding
  • Stateless validation
  • Zero-knowledge proofs
  • Improved user experiences as network congestion increases

These advancements will further solidify Near Protocol’s position in the blockchain industry.

Account aggregation features will enable users to manage multiple accounts across different chains with a single Near account. Near Protocol is working on enhancing data availability by implementing KZG commitments, which will facilitate real-time bridging and Ethereum data verification. In pursuit of mainstream Open Web adoption, Near Protocol anticipates key updates and advancements to be announced at the Near Protocol X Spaces event in 2024.

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge is a protocol facilitating the transfer of assets between the NEAR and Ethereum blockchains. The asset types that can be moved using Rainbow Bridge include ERC-20 tokens and, through Aurora, other Ethereum-compatible assets.

Transfers of assets between NEAR and Aurora are completed instantaneously with only one transaction, while transferring from Ethereum to NEAR or Aurora takes around 10 minutes. Rainbow Bridge currently supports ERC-721 tokens like those from Mintbase on Ethereum and has the potential to facilitate transfers of NEAR NFTs (NEP-171) to the Ethereum blockchain in the future.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Support

Aurora, an Ethereum Virtual Machine tailored for the NEAR platform, empowers developers to formulate and implement smart contracts using Solidity. Through familiar interfaces and automatic translation of RPC calls and objects, NearProvider, a unique web3 provider, enables seamless interaction with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Developers have the ability to deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of NEAR’s enhanced performance and user experience. This level of support and interoperability makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.


As we come to the end of our journey through the Near Protocol world, we can see how cutting-edge technology, user-centric design, and a thriving ecosystem of various projects and applications have changed the landscape. The platform’s unique features, such as human-readable account names and modular components for development, coupled with its robust governance model, make the Near Protocol a game-changer in the blockchain industry.

As the future of the NEAR Protocol unfolds, we can expect a wave of advancements and developments that will further solidify its position as a leading blockchain platform. With its commitment to enhancing usability, scalability, and cross-chain interoperability, the NEAR Protocol is indeed shaping the future of decentralized applications and the blockchain ecosystem at large.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is NEAR better than Solana?

In terms of speed, Solana is faster than NEAR, processing as many as 65,000 TPS compared to NEAR's 10,000 TPS. (No date)

Is NEAR Protocol layer 1?

Yes, NEAR Protocol is a layer-1 blockchain designed for general purposes, featuring a distinct scaling solution known as Nightshade, making it a significant player in the blockchain landscape.

Why is the NEAR Protocol so good?

NEAR Protocol is considered good for its sharding technology, which allows for greater transaction capacity and security, attracting users and developers for its efficiency and scalability. It has achieved 100% uptime and onboarded 35 million accounts since its mainnet launch in October 2020.

What is the NEAR Protocol used for?

The NEAR Protocol is used as a platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps), similar to Ethereum. Its native token, NEAR, is utilized for paying fees for transactions, running applications, and storing data.

What are the key features of the NEAR Protocol?

Near Protocol's key features include human-readable account names for intuitive asset management and modular components for easy application development. These features make it user-friendly and accessible for developers.

What is NEAR Protocol? Your Essential Guide

HomeWhat is

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

If you’re asking, ‘What is NEAR Protocol?’, think of it as a ground-breaking platform that aims to streamline the world of blockchain and dApps. With a focus on speed, efficiency, and simplicity, the NEAR Protocol stands out as an evolving force in the blockchain universe. This article will guide you through the basics and benefits of the NEAR Protocol, how it differentiates itself with distinctive technological advancements like sharding, and a glimpse into its dynamic ecosystem—all articulated without technical overload.

Key Takeaways

  • NEAR Protocol is a decentralized platform designed to enhance usability and scalability for decentralized applications through a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and unique sharding technology called Nightshade, offering an optimized environment for both developers and users.
  • The NEAR Protocol ecosystem supports a user-friendly experience with features such as human-readable account names, and facilitates an array of projects and use cases, including DeFi, NFTs, and AI. Key developments cater to developer ease with modular components and plans for cross-platform interoperability.
  • The NEAR Protocol places strong emphasis on community-driven governance and transparent decision-making, with the NEAR token enabling stakeholders to partake in on-chain governance and contribute to network operations, highlighting a sustainable economic model with a unique burning mechanism.

Understanding NEAR Protocol: The Basics

NEAR Protocol, a decentralized platform, has risen as a powerful player in the blockchain arena, merging smart-contract capabilities, scalability, and a usability-first philosophy. Offering scalable solutions through sharding technology and a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, the NEAR Protocol is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with blockchain and protocol technology.

The NEAR token, the lifeblood of the NEAR Protocol, is a multifunctional asset used for:

  • Transaction fees
  • Data storage collateral
  • Rewarding stakeholders
  • Participating in on-chain governance

With a unique burning mechanism, where 70% of transaction fees are burned, NEAR Protocol ensures a sustainable economic model that reduces the overall circulating supply of NEAR tokens.

Purpose of NEAR Protocol

NEAR Protocol has been designed to rival smart contract-enabled blockchains such as Ethereum, EOS, and Polkadot, with the goal of offering a strong base for decentralized applications. By focusing on enhancing usability, NEAR Protocol is challenging the status quo and creating a seamless experience for developers building decentralized applications and for users interacting with them.

NEAR Protocol works to eliminate challenges like onboarding complexities for new users, while also offering compatibility solutions for developers, NEAR Protocol is making a significant impact in the blockchain space. As a high-performance blockchain, it offers an optimized environment for building and deploying efficient decentralized applications, contributing to its scalability and speed.

Core Technology: Sharding and PoS

A groundbreaking sharding solution that fragments the network into shards forms the crux of the NEAR Protocol’s technology, facilitating parallel computation and scaling the network’s capacity as nodes increase. The protocol’s Nightshade sharding mechanism dynamically distributes validators across all shards, enhancing security and reducing computational load by resolving issues like application concentration on single shards.

NEAR Protocol’s Proof-of-Stake system operates on the principle of nodes staking NEAR tokens to attain the status of validators, selected through a dynamic auction process every epoch. From validating transaction ‘chunks’ for shards to producing blocks and processing transactions, validators perform varied roles. Fishermen nodes keep a watch for malicious behavior, with penalties established to deter wrongdoing, reinforcing the secure and trusted nature of the protocol.

Key Features of NEAR Protocol

Beyond being merely a blockchain platform, NEAR Protocol serves as a user-centric ecosystem, boasting unique features that boost user experience and developer accessibility. Offering human-readable account names and modular components for development, the NEAR Protocol is paving the way for a new era of blockchain technology.

The platform is designed to allow users, including those from Web 2.0 backgrounds, to quickly and easily engage with the ecosystem, potentially lowering the entry barrier for adoption. To support developer needs and increase accessibility, NEAR Protocol is working with the Polygon team to develop zero-knowledge proofs for WebAssembly smart contracts, known as zkWASM, allowing developers to focus on just the code.

Moreover, plans are underway to integrate with Ethereum wallets like MetaMask, enhancing cross-platform interoperability on the crypto platform.

Human-Readable Account Names

In an innovative step towards increasing the platform’s usability and user-friendliness, NEAR Protocol has incorporated human-readable account names as a fundamental feature. By replacing complex traditional public key hashes with human-readable account IDs, the NEAR Protocol has improved the ease of remembering and managing digital assets.

These human-readable account names reduce the complexity and potential for errors during transactions, making the platform more approachable for everyday users. This approach also enables a quick setup for users coming from Web 2.0 or traditional crypto environments, further broadening the platform’s accessibility.

Modular Components for Development

Providing modular components like pre-built building blocks for integration, and customization options such as contract name alterations and royalty settings, NEAR Protocol caters to the evolving needs of developers, along with economic incentives for developers like contract rewards. The platform supports Rust and AssemblyScript for smart contract development and offers development tools like SDKs, a custom Gitpod IDE, and command-line tools.

Furthermore, with NEAR's Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) support, Ethereum applications can be deployed using familiar tools like Truffle and Web3.js, as demonstrated in NEAR’s EVM GitHub repository. This level of support and flexibility makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.

NEAR Protocol Ecosystem: Projects and Use Cases

Illustration of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem showcasing projects like Ref Finance, NearPay, CoinPipe, and NearZombies, demonstrating the platform's diversity and use cases.

Hosting a diverse assortment of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), tools, and applications across sectors such as:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Gaming
  • Decentralized data storage

The NEAR Protocol ecosystem is a lively, expanding community. From leading DeFi platforms like Ref Finance to payment solutions like NearPay and CoinPipe, NEAR Protocol’s ecosystem is bustling with innovative projects and use cases.

One such innovative educational project on the NEAR Protocol is NearZombies, which merges learning with interactive NFT gaming, offering coding tasks to educate users about the network. As we explore further, let’s delve into some more specific projects that have leveraged the power of the NEAR Protocol.


Mintbase, a platform for creating and selling NFTs, has moved from Ethereum to the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of lower gas fees and improved scalability. This move signifies the growing recognition of the NEAR Protocol’s capabilities and its potential to host complex projects in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

The transition from Mintbase to the NEAR Protocol marks a significant milestone in the growth of the NEAR ecosystem. It validates NEAR’s promise of delivering a more scalable and user-friendly platform for developers and businesses, and sets the stage for more Ethereum projects to consider NEAR as a viable alternative.

Paras and NPunks

Paras is an online marketplace built on the NEAR Protocol that allows creators and collectors to issue and trade digital card collectibles. With low transaction fees, Paras facilitates affordable trading and minting of digital cards, making it a go-to platform for creators and collectors alike.

On the other hand, NPunks, NEAR Protocol’s analog to CryptoPunks, offers a collection of 10,000 uniquely generated characters. Each NPunk is non-fungible and distinct, with its own set of visual features and attributes. The NPunks project has cultivated a dedicated following and community within the NEAR ecosystem and has become a hallmark of NEAR’s capability to host and facilitate complex NFT projects.

Governance and Community Involvement in NEAR Protocol

Designed to encourage speedy protocol enhancement, stimulate community-driven creativity, and ensure efficient execution and decision-making within the network, NEAR Protocol’s governance system also guarantees fair representation and network consensus. The NEAR Foundation board chooses the Reference Maintainer, who is responsible for carrying out technical upgrades to the NEAR Protocol network, including protocol maintenance.

Community-elected representatives oversee the Reference Maintainer, ensuring community input in the protocol’s evolution. Also, NEAR token holders have the ability to partake in on-chain decision-making processes or delegate their voting rights to validators, promoting a decentralized governance structure.

NEAR Foundation

The NEAR Foundation Council serves as a governing body similar to a board of directors, making critical decisions and providing oversight. Practicing prudent treasury management, the NEAR Foundation holds fiat reserves in AAA-rated Swiss bank accounts, limiting non-NEAR asset exposure, and employing proactive risk management to protect its funds.

To commit to transparency, the NEAR Foundation publishes quarterly progress reports, detailing the status of its treasury and updates within the ecosystem.

The NEAR Foundation is instrumental in maintaining the protocol by ensuring effective treasury utilization, reinvestment within the ecosystem, and planning for eventual community-led treasury management.

Token Holder Participation

NEAR token holders contribute to the platform’s governance through staking tokens, signifying their commitment and accountability in maintaining the network’s integrity. The NEAR Foundation facilitates community involvement in governance, with initiatives like the NEAR Digital Collective (NDC) enabling collective decision-making.

The NEAR Community Treasury is managed to fund community-driven projects, ensuring a decentralized approach to the platform’s progression. Token holders not engaged in validation can impact the ecosystem by providing liquidity or using applications, thus influencing the network’s functionality.

NEAR tokens, serving as a native token, are indispensable for network operations such as transaction processing and data storage, acting as a foundational utility token for the protocol.

Acquiring and Storing NEAR Tokens

Photo of NEAR tokens being acquired on popular exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Bybit, showcasing the accessibility and availability of the tokens.

NEAR tokens, being the vital force of the NEAR Protocol, are widely traded on numerous renowned cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, indicating their escalating adoption. For storing NEAR tokens, users can choose between cold wallets for larger, long-term holdings and hot wallets for smaller, short-term holdings.

The non-custodial NEAR Wallet provides users with:

  • A secure way to manage their tokens without an intermediary
  • A straightforward process for acquiring and storing NEAR tokens
  • The ability to become a part of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem with ease

Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the blockchain world, the NEAR Wallet is designed to make token management simple and secure.

Buying NEAR Tokens

You can purchase NEAR tokens on the following prominent exchanges:

These exchanges provide a range of platforms catering to different user preferences, including the NEAR-crypto platform. Additionally, the Coinbase platform offers an intuitive step-by-step process to buy NEAR tokens, adding convenience and accessibility to the purchase experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a beginner in the crypto world, the availability of NEAR tokens on these exchanges provides a seamless and secure way to buy NEAR tokens. With various secure payment methods, such as bank accounts, debit cards, and wire transfers, acquiring NEAR tokens is a breeze.

Storing NEAR Tokens

For daily use and transactions, software wallets offer convenience for near-token storage, while hardware wallets are more secure for long-term storage. The native NEAR web wallet is user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and enables direct staking. Other hot wallets like Trust Wallet, NEAR Mobile, and HERE Wallet cater to mobile users, with some offering unique services such as non-blocking staking and buying NEAR without KYC.

For enhanced security, NEAR token holders can utilize the following:

  • Hardware wallets that enable asset management and token staking on the NEAR network, such as those that Ledger Live supports
  • Multi-signature wallets for added security
  • Non-custodial wallets, such as MyNearWallet, ensure ownership control and transaction authorization via multiple private keys.

The Future of Near Protocol: Developments and Innovations

Illustration of the future developments of Near Protocol, including Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding, stateless validation, zero-knowledge proofs, and improved user experiences during network congestion.

Looking forward, NEAR Protocol’s future holds a plethora of promising advancements and innovations. Some of these include:

  • Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding
  • Stateless validation
  • Zero-knowledge proofs
  • Improved user experiences as network congestion increases

These advancements will further solidify Near Protocol’s position in the blockchain industry.

Account aggregation features will enable users to manage multiple accounts across different chains with a single Near account. Near Protocol is working on enhancing data availability by implementing KZG commitments, which will facilitate real-time bridging and Ethereum data verification. In pursuit of mainstream Open Web adoption, Near Protocol anticipates key updates and advancements to be announced at the Near Protocol X Spaces event in 2024.

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge is a protocol facilitating the transfer of assets between the NEAR and Ethereum blockchains. The asset types that can be moved using Rainbow Bridge include ERC-20 tokens and, through Aurora, other Ethereum-compatible assets.

Transfers of assets between NEAR and Aurora are completed instantaneously with only one transaction, while transferring from Ethereum to NEAR or Aurora takes around 10 minutes. Rainbow Bridge currently supports ERC-721 tokens like those from Mintbase on Ethereum and has the potential to facilitate transfers of NEAR NFTs (NEP-171) to the Ethereum blockchain in the future.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Support

Aurora, an Ethereum Virtual Machine tailored for the NEAR platform, empowers developers to formulate and implement smart contracts using Solidity. Through familiar interfaces and automatic translation of RPC calls and objects, NearProvider, a unique web3 provider, enables seamless interaction with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Developers have the ability to deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of NEAR’s enhanced performance and user experience. This level of support and interoperability makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.


As we come to the end of our journey through the Near Protocol world, we can see how cutting-edge technology, user-centric design, and a thriving ecosystem of various projects and applications have changed the landscape. The platform’s unique features, such as human-readable account names and modular components for development, coupled with its robust governance model, make the Near Protocol a game-changer in the blockchain industry.

As the future of the NEAR Protocol unfolds, we can expect a wave of advancements and developments that will further solidify its position as a leading blockchain platform. With its commitment to enhancing usability, scalability, and cross-chain interoperability, the NEAR Protocol is indeed shaping the future of decentralized applications and the blockchain ecosystem at large.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is NEAR better than Solana?

In terms of speed, Solana is faster than NEAR, processing as many as 65,000 TPS compared to NEAR's 10,000 TPS. (No date)

Is NEAR Protocol layer 1?

Yes, NEAR Protocol is a layer-1 blockchain designed for general purposes, featuring a distinct scaling solution known as Nightshade, making it a significant player in the blockchain landscape.

Why is the NEAR Protocol so good?

NEAR Protocol is considered good for its sharding technology, which allows for greater transaction capacity and security, attracting users and developers for its efficiency and scalability. It has achieved 100% uptime and onboarded 35 million accounts since its mainnet launch in October 2020.

What is the NEAR Protocol used for?

The NEAR Protocol is used as a platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps), similar to Ethereum. Its native token, NEAR, is utilized for paying fees for transactions, running applications, and storing data.

What are the key features of the NEAR Protocol?

Near Protocol's key features include human-readable account names for intuitive asset management and modular components for easy application development. These features make it user-friendly and accessible for developers.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

If you’re asking, ‘What is NEAR Protocol?’, think of it as a ground-breaking platform that aims to streamline the world of blockchain and dApps. With a focus on speed, efficiency, and simplicity, the NEAR Protocol stands out as an evolving force in the blockchain universe. This article will guide you through the basics and benefits of the NEAR Protocol, how it differentiates itself with distinctive technological advancements like sharding, and a glimpse into its dynamic ecosystem—all articulated without technical overload.

Key Takeaways

  • NEAR Protocol is a decentralized platform designed to enhance usability and scalability for decentralized applications through a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and unique sharding technology called Nightshade, offering an optimized environment for both developers and users.
  • The NEAR Protocol ecosystem supports a user-friendly experience with features such as human-readable account names, and facilitates an array of projects and use cases, including DeFi, NFTs, and AI. Key developments cater to developer ease with modular components and plans for cross-platform interoperability.
  • The NEAR Protocol places strong emphasis on community-driven governance and transparent decision-making, with the NEAR token enabling stakeholders to partake in on-chain governance and contribute to network operations, highlighting a sustainable economic model with a unique burning mechanism.

Understanding NEAR Protocol: The Basics

NEAR Protocol, a decentralized platform, has risen as a powerful player in the blockchain arena, merging smart-contract capabilities, scalability, and a usability-first philosophy. Offering scalable solutions through sharding technology and a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, the NEAR Protocol is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with blockchain and protocol technology.

The NEAR token, the lifeblood of the NEAR Protocol, is a multifunctional asset used for:

  • Transaction fees
  • Data storage collateral
  • Rewarding stakeholders
  • Participating in on-chain governance

With a unique burning mechanism, where 70% of transaction fees are burned, NEAR Protocol ensures a sustainable economic model that reduces the overall circulating supply of NEAR tokens.

Purpose of NEAR Protocol

NEAR Protocol has been designed to rival smart contract-enabled blockchains such as Ethereum, EOS, and Polkadot, with the goal of offering a strong base for decentralized applications. By focusing on enhancing usability, NEAR Protocol is challenging the status quo and creating a seamless experience for developers building decentralized applications and for users interacting with them.

NEAR Protocol works to eliminate challenges like onboarding complexities for new users, while also offering compatibility solutions for developers, NEAR Protocol is making a significant impact in the blockchain space. As a high-performance blockchain, it offers an optimized environment for building and deploying efficient decentralized applications, contributing to its scalability and speed.

Core Technology: Sharding and PoS

A groundbreaking sharding solution that fragments the network into shards forms the crux of the NEAR Protocol’s technology, facilitating parallel computation and scaling the network’s capacity as nodes increase. The protocol’s Nightshade sharding mechanism dynamically distributes validators across all shards, enhancing security and reducing computational load by resolving issues like application concentration on single shards.

NEAR Protocol’s Proof-of-Stake system operates on the principle of nodes staking NEAR tokens to attain the status of validators, selected through a dynamic auction process every epoch. From validating transaction ‘chunks’ for shards to producing blocks and processing transactions, validators perform varied roles. Fishermen nodes keep a watch for malicious behavior, with penalties established to deter wrongdoing, reinforcing the secure and trusted nature of the protocol.

Key Features of NEAR Protocol

Beyond being merely a blockchain platform, NEAR Protocol serves as a user-centric ecosystem, boasting unique features that boost user experience and developer accessibility. Offering human-readable account names and modular components for development, the NEAR Protocol is paving the way for a new era of blockchain technology.

The platform is designed to allow users, including those from Web 2.0 backgrounds, to quickly and easily engage with the ecosystem, potentially lowering the entry barrier for adoption. To support developer needs and increase accessibility, NEAR Protocol is working with the Polygon team to develop zero-knowledge proofs for WebAssembly smart contracts, known as zkWASM, allowing developers to focus on just the code.

Moreover, plans are underway to integrate with Ethereum wallets like MetaMask, enhancing cross-platform interoperability on the crypto platform.

Human-Readable Account Names

In an innovative step towards increasing the platform’s usability and user-friendliness, NEAR Protocol has incorporated human-readable account names as a fundamental feature. By replacing complex traditional public key hashes with human-readable account IDs, the NEAR Protocol has improved the ease of remembering and managing digital assets.

These human-readable account names reduce the complexity and potential for errors during transactions, making the platform more approachable for everyday users. This approach also enables a quick setup for users coming from Web 2.0 or traditional crypto environments, further broadening the platform’s accessibility.

Modular Components for Development

Providing modular components like pre-built building blocks for integration, and customization options such as contract name alterations and royalty settings, NEAR Protocol caters to the evolving needs of developers, along with economic incentives for developers like contract rewards. The platform supports Rust and AssemblyScript for smart contract development and offers development tools like SDKs, a custom Gitpod IDE, and command-line tools.

Furthermore, with NEAR's Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) support, Ethereum applications can be deployed using familiar tools like Truffle and Web3.js, as demonstrated in NEAR’s EVM GitHub repository. This level of support and flexibility makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.

NEAR Protocol Ecosystem: Projects and Use Cases

Illustration of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem showcasing projects like Ref Finance, NearPay, CoinPipe, and NearZombies, demonstrating the platform's diversity and use cases.

Hosting a diverse assortment of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), tools, and applications across sectors such as:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Gaming
  • Decentralized data storage

The NEAR Protocol ecosystem is a lively, expanding community. From leading DeFi platforms like Ref Finance to payment solutions like NearPay and CoinPipe, NEAR Protocol’s ecosystem is bustling with innovative projects and use cases.

One such innovative educational project on the NEAR Protocol is NearZombies, which merges learning with interactive NFT gaming, offering coding tasks to educate users about the network. As we explore further, let’s delve into some more specific projects that have leveraged the power of the NEAR Protocol.


Mintbase, a platform for creating and selling NFTs, has moved from Ethereum to the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of lower gas fees and improved scalability. This move signifies the growing recognition of the NEAR Protocol’s capabilities and its potential to host complex projects in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

The transition from Mintbase to the NEAR Protocol marks a significant milestone in the growth of the NEAR ecosystem. It validates NEAR’s promise of delivering a more scalable and user-friendly platform for developers and businesses, and sets the stage for more Ethereum projects to consider NEAR as a viable alternative.

Paras and NPunks

Paras is an online marketplace built on the NEAR Protocol that allows creators and collectors to issue and trade digital card collectibles. With low transaction fees, Paras facilitates affordable trading and minting of digital cards, making it a go-to platform for creators and collectors alike.

On the other hand, NPunks, NEAR Protocol’s analog to CryptoPunks, offers a collection of 10,000 uniquely generated characters. Each NPunk is non-fungible and distinct, with its own set of visual features and attributes. The NPunks project has cultivated a dedicated following and community within the NEAR ecosystem and has become a hallmark of NEAR’s capability to host and facilitate complex NFT projects.

Governance and Community Involvement in NEAR Protocol

Designed to encourage speedy protocol enhancement, stimulate community-driven creativity, and ensure efficient execution and decision-making within the network, NEAR Protocol’s governance system also guarantees fair representation and network consensus. The NEAR Foundation board chooses the Reference Maintainer, who is responsible for carrying out technical upgrades to the NEAR Protocol network, including protocol maintenance.

Community-elected representatives oversee the Reference Maintainer, ensuring community input in the protocol’s evolution. Also, NEAR token holders have the ability to partake in on-chain decision-making processes or delegate their voting rights to validators, promoting a decentralized governance structure.

NEAR Foundation

The NEAR Foundation Council serves as a governing body similar to a board of directors, making critical decisions and providing oversight. Practicing prudent treasury management, the NEAR Foundation holds fiat reserves in AAA-rated Swiss bank accounts, limiting non-NEAR asset exposure, and employing proactive risk management to protect its funds.

To commit to transparency, the NEAR Foundation publishes quarterly progress reports, detailing the status of its treasury and updates within the ecosystem.

The NEAR Foundation is instrumental in maintaining the protocol by ensuring effective treasury utilization, reinvestment within the ecosystem, and planning for eventual community-led treasury management.

Token Holder Participation

NEAR token holders contribute to the platform’s governance through staking tokens, signifying their commitment and accountability in maintaining the network’s integrity. The NEAR Foundation facilitates community involvement in governance, with initiatives like the NEAR Digital Collective (NDC) enabling collective decision-making.

The NEAR Community Treasury is managed to fund community-driven projects, ensuring a decentralized approach to the platform’s progression. Token holders not engaged in validation can impact the ecosystem by providing liquidity or using applications, thus influencing the network’s functionality.

NEAR tokens, serving as a native token, are indispensable for network operations such as transaction processing and data storage, acting as a foundational utility token for the protocol.

Acquiring and Storing NEAR Tokens

Photo of NEAR tokens being acquired on popular exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Bybit, showcasing the accessibility and availability of the tokens.

NEAR tokens, being the vital force of the NEAR Protocol, are widely traded on numerous renowned cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, indicating their escalating adoption. For storing NEAR tokens, users can choose between cold wallets for larger, long-term holdings and hot wallets for smaller, short-term holdings.

The non-custodial NEAR Wallet provides users with:

  • A secure way to manage their tokens without an intermediary
  • A straightforward process for acquiring and storing NEAR tokens
  • The ability to become a part of the NEAR Protocol ecosystem with ease

Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the blockchain world, the NEAR Wallet is designed to make token management simple and secure.

Buying NEAR Tokens

You can purchase NEAR tokens on the following prominent exchanges:

These exchanges provide a range of platforms catering to different user preferences, including the NEAR-crypto platform. Additionally, the Coinbase platform offers an intuitive step-by-step process to buy NEAR tokens, adding convenience and accessibility to the purchase experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a beginner in the crypto world, the availability of NEAR tokens on these exchanges provides a seamless and secure way to buy NEAR tokens. With various secure payment methods, such as bank accounts, debit cards, and wire transfers, acquiring NEAR tokens is a breeze.

Storing NEAR Tokens

For daily use and transactions, software wallets offer convenience for near-token storage, while hardware wallets are more secure for long-term storage. The native NEAR web wallet is user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and enables direct staking. Other hot wallets like Trust Wallet, NEAR Mobile, and HERE Wallet cater to mobile users, with some offering unique services such as non-blocking staking and buying NEAR without KYC.

For enhanced security, NEAR token holders can utilize the following:

  • Hardware wallets that enable asset management and token staking on the NEAR network, such as those that Ledger Live supports
  • Multi-signature wallets for added security
  • Non-custodial wallets, such as MyNearWallet, ensure ownership control and transaction authorization via multiple private keys.

The Future of Near Protocol: Developments and Innovations

Illustration of the future developments of Near Protocol, including Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding, stateless validation, zero-knowledge proofs, and improved user experiences during network congestion.

Looking forward, NEAR Protocol’s future holds a plethora of promising advancements and innovations. Some of these include:

  • Phase 2 of Nightshade Sharding
  • Stateless validation
  • Zero-knowledge proofs
  • Improved user experiences as network congestion increases

These advancements will further solidify Near Protocol’s position in the blockchain industry.

Account aggregation features will enable users to manage multiple accounts across different chains with a single Near account. Near Protocol is working on enhancing data availability by implementing KZG commitments, which will facilitate real-time bridging and Ethereum data verification. In pursuit of mainstream Open Web adoption, Near Protocol anticipates key updates and advancements to be announced at the Near Protocol X Spaces event in 2024.

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge is a protocol facilitating the transfer of assets between the NEAR and Ethereum blockchains. The asset types that can be moved using Rainbow Bridge include ERC-20 tokens and, through Aurora, other Ethereum-compatible assets.

Transfers of assets between NEAR and Aurora are completed instantaneously with only one transaction, while transferring from Ethereum to NEAR or Aurora takes around 10 minutes. Rainbow Bridge currently supports ERC-721 tokens like those from Mintbase on Ethereum and has the potential to facilitate transfers of NEAR NFTs (NEP-171) to the Ethereum blockchain in the future.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Support

Aurora, an Ethereum Virtual Machine tailored for the NEAR platform, empowers developers to formulate and implement smart contracts using Solidity. Through familiar interfaces and automatic translation of RPC calls and objects, NearProvider, a unique web3 provider, enables seamless interaction with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Developers have the ability to deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on the NEAR Protocol, taking advantage of NEAR’s enhanced performance and user experience. This level of support and interoperability makes the NEAR Protocol a preferred choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications.


As we come to the end of our journey through the Near Protocol world, we can see how cutting-edge technology, user-centric design, and a thriving ecosystem of various projects and applications have changed the landscape. The platform’s unique features, such as human-readable account names and modular components for development, coupled with its robust governance model, make the Near Protocol a game-changer in the blockchain industry.

As the future of the NEAR Protocol unfolds, we can expect a wave of advancements and developments that will further solidify its position as a leading blockchain platform. With its commitment to enhancing usability, scalability, and cross-chain interoperability, the NEAR Protocol is indeed shaping the future of decentralized applications and the blockchain ecosystem at large.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is NEAR better than Solana?

In terms of speed, Solana is faster than NEAR, processing as many as 65,000 TPS compared to NEAR's 10,000 TPS. (No date)

Is NEAR Protocol layer 1?

Yes, NEAR Protocol is a layer-1 blockchain designed for general purposes, featuring a distinct scaling solution known as Nightshade, making it a significant player in the blockchain landscape.

Why is the NEAR Protocol so good?

NEAR Protocol is considered good for its sharding technology, which allows for greater transaction capacity and security, attracting users and developers for its efficiency and scalability. It has achieved 100% uptime and onboarded 35 million accounts since its mainnet launch in October 2020.

What is the NEAR Protocol used for?

The NEAR Protocol is used as a platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps), similar to Ethereum. Its native token, NEAR, is utilized for paying fees for transactions, running applications, and storing data.

What are the key features of the NEAR Protocol?

Near Protocol's key features include human-readable account names for intuitive asset management and modular components for easy application development. These features make it user-friendly and accessible for developers.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser