What is Lido DAO? A Comprehensive Breakdown

Lido DAO streamlines Ethereum staking by offering a liquid staking solution that keeps users’ funds liquid and accessible, while also involving them in network governance through its LDO token.
March 29, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Lido DAO streamlines Ethereum staking by offering a liquid staking solution that keeps users’ funds liquid and accessible, while also involving them in network governance through its LDO token. This brief guide dives into the essentials of “what is Lido DAO”, its significant role within Ethereum’s staking landscape, and how the LDO token functions within its ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Lido DAO provides a liquid staking protocol for Ethereum, replacing traditional locked staking with a system that issues stETH tokens, allowing users liquidity and earning potential without sacrificing asset utility.
  • The LDO token underpins the Lido ecosystem, functioning beyond governance to incentivize maintenance of network security and effectiveness, with its strategic distribution vital to network integrity.
  • Even though Lido DAO and its staking solutions have grown quickly and have a lot of market influence, they come with risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities and decentralization debates. This is happening at a time when Ethereum Shanghai is becoming more useful and people are looking forward to it.

Unveiling Lido DAO: The Basics

Illustration of decentralized organization

Lido DAO emerged with the dual mission of simplifying secure staking within the Ethereum network while preserving Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship. It’s a platform that is bigger than the sum of its parts. The Lido ecosystem is a complex yet harmonious blend of Lido staking apps, the Lido DAO itself, and the lido dao token (LDO), which are the mainstays of the platform’s operations. With the introduction of lido ldo, the platform has further strengthened its position in the market, attracting numerous lido users.

Every component within the Lido ecosystem holds significant importance. The Lido ecosystem consists of:

  • Staking apps that simplify the staking process for users
  • A DAO that ensures the decentralized governance of the platform
  • The LDO token, which serves as the lifeblood of the ecosystem, represents voting power and providing incentives for network participants

Together, these elements form the heart of Lido DAO, driving its operations and shaping its unique identity within the Ethereum network.

The Genesis and Growth of Lido DAO

Photo of Lido DAO growth chart

Lido DAO, launched in October 2020, sought to combat the inefficiencies of existing ETH staking solutions, with the objective to simplify, decentralize and democratize staking. The formal launch of the Lido DAO platform in December 2020 coincided with the release of Ethereum 2.0’s Beacon Chain. This strategic timing, coupled with the backing of an experienced initial team that included figures like Jordan Fish and Kasper Rasmussen, who raised $2 million to develop the Lido protocol, fueled Lido DAO’s rapid growth.

Since its creation, Lido DAO has demonstrated an impressive path of growth. With a notable majority market share of staked Ether and a total value locked of $5.9 billion, Lido DAO has grown to become the largest DeFi protocol. This significant market influence and potential for future growth underscore Lido DAO’s position as a leading player in the DeFi space.

The Mechanics of Lido's Liquid Staking Protocol

Illustration of liquid staking process

A pivotal factor in Lido DAO’s success is its groundbreaking liquid staking protocol, a novel approach to staking. In traditional staking, assets are locked up and cannot be used until they are un-staked. Lido DAO, however, provides a liquid staking solution that mitigates these lock-up requirements by issuing stETH tokens, which represent staked ETH on the Ethereum blockchain. By offering liquid staking services, Lido DAO enables users to maintain liquidity while still participating in the staking process.

This revolutionary approach allows users to maintain instant liquidity and control over their investments. Instead of locking tokens, users can freely swap StTokens for other digital assets. The freedom to redeem their underlying ETH at any point by burning their stETH and the ability to integrate staked assets with other DeFi protocols make Lido’s liquid staking an attractive option for many users.

The Role of Staked Tokens

In the Lido ecosystem, staked tokens hold a central role. Lido DAO issues tokenized versions of staked funds, known as stAssets, to users to enable them to earn rewards. These tokens, like stETH, act as liquid proxies for the underlying assets, thus maintaining liquidity by being usable in various on-chain activities.

Upon staking, users receive tokens such as stETH which can be burned for withdrawing the equivalent ETH and can earn staking rewards on the Ethereum blockchain. These staked tokens are integrated into various networks for enhanced liquidity and DeFi ecosystem interoperability, making them a flexible and convenient tool for users.

Node Operators and Security

Node operators are the key determinants of Lido network’s operation and security. Lido selects node operators based on their proven track record of staking assets, requiring only a single asset deposit in the protocol’s contract to enhance capital efficiency. This approach ensures the selection of experienced and reliable node operators, which is crucial for the security and operation of the network.

The staked assets in Lido’s network are spread across multiple validators to mitigate the risk of a single point of failure. Node operators validate transactions using a public key but cannot access the users’ funds, which are secured in a smart contract. This decentralized structure and diversified operator set reduce potential downtime or censorship while preserving network performance.

LDO Token: More Than Just a Governance Tool

Photo of LDO token and governance

The Lido DAO Token LDO lies at the core of Lido’s operations. It serves as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing its holders with voting rights and the power to influence the organization’s direction. Token holders use LDO to manage key operational decisions, such as setting service fees and determining the node operators active within the Lido staking infrastructure.

But the LDO token is more than just a governance tool. A specific allocation of LDO tokens is designated for validators and signature holders, providing incentives for maintaining the security and operational efficacy of the network. This strategic distribution of tokens ensures the commitment of network participants to the integrity of the network, making the LDO token a crucial component of the Lido ecosystem.

Voting Power and Decisions

Lido DAO’s governance utilizes a democratic process, distributing voting power in proportion to a stakeholder’s LDO token holdings. This structure gives stakeholders influence over decisions based on the quantity of their token holdings, ensuring a fair and balanced decision-making process.

The governance of Lido DAO proceeds through a structure that includes the Lido DAO Research Forum, Snapshot Voting with a minimum quorum required, and on-chain voting through AragonOS when necessary. For various advocacy levels, Lido DAO incorporates an ‘Easy Track’ mechanism for routine decisions and an ‘Emergency Track’ capable of expediting urgent matters through a hastened process. This thorough and flexible governance structure reflects Lido DAO’s commitment to active community engagement and democratic decision-making.

Lido DAO Treasury and Ecosystem Grants

The Lido DAO treasury is integral to the operation and expansion of the platform. The treasury received the majority of LDO tokens during allocation to fund Lido’s operations, holding 36.32% of all LDO tokens. This allocation ensures the financial stability of Lido DAO, allowing it to sustain its operations and fund future growth.

In addition to the treasury, Lido DAO has an arm known as LEGO that uses LDO tokens to fund development efforts. LEGO grants are classified into four categories, each with different funding levels, targeting projects that positively impact the Lido ecosystem or the broader blockchain space. These grants reflect Lido DAO’s commitment to innovation and growth, fostering the development of projects that drive the progress of the Lido ecosystem and the wider blockchain community.

Purchasing LDO Tokens: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you wish to join the Lido DAO community, the process of purchasing LDO tokens is quite straightforward. On platforms like Gemini, the process begins with creating an account and completing identity verification. Once your identity is verified, you can link a funding source to your Gemini account using various methods, including wire and bank transfers, ACH transfers, Apple Pay and Google Pay, debit card purchases, or crypto transfers.

Once your account is set up and funded, you can buy LDO tokens either as a one-time purchase or by setting up a recurring buy schedule. During the purchase process, specify the amount of LDO tokens you wish to buy, choose your payment method, and review the transaction details before confirmation. Apart from Gemini, LDO tokens are also available on other cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bitstamp.

Lido Across Blockchain Networks

The services of Lido DAO are not confined to the Ethereum network. The platform supports liquid staking solutions on a range of other Proof of Stake blockchains including Solana and Terra. This multi-chain approach allows Lido to serve a broader range of users and offers them the benefits of its liquid staking solution on their preferred blockchain networks.

Through integration with various Layer 2 solutions and the use of token and bridging contracts, Lido enables staking of assets like MATIC on Ethereum and the exchange for staking pool representations like stMATIC. This cross-chain functionality enhances liquidity and interoperability, making Lido DAO a versatile platform for users across different blockchain networks.

Ethereum and Beacon Chain Integration

Lido’s relationship with the Ethereum network surpasses mere support for ETH staking. The platform interacts directly with Ethereum’s Beacon Chain, where the consensus of validators takes place. Lido’s stETH tokens mirror the economics of Ether staking on the network, representing the aggregated value of all Ether staked through the Lido platform.

However, it’s important to note that the Ethereum Beacon Chain is a relatively novel structure in its early stages and harbors potential technical risks that could impact stakeholders, including those participating via Lido. Lido aims to mitigate these risks through its decentralized structure, continuous upgrades, and proactive risk management strategies.

Expansion to Solana and Terra

Beyond Ethereum, Lido extended its staking solutions to accommodate Solana and Terra. This expansion allowed users to stake their SOL and LUNA tokens in exchange for staked SOL (stSOL) and staked LUNA (stLUNA) tokens, which could be utilized or traded across various DeFi protocols.

However, it’s worth noting that Lido’s journey with Solana and Terra has had its ups and downs. The Terra blockchain staking through Lido was discontinued in August 2022, following the dramatic collapse of Terra earlier in May 2022. Similarly, in October 2023, the Lido DAO community rejected a proposal to continue funding development on Solana, leading to the decision to initiate off-boarding Solana node operators and discontinue accepting new staking deposits.

Risks and Considerations in Liquid Staking with Lido

As with any cutting-edge technology, liquid staking with Lido carries its unique set of risks and considerations. While Lido’s decentralized structure and audited smart contracts aim to mitigate these risks, potential security threats and technical issues can still pose risks to users’ staked assets.

Moreover, as Lido accounts for a considerable share of all staked Ethereum, it has sparked debates within the decentralized finance community over risks to decentralization. It’s important for potential stakers to be aware of these debates and considerations when participating in liquid staking with Lido.

Smart Contract and Technical Vulnerabilities

Lido’s operations are underpinned by smart contracts that have undergone stringent audits by esteemed firms like Sigma Prime, Quantstamp, and MixBytes. These audits are a proactive measure to safeguard the Lido V2 upgrade and identify potential security issues.

Despite these extensive audits and the resolution of many bugs, there remain some acknowledged but unresolved issues. This highlights the perpetual existence of risks in smart contract-based operations and underscores the importance of ongoing risk management in complex smart contract systems.

Centralization Debates and DAO Dynamics

The decentralized structure of Lido DAO is calibrated to alleviate centralization risks by precluding any single entity or group from gaining dominance. However, the platform has faced debates over risks to decentralization. A specific instance raising centralization worries involved a failed proposal for Lido DAO to sell LDO tokens to a venture capital company.

But despite these debates, ensuring ongoing decentralization remains a key component of Lido DAO’s internal dynamics and governance philosophy. This commitment to decentralization is fundamental to Lido’s mission to maintain Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship.

The Future Outlook for Lido DAO

Illustration of future outlook for Lido DAO

The prospects for Lido DAO look promising in the future. Here are some reasons why:

  • The upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is expected to enable withdrawals from Ethereum staking contracts, which will likely increase the number of users staking their ETH with liquid staking protocols like Lido DAO.
  • Lido DAO offers a high annual yield, making it an attractive option for stakers.
  • Lido DAO has a significant market share and a competitive market capitalization to Staked Ether ratio.
  • These factors position Lido DAO to benefit from the growth opportunities presented by the Shanghai upgrade.

In preparation for the Shanghai upgrade, Lido DAO launched Lido V2, which introduced the following changes:

  • A new dashboard for stETH to ETH exchanges
  • Architectural changes to Lido’s operator registry
  • The Staking Router, a major protocol upgrade designed to create a more inclusive validator ecosystem and enhance transparency

The anticipation of these upgrades, and the strength of liquid staking protocols like Lido as Ethereum transitions to PoS, has contributed to an increase in both Lido’s total value locked and the price of its governance token, LDO.


To sum up, Lido DAO is a unique platform that offers a simplified and secure way to stake ETH. Its innovative liquid staking protocol, coupled with its LDO token, has made it a leading player in the DeFi space. Lido DAO has shown remarkable growth since its launch and continues to develop with promising upgrades and expansions. However, like any platform operating in the DeFi space, it comes with its own set of risks and considerations. As we look to the future, with the upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade and the continuous advancements in Lido’s technology, it’s safe to say that Lido DAO is poised for exciting growth and developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Lido do?

Lido is a multi-platform staking solution that allows users to access the benefits of staking their crypto without fully locking their tokens. It enables users to participate in the consensus process and continue adding blocks to the blockchain by locking their digital assets through staking.

Is Lido DAO safe?

Yes, Lido DAO is considered safe, and the protocol has assured the safety of Lido DAO (LDO) and staked-ETH (stETH) tokens despite potential security issues.

Is Lido DAO a good investment?

Based on historical data, investing in the Lido DAO token has been profitable, with a 45.45% increase in the last year and a 398.14% increase in the last 3 years. Consider this information before making a decision.

What is Lido DAO used for?

Lido DAO provides a liquid staking solution for Ethereum 2.0 and other Proof-of-Stake platforms, using blockchain-based governance. The Lido DAO's ERC-20 governance token is used to reward users and activities within the DAO.

What is the role of the LDO token?

The LDO token plays a key role as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing holders with voting rights and influencing the organization's direction, as well as managing operational decisions and incentivizing validators and signature holders.

What is Lido DAO? A Comprehensive Breakdown

HomeWhat is

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Lido DAO streamlines Ethereum staking by offering a liquid staking solution that keeps users’ funds liquid and accessible, while also involving them in network governance through its LDO token. This brief guide dives into the essentials of “what is Lido DAO”, its significant role within Ethereum’s staking landscape, and how the LDO token functions within its ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Lido DAO provides a liquid staking protocol for Ethereum, replacing traditional locked staking with a system that issues stETH tokens, allowing users liquidity and earning potential without sacrificing asset utility.
  • The LDO token underpins the Lido ecosystem, functioning beyond governance to incentivize maintenance of network security and effectiveness, with its strategic distribution vital to network integrity.
  • Even though Lido DAO and its staking solutions have grown quickly and have a lot of market influence, they come with risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities and decentralization debates. This is happening at a time when Ethereum Shanghai is becoming more useful and people are looking forward to it.

Unveiling Lido DAO: The Basics

Illustration of decentralized organization

Lido DAO emerged with the dual mission of simplifying secure staking within the Ethereum network while preserving Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship. It’s a platform that is bigger than the sum of its parts. The Lido ecosystem is a complex yet harmonious blend of Lido staking apps, the Lido DAO itself, and the lido dao token (LDO), which are the mainstays of the platform’s operations. With the introduction of lido ldo, the platform has further strengthened its position in the market, attracting numerous lido users.

Every component within the Lido ecosystem holds significant importance. The Lido ecosystem consists of:

  • Staking apps that simplify the staking process for users
  • A DAO that ensures the decentralized governance of the platform
  • The LDO token, which serves as the lifeblood of the ecosystem, represents voting power and providing incentives for network participants

Together, these elements form the heart of Lido DAO, driving its operations and shaping its unique identity within the Ethereum network.

The Genesis and Growth of Lido DAO

Photo of Lido DAO growth chart

Lido DAO, launched in October 2020, sought to combat the inefficiencies of existing ETH staking solutions, with the objective to simplify, decentralize and democratize staking. The formal launch of the Lido DAO platform in December 2020 coincided with the release of Ethereum 2.0’s Beacon Chain. This strategic timing, coupled with the backing of an experienced initial team that included figures like Jordan Fish and Kasper Rasmussen, who raised $2 million to develop the Lido protocol, fueled Lido DAO’s rapid growth.

Since its creation, Lido DAO has demonstrated an impressive path of growth. With a notable majority market share of staked Ether and a total value locked of $5.9 billion, Lido DAO has grown to become the largest DeFi protocol. This significant market influence and potential for future growth underscore Lido DAO’s position as a leading player in the DeFi space.

The Mechanics of Lido's Liquid Staking Protocol

Illustration of liquid staking process

A pivotal factor in Lido DAO’s success is its groundbreaking liquid staking protocol, a novel approach to staking. In traditional staking, assets are locked up and cannot be used until they are un-staked. Lido DAO, however, provides a liquid staking solution that mitigates these lock-up requirements by issuing stETH tokens, which represent staked ETH on the Ethereum blockchain. By offering liquid staking services, Lido DAO enables users to maintain liquidity while still participating in the staking process.

This revolutionary approach allows users to maintain instant liquidity and control over their investments. Instead of locking tokens, users can freely swap StTokens for other digital assets. The freedom to redeem their underlying ETH at any point by burning their stETH and the ability to integrate staked assets with other DeFi protocols make Lido’s liquid staking an attractive option for many users.

The Role of Staked Tokens

In the Lido ecosystem, staked tokens hold a central role. Lido DAO issues tokenized versions of staked funds, known as stAssets, to users to enable them to earn rewards. These tokens, like stETH, act as liquid proxies for the underlying assets, thus maintaining liquidity by being usable in various on-chain activities.

Upon staking, users receive tokens such as stETH which can be burned for withdrawing the equivalent ETH and can earn staking rewards on the Ethereum blockchain. These staked tokens are integrated into various networks for enhanced liquidity and DeFi ecosystem interoperability, making them a flexible and convenient tool for users.

Node Operators and Security

Node operators are the key determinants of Lido network’s operation and security. Lido selects node operators based on their proven track record of staking assets, requiring only a single asset deposit in the protocol’s contract to enhance capital efficiency. This approach ensures the selection of experienced and reliable node operators, which is crucial for the security and operation of the network.

The staked assets in Lido’s network are spread across multiple validators to mitigate the risk of a single point of failure. Node operators validate transactions using a public key but cannot access the users’ funds, which are secured in a smart contract. This decentralized structure and diversified operator set reduce potential downtime or censorship while preserving network performance.

LDO Token: More Than Just a Governance Tool

Photo of LDO token and governance

The Lido DAO Token LDO lies at the core of Lido’s operations. It serves as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing its holders with voting rights and the power to influence the organization’s direction. Token holders use LDO to manage key operational decisions, such as setting service fees and determining the node operators active within the Lido staking infrastructure.

But the LDO token is more than just a governance tool. A specific allocation of LDO tokens is designated for validators and signature holders, providing incentives for maintaining the security and operational efficacy of the network. This strategic distribution of tokens ensures the commitment of network participants to the integrity of the network, making the LDO token a crucial component of the Lido ecosystem.

Voting Power and Decisions

Lido DAO’s governance utilizes a democratic process, distributing voting power in proportion to a stakeholder’s LDO token holdings. This structure gives stakeholders influence over decisions based on the quantity of their token holdings, ensuring a fair and balanced decision-making process.

The governance of Lido DAO proceeds through a structure that includes the Lido DAO Research Forum, Snapshot Voting with a minimum quorum required, and on-chain voting through AragonOS when necessary. For various advocacy levels, Lido DAO incorporates an ‘Easy Track’ mechanism for routine decisions and an ‘Emergency Track’ capable of expediting urgent matters through a hastened process. This thorough and flexible governance structure reflects Lido DAO’s commitment to active community engagement and democratic decision-making.

Lido DAO Treasury and Ecosystem Grants

The Lido DAO treasury is integral to the operation and expansion of the platform. The treasury received the majority of LDO tokens during allocation to fund Lido’s operations, holding 36.32% of all LDO tokens. This allocation ensures the financial stability of Lido DAO, allowing it to sustain its operations and fund future growth.

In addition to the treasury, Lido DAO has an arm known as LEGO that uses LDO tokens to fund development efforts. LEGO grants are classified into four categories, each with different funding levels, targeting projects that positively impact the Lido ecosystem or the broader blockchain space. These grants reflect Lido DAO’s commitment to innovation and growth, fostering the development of projects that drive the progress of the Lido ecosystem and the wider blockchain community.

Purchasing LDO Tokens: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you wish to join the Lido DAO community, the process of purchasing LDO tokens is quite straightforward. On platforms like Gemini, the process begins with creating an account and completing identity verification. Once your identity is verified, you can link a funding source to your Gemini account using various methods, including wire and bank transfers, ACH transfers, Apple Pay and Google Pay, debit card purchases, or crypto transfers.

Once your account is set up and funded, you can buy LDO tokens either as a one-time purchase or by setting up a recurring buy schedule. During the purchase process, specify the amount of LDO tokens you wish to buy, choose your payment method, and review the transaction details before confirmation. Apart from Gemini, LDO tokens are also available on other cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bitstamp.

Lido Across Blockchain Networks

The services of Lido DAO are not confined to the Ethereum network. The platform supports liquid staking solutions on a range of other Proof of Stake blockchains including Solana and Terra. This multi-chain approach allows Lido to serve a broader range of users and offers them the benefits of its liquid staking solution on their preferred blockchain networks.

Through integration with various Layer 2 solutions and the use of token and bridging contracts, Lido enables staking of assets like MATIC on Ethereum and the exchange for staking pool representations like stMATIC. This cross-chain functionality enhances liquidity and interoperability, making Lido DAO a versatile platform for users across different blockchain networks.

Ethereum and Beacon Chain Integration

Lido’s relationship with the Ethereum network surpasses mere support for ETH staking. The platform interacts directly with Ethereum’s Beacon Chain, where the consensus of validators takes place. Lido’s stETH tokens mirror the economics of Ether staking on the network, representing the aggregated value of all Ether staked through the Lido platform.

However, it’s important to note that the Ethereum Beacon Chain is a relatively novel structure in its early stages and harbors potential technical risks that could impact stakeholders, including those participating via Lido. Lido aims to mitigate these risks through its decentralized structure, continuous upgrades, and proactive risk management strategies.

Expansion to Solana and Terra

Beyond Ethereum, Lido extended its staking solutions to accommodate Solana and Terra. This expansion allowed users to stake their SOL and LUNA tokens in exchange for staked SOL (stSOL) and staked LUNA (stLUNA) tokens, which could be utilized or traded across various DeFi protocols.

However, it’s worth noting that Lido’s journey with Solana and Terra has had its ups and downs. The Terra blockchain staking through Lido was discontinued in August 2022, following the dramatic collapse of Terra earlier in May 2022. Similarly, in October 2023, the Lido DAO community rejected a proposal to continue funding development on Solana, leading to the decision to initiate off-boarding Solana node operators and discontinue accepting new staking deposits.

Risks and Considerations in Liquid Staking with Lido

As with any cutting-edge technology, liquid staking with Lido carries its unique set of risks and considerations. While Lido’s decentralized structure and audited smart contracts aim to mitigate these risks, potential security threats and technical issues can still pose risks to users’ staked assets.

Moreover, as Lido accounts for a considerable share of all staked Ethereum, it has sparked debates within the decentralized finance community over risks to decentralization. It’s important for potential stakers to be aware of these debates and considerations when participating in liquid staking with Lido.

Smart Contract and Technical Vulnerabilities

Lido’s operations are underpinned by smart contracts that have undergone stringent audits by esteemed firms like Sigma Prime, Quantstamp, and MixBytes. These audits are a proactive measure to safeguard the Lido V2 upgrade and identify potential security issues.

Despite these extensive audits and the resolution of many bugs, there remain some acknowledged but unresolved issues. This highlights the perpetual existence of risks in smart contract-based operations and underscores the importance of ongoing risk management in complex smart contract systems.

Centralization Debates and DAO Dynamics

The decentralized structure of Lido DAO is calibrated to alleviate centralization risks by precluding any single entity or group from gaining dominance. However, the platform has faced debates over risks to decentralization. A specific instance raising centralization worries involved a failed proposal for Lido DAO to sell LDO tokens to a venture capital company.

But despite these debates, ensuring ongoing decentralization remains a key component of Lido DAO’s internal dynamics and governance philosophy. This commitment to decentralization is fundamental to Lido’s mission to maintain Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship.

The Future Outlook for Lido DAO

Illustration of future outlook for Lido DAO

The prospects for Lido DAO look promising in the future. Here are some reasons why:

  • The upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is expected to enable withdrawals from Ethereum staking contracts, which will likely increase the number of users staking their ETH with liquid staking protocols like Lido DAO.
  • Lido DAO offers a high annual yield, making it an attractive option for stakers.
  • Lido DAO has a significant market share and a competitive market capitalization to Staked Ether ratio.
  • These factors position Lido DAO to benefit from the growth opportunities presented by the Shanghai upgrade.

In preparation for the Shanghai upgrade, Lido DAO launched Lido V2, which introduced the following changes:

  • A new dashboard for stETH to ETH exchanges
  • Architectural changes to Lido’s operator registry
  • The Staking Router, a major protocol upgrade designed to create a more inclusive validator ecosystem and enhance transparency

The anticipation of these upgrades, and the strength of liquid staking protocols like Lido as Ethereum transitions to PoS, has contributed to an increase in both Lido’s total value locked and the price of its governance token, LDO.


To sum up, Lido DAO is a unique platform that offers a simplified and secure way to stake ETH. Its innovative liquid staking protocol, coupled with its LDO token, has made it a leading player in the DeFi space. Lido DAO has shown remarkable growth since its launch and continues to develop with promising upgrades and expansions. However, like any platform operating in the DeFi space, it comes with its own set of risks and considerations. As we look to the future, with the upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade and the continuous advancements in Lido’s technology, it’s safe to say that Lido DAO is poised for exciting growth and developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Lido do?

Lido is a multi-platform staking solution that allows users to access the benefits of staking their crypto without fully locking their tokens. It enables users to participate in the consensus process and continue adding blocks to the blockchain by locking their digital assets through staking.

Is Lido DAO safe?

Yes, Lido DAO is considered safe, and the protocol has assured the safety of Lido DAO (LDO) and staked-ETH (stETH) tokens despite potential security issues.

Is Lido DAO a good investment?

Based on historical data, investing in the Lido DAO token has been profitable, with a 45.45% increase in the last year and a 398.14% increase in the last 3 years. Consider this information before making a decision.

What is Lido DAO used for?

Lido DAO provides a liquid staking solution for Ethereum 2.0 and other Proof-of-Stake platforms, using blockchain-based governance. The Lido DAO's ERC-20 governance token is used to reward users and activities within the DAO.

What is the role of the LDO token?

The LDO token plays a key role as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing holders with voting rights and influencing the organization's direction, as well as managing operational decisions and incentivizing validators and signature holders.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

Lido DAO streamlines Ethereum staking by offering a liquid staking solution that keeps users’ funds liquid and accessible, while also involving them in network governance through its LDO token. This brief guide dives into the essentials of “what is Lido DAO”, its significant role within Ethereum’s staking landscape, and how the LDO token functions within its ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Lido DAO provides a liquid staking protocol for Ethereum, replacing traditional locked staking with a system that issues stETH tokens, allowing users liquidity and earning potential without sacrificing asset utility.
  • The LDO token underpins the Lido ecosystem, functioning beyond governance to incentivize maintenance of network security and effectiveness, with its strategic distribution vital to network integrity.
  • Even though Lido DAO and its staking solutions have grown quickly and have a lot of market influence, they come with risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities and decentralization debates. This is happening at a time when Ethereum Shanghai is becoming more useful and people are looking forward to it.

Unveiling Lido DAO: The Basics

Illustration of decentralized organization

Lido DAO emerged with the dual mission of simplifying secure staking within the Ethereum network while preserving Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship. It’s a platform that is bigger than the sum of its parts. The Lido ecosystem is a complex yet harmonious blend of Lido staking apps, the Lido DAO itself, and the lido dao token (LDO), which are the mainstays of the platform’s operations. With the introduction of lido ldo, the platform has further strengthened its position in the market, attracting numerous lido users.

Every component within the Lido ecosystem holds significant importance. The Lido ecosystem consists of:

  • Staking apps that simplify the staking process for users
  • A DAO that ensures the decentralized governance of the platform
  • The LDO token, which serves as the lifeblood of the ecosystem, represents voting power and providing incentives for network participants

Together, these elements form the heart of Lido DAO, driving its operations and shaping its unique identity within the Ethereum network.

The Genesis and Growth of Lido DAO

Photo of Lido DAO growth chart

Lido DAO, launched in October 2020, sought to combat the inefficiencies of existing ETH staking solutions, with the objective to simplify, decentralize and democratize staking. The formal launch of the Lido DAO platform in December 2020 coincided with the release of Ethereum 2.0’s Beacon Chain. This strategic timing, coupled with the backing of an experienced initial team that included figures like Jordan Fish and Kasper Rasmussen, who raised $2 million to develop the Lido protocol, fueled Lido DAO’s rapid growth.

Since its creation, Lido DAO has demonstrated an impressive path of growth. With a notable majority market share of staked Ether and a total value locked of $5.9 billion, Lido DAO has grown to become the largest DeFi protocol. This significant market influence and potential for future growth underscore Lido DAO’s position as a leading player in the DeFi space.

The Mechanics of Lido's Liquid Staking Protocol

Illustration of liquid staking process

A pivotal factor in Lido DAO’s success is its groundbreaking liquid staking protocol, a novel approach to staking. In traditional staking, assets are locked up and cannot be used until they are un-staked. Lido DAO, however, provides a liquid staking solution that mitigates these lock-up requirements by issuing stETH tokens, which represent staked ETH on the Ethereum blockchain. By offering liquid staking services, Lido DAO enables users to maintain liquidity while still participating in the staking process.

This revolutionary approach allows users to maintain instant liquidity and control over their investments. Instead of locking tokens, users can freely swap StTokens for other digital assets. The freedom to redeem their underlying ETH at any point by burning their stETH and the ability to integrate staked assets with other DeFi protocols make Lido’s liquid staking an attractive option for many users.

The Role of Staked Tokens

In the Lido ecosystem, staked tokens hold a central role. Lido DAO issues tokenized versions of staked funds, known as stAssets, to users to enable them to earn rewards. These tokens, like stETH, act as liquid proxies for the underlying assets, thus maintaining liquidity by being usable in various on-chain activities.

Upon staking, users receive tokens such as stETH which can be burned for withdrawing the equivalent ETH and can earn staking rewards on the Ethereum blockchain. These staked tokens are integrated into various networks for enhanced liquidity and DeFi ecosystem interoperability, making them a flexible and convenient tool for users.

Node Operators and Security

Node operators are the key determinants of Lido network’s operation and security. Lido selects node operators based on their proven track record of staking assets, requiring only a single asset deposit in the protocol’s contract to enhance capital efficiency. This approach ensures the selection of experienced and reliable node operators, which is crucial for the security and operation of the network.

The staked assets in Lido’s network are spread across multiple validators to mitigate the risk of a single point of failure. Node operators validate transactions using a public key but cannot access the users’ funds, which are secured in a smart contract. This decentralized structure and diversified operator set reduce potential downtime or censorship while preserving network performance.

LDO Token: More Than Just a Governance Tool

Photo of LDO token and governance

The Lido DAO Token LDO lies at the core of Lido’s operations. It serves as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing its holders with voting rights and the power to influence the organization’s direction. Token holders use LDO to manage key operational decisions, such as setting service fees and determining the node operators active within the Lido staking infrastructure.

But the LDO token is more than just a governance tool. A specific allocation of LDO tokens is designated for validators and signature holders, providing incentives for maintaining the security and operational efficacy of the network. This strategic distribution of tokens ensures the commitment of network participants to the integrity of the network, making the LDO token a crucial component of the Lido ecosystem.

Voting Power and Decisions

Lido DAO’s governance utilizes a democratic process, distributing voting power in proportion to a stakeholder’s LDO token holdings. This structure gives stakeholders influence over decisions based on the quantity of their token holdings, ensuring a fair and balanced decision-making process.

The governance of Lido DAO proceeds through a structure that includes the Lido DAO Research Forum, Snapshot Voting with a minimum quorum required, and on-chain voting through AragonOS when necessary. For various advocacy levels, Lido DAO incorporates an ‘Easy Track’ mechanism for routine decisions and an ‘Emergency Track’ capable of expediting urgent matters through a hastened process. This thorough and flexible governance structure reflects Lido DAO’s commitment to active community engagement and democratic decision-making.

Lido DAO Treasury and Ecosystem Grants

The Lido DAO treasury is integral to the operation and expansion of the platform. The treasury received the majority of LDO tokens during allocation to fund Lido’s operations, holding 36.32% of all LDO tokens. This allocation ensures the financial stability of Lido DAO, allowing it to sustain its operations and fund future growth.

In addition to the treasury, Lido DAO has an arm known as LEGO that uses LDO tokens to fund development efforts. LEGO grants are classified into four categories, each with different funding levels, targeting projects that positively impact the Lido ecosystem or the broader blockchain space. These grants reflect Lido DAO’s commitment to innovation and growth, fostering the development of projects that drive the progress of the Lido ecosystem and the wider blockchain community.

Purchasing LDO Tokens: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you wish to join the Lido DAO community, the process of purchasing LDO tokens is quite straightforward. On platforms like Gemini, the process begins with creating an account and completing identity verification. Once your identity is verified, you can link a funding source to your Gemini account using various methods, including wire and bank transfers, ACH transfers, Apple Pay and Google Pay, debit card purchases, or crypto transfers.

Once your account is set up and funded, you can buy LDO tokens either as a one-time purchase or by setting up a recurring buy schedule. During the purchase process, specify the amount of LDO tokens you wish to buy, choose your payment method, and review the transaction details before confirmation. Apart from Gemini, LDO tokens are also available on other cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bitstamp.

Lido Across Blockchain Networks

The services of Lido DAO are not confined to the Ethereum network. The platform supports liquid staking solutions on a range of other Proof of Stake blockchains including Solana and Terra. This multi-chain approach allows Lido to serve a broader range of users and offers them the benefits of its liquid staking solution on their preferred blockchain networks.

Through integration with various Layer 2 solutions and the use of token and bridging contracts, Lido enables staking of assets like MATIC on Ethereum and the exchange for staking pool representations like stMATIC. This cross-chain functionality enhances liquidity and interoperability, making Lido DAO a versatile platform for users across different blockchain networks.

Ethereum and Beacon Chain Integration

Lido’s relationship with the Ethereum network surpasses mere support for ETH staking. The platform interacts directly with Ethereum’s Beacon Chain, where the consensus of validators takes place. Lido’s stETH tokens mirror the economics of Ether staking on the network, representing the aggregated value of all Ether staked through the Lido platform.

However, it’s important to note that the Ethereum Beacon Chain is a relatively novel structure in its early stages and harbors potential technical risks that could impact stakeholders, including those participating via Lido. Lido aims to mitigate these risks through its decentralized structure, continuous upgrades, and proactive risk management strategies.

Expansion to Solana and Terra

Beyond Ethereum, Lido extended its staking solutions to accommodate Solana and Terra. This expansion allowed users to stake their SOL and LUNA tokens in exchange for staked SOL (stSOL) and staked LUNA (stLUNA) tokens, which could be utilized or traded across various DeFi protocols.

However, it’s worth noting that Lido’s journey with Solana and Terra has had its ups and downs. The Terra blockchain staking through Lido was discontinued in August 2022, following the dramatic collapse of Terra earlier in May 2022. Similarly, in October 2023, the Lido DAO community rejected a proposal to continue funding development on Solana, leading to the decision to initiate off-boarding Solana node operators and discontinue accepting new staking deposits.

Risks and Considerations in Liquid Staking with Lido

As with any cutting-edge technology, liquid staking with Lido carries its unique set of risks and considerations. While Lido’s decentralized structure and audited smart contracts aim to mitigate these risks, potential security threats and technical issues can still pose risks to users’ staked assets.

Moreover, as Lido accounts for a considerable share of all staked Ethereum, it has sparked debates within the decentralized finance community over risks to decentralization. It’s important for potential stakers to be aware of these debates and considerations when participating in liquid staking with Lido.

Smart Contract and Technical Vulnerabilities

Lido’s operations are underpinned by smart contracts that have undergone stringent audits by esteemed firms like Sigma Prime, Quantstamp, and MixBytes. These audits are a proactive measure to safeguard the Lido V2 upgrade and identify potential security issues.

Despite these extensive audits and the resolution of many bugs, there remain some acknowledged but unresolved issues. This highlights the perpetual existence of risks in smart contract-based operations and underscores the importance of ongoing risk management in complex smart contract systems.

Centralization Debates and DAO Dynamics

The decentralized structure of Lido DAO is calibrated to alleviate centralization risks by precluding any single entity or group from gaining dominance. However, the platform has faced debates over risks to decentralization. A specific instance raising centralization worries involved a failed proposal for Lido DAO to sell LDO tokens to a venture capital company.

But despite these debates, ensuring ongoing decentralization remains a key component of Lido DAO’s internal dynamics and governance philosophy. This commitment to decentralization is fundamental to Lido’s mission to maintain Ethereum’s decentralization and resistance to censorship.

The Future Outlook for Lido DAO

Illustration of future outlook for Lido DAO

The prospects for Lido DAO look promising in the future. Here are some reasons why:

  • The upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is expected to enable withdrawals from Ethereum staking contracts, which will likely increase the number of users staking their ETH with liquid staking protocols like Lido DAO.
  • Lido DAO offers a high annual yield, making it an attractive option for stakers.
  • Lido DAO has a significant market share and a competitive market capitalization to Staked Ether ratio.
  • These factors position Lido DAO to benefit from the growth opportunities presented by the Shanghai upgrade.

In preparation for the Shanghai upgrade, Lido DAO launched Lido V2, which introduced the following changes:

  • A new dashboard for stETH to ETH exchanges
  • Architectural changes to Lido’s operator registry
  • The Staking Router, a major protocol upgrade designed to create a more inclusive validator ecosystem and enhance transparency

The anticipation of these upgrades, and the strength of liquid staking protocols like Lido as Ethereum transitions to PoS, has contributed to an increase in both Lido’s total value locked and the price of its governance token, LDO.


To sum up, Lido DAO is a unique platform that offers a simplified and secure way to stake ETH. Its innovative liquid staking protocol, coupled with its LDO token, has made it a leading player in the DeFi space. Lido DAO has shown remarkable growth since its launch and continues to develop with promising upgrades and expansions. However, like any platform operating in the DeFi space, it comes with its own set of risks and considerations. As we look to the future, with the upcoming Ethereum Shanghai upgrade and the continuous advancements in Lido’s technology, it’s safe to say that Lido DAO is poised for exciting growth and developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Lido do?

Lido is a multi-platform staking solution that allows users to access the benefits of staking their crypto without fully locking their tokens. It enables users to participate in the consensus process and continue adding blocks to the blockchain by locking their digital assets through staking.

Is Lido DAO safe?

Yes, Lido DAO is considered safe, and the protocol has assured the safety of Lido DAO (LDO) and staked-ETH (stETH) tokens despite potential security issues.

Is Lido DAO a good investment?

Based on historical data, investing in the Lido DAO token has been profitable, with a 45.45% increase in the last year and a 398.14% increase in the last 3 years. Consider this information before making a decision.

What is Lido DAO used for?

Lido DAO provides a liquid staking solution for Ethereum 2.0 and other Proof-of-Stake platforms, using blockchain-based governance. The Lido DAO's ERC-20 governance token is used to reward users and activities within the DAO.

What is the role of the LDO token?

The LDO token plays a key role as the governance token of Lido DAO, providing holders with voting rights and influencing the organization's direction, as well as managing operational decisions and incentivizing validators and signature holders.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser