Ethereum Co-Founder Challenges Traditional Economic Definitions of Inflation

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has challenged the traditional economic definitions of inflation, asserting that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term "inflation" as the increase in currency supply, rather than the rise in general price levels.
May 29, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has challenged the traditional economic definitions of inflation, asserting that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term "inflation" as the increase in currency supply, rather than the rise in general price levels.

Buterin's comments came in response to an Axios post that stated the word "inflation" now means high prices rather than rising costs. Buterin disagreed, arguing that the crypto community has already established the redefinition of inflation to mean the increase in the total supply of a currency.

This semantic shift in the understanding of inflation is significant, as traditionally, inflation has been defined as the rise in the general price level of goods and services, which reduces purchasing power because money is worth less. However, Buterin suggests that the ongoing global inflation is better understood as a result of the "total supply" of currency being essentially uncapped.

Buterin's stance challenges conventional economic definitions and addresses the misinformation surrounding the concept of inflation. He believes that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term to better align with the realities of digital currency landscape.

This debate highlights the divergence between traditional economic models and the evolving perspectives within the crypto community. Buterin's assertion that the crypto community has already "claimed the right to butcher" the word inflation underscores the community's desire to establish its own understanding of key financial concepts.

The discussion also touches on the broader implications of this semantic shift, as it could influence how inflation is perceived and addressed, both within the crypto ecosystem and in the broader economic discourse.

Buterin's involvement in this debate is not surprising, as he has been known to advocate for community-centric solutions and initiatives that prioritize privacy preservation and exploitation fixes. His willingness to challenge the status quo and push for the crypto community's right to redefine key terms reflects the dynamic and evolving nature of the digital currency landscape.

Overall, Vitalik Buterin's challenge to the traditional economic definitions of inflation highlights the ongoing tension between established financial models and the emerging perspectives within the crypto community. As the digital currency ecosystem continues to evolve, these debates will likely continue to shape the understanding and application of fundamental economic concepts.

Ethereum Co-Founder Challenges Traditional Economic Definitions of Inflation


Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has challenged the traditional economic definitions of inflation, asserting that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term "inflation" as the increase in currency supply, rather than the rise in general price levels.

Buterin's comments came in response to an Axios post that stated the word "inflation" now means high prices rather than rising costs. Buterin disagreed, arguing that the crypto community has already established the redefinition of inflation to mean the increase in the total supply of a currency.

This semantic shift in the understanding of inflation is significant, as traditionally, inflation has been defined as the rise in the general price level of goods and services, which reduces purchasing power because money is worth less. However, Buterin suggests that the ongoing global inflation is better understood as a result of the "total supply" of currency being essentially uncapped.

Buterin's stance challenges conventional economic definitions and addresses the misinformation surrounding the concept of inflation. He believes that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term to better align with the realities of digital currency landscape.

This debate highlights the divergence between traditional economic models and the evolving perspectives within the crypto community. Buterin's assertion that the crypto community has already "claimed the right to butcher" the word inflation underscores the community's desire to establish its own understanding of key financial concepts.

The discussion also touches on the broader implications of this semantic shift, as it could influence how inflation is perceived and addressed, both within the crypto ecosystem and in the broader economic discourse.

Buterin's involvement in this debate is not surprising, as he has been known to advocate for community-centric solutions and initiatives that prioritize privacy preservation and exploitation fixes. His willingness to challenge the status quo and push for the crypto community's right to redefine key terms reflects the dynamic and evolving nature of the digital currency landscape.

Overall, Vitalik Buterin's challenge to the traditional economic definitions of inflation highlights the ongoing tension between established financial models and the emerging perspectives within the crypto community. As the digital currency ecosystem continues to evolve, these debates will likely continue to shape the understanding and application of fundamental economic concepts.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has challenged the traditional economic definitions of inflation, asserting that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term "inflation" as the increase in currency supply, rather than the rise in general price levels.

Buterin's comments came in response to an Axios post that stated the word "inflation" now means high prices rather than rising costs. Buterin disagreed, arguing that the crypto community has already established the redefinition of inflation to mean the increase in the total supply of a currency.

This semantic shift in the understanding of inflation is significant, as traditionally, inflation has been defined as the rise in the general price level of goods and services, which reduces purchasing power because money is worth less. However, Buterin suggests that the ongoing global inflation is better understood as a result of the "total supply" of currency being essentially uncapped.

Buterin's stance challenges conventional economic definitions and addresses the misinformation surrounding the concept of inflation. He believes that the crypto community has the right to redefine the term to better align with the realities of digital currency landscape.

This debate highlights the divergence between traditional economic models and the evolving perspectives within the crypto community. Buterin's assertion that the crypto community has already "claimed the right to butcher" the word inflation underscores the community's desire to establish its own understanding of key financial concepts.

The discussion also touches on the broader implications of this semantic shift, as it could influence how inflation is perceived and addressed, both within the crypto ecosystem and in the broader economic discourse.

Buterin's involvement in this debate is not surprising, as he has been known to advocate for community-centric solutions and initiatives that prioritize privacy preservation and exploitation fixes. His willingness to challenge the status quo and push for the crypto community's right to redefine key terms reflects the dynamic and evolving nature of the digital currency landscape.

Overall, Vitalik Buterin's challenge to the traditional economic definitions of inflation highlights the ongoing tension between established financial models and the emerging perspectives within the crypto community. As the digital currency ecosystem continues to evolve, these debates will likely continue to shape the understanding and application of fundamental economic concepts.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser