Ethereum Alternatives: Top 10 Options in 2024

For those dissatisfied with Ethereum’s limitations, a world of Ethereum alternatives beckons.
March 13, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

For those dissatisfied with Ethereum’s limitations, a world of Ethereum alternatives beckons. This guide delivers a pointed evaluation of the top 10 rivals, zeroing in on their technological edge, costs, and overall capabilities. Discover which can fulfill your crypto needs as we unravel their standing in the blockchain arena.

Brief Overview of Top 10 Ethereum Alternatives

  • Best for High-Speed Transactions: Solana (SOL)
  • Best for Scalability: Polygon (MATIC)
  • Best for Interoperability: Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Best for Developers: Avalanche
  • Best for Security and Scalability: Aptos (APT)
  • Still the Market Leader: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Best Stablecoin: Tether (USDT)
  • Best for Payments: XRP
  • Best for Trading: Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Reliable Stablecoin: USD Coin

Solana (SOL): Best for High-Speed Transactions

Solana (SOL) website overview: Ideal for high-speed transactions


  • Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism
  • High transaction speeds


  • High transaction speeds
  • Low transaction fees


  • High hardware requirements for validator nodes
  • New entrant in the market

Solana distinguishes itself through its unique Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanisms, which facilitate high-speed transactions. It can process thousands of transactions per second, outpacing many of its competitors and offering significantly lower transaction fees. This makes it a cost-effective option for users and developers alike, as they can perform many more transactions per second than Ethereum at a cheaper rate. The platform’s rapid growth is a testament to its popularity, with users praising its fast transactions, scalability, and growing ecosystem of services.

Nevertheless, Solana has its share of challenges. The platform has faced criticism for its high hardware requirements for running validator nodes, which may limit participation. Additionally, as a newer entrant to the market, Solana brings with it associated risks that potential users need to be aware of. Despite these hurdles, the platform’s strengths in speed and cost-effectiveness make it a strong contender as an Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Security: 3.5/5

Polygon (MATIC): Best for Scalability

Polygon (MATIC) website overview: Optimal for scalability solutions


  • Scaling Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • High transaction speeds


  • Enhanced scalability
  • Diverse range of developer solutions


  • Potential scalability limitations
  • Unclear regulatory environment

Polygon aims to tackle Ethereum’s scalability issues head-on. It offers the following features:

  • Handles transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • Processes transactions at higher throughput
  • Commits transactions to the Ethereum mainnet
  • Allows for faster transaction speeds of up to 65,000 transactions per second
  • Provides developers with a great platform to optimize their applications
  • Offers various scaling solutions like plasma sidechains and PoS bridge

These features make Polygon an appealing choice for developers looking to address Ethereum’s scalability challenges.

Yet, it does face certain obstacles. There are potential scalability limitations that need to be considered, and the regulatory environment is still unclear. Despite these issues, Polygon’s focus on scalability, coupled with its diverse range of developer solutions, makes it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Solutions: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

Cosmos (ATOM): Best for Interoperability

Cosmos (ATOM) website overview: Leading choice for interoperability solutions


  • Inter-blockchain communication protocol for blockchain networks
  • App-specific blockchains


  • Enhanced interoperability
  • Flexible developer tools


  • Technical complexity
  • High competition

Cosmos was founded with a vision to solve interoperability issues and realize the vision of Web3. Its blockchain ecosystem includes the Binance Chain and Terra Classic, among others, along with the IBC Protocol, which enables seamless communication between blockchains. Developers can utilize tools such as Tendermint Core and the Cosmos SDK to create application-specific blockchains, streamlining development and reducing costs.

Despite offering sovereignty, scalability, customization, and security, Cosmos confronts challenges like technical complexity and direct competition from projects like Polkadot and Chainlink, which present varying governance and token transfer methods. Despite these challenges, Cosmos’s focus on interoperability and its flexible developer tools make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Interoperability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Tools: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4/5
  • Competition: 3/5

Avalanche: Best for Developers

Avalanche website overview: Prime choice for developers


  • Custom blockchains
  • High performance blockchain network
  • Efficient blockchain platform utilizing blockchain technology


  • Developer-friendly tools
  • High transaction speeds


  • Complex for new developers
  • Limited information on security measures

Avalanche stands out in the crowded field of Ethereum alternatives with its developer-friendly platform for decentralized applications. Its subnets enable developers to create custom networks, offering them the flexibility to define their own rulesets and virtual machines for a variety of applications. The platform achieves high performance with tens of thousands of transactions per second and sub-second finality, thanks to its unique consensus algorithm on a decentralized network.

Despite these advantages, the platform can be daunting for new developers due to its complexity. Moreover, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures, which may deter potential users. Despite these challenges, the diverse range of development tools and high transaction speeds make Avalanche an appealing choice for developers.


  • Developer Tools: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speeds: 4.5/5
  • Learning Curve: 3.5/5
  • Security: 3/5

Aptos (APT): Best for Security and Scalability

Aptos (APT) website overview: Ideal for security and scalability


  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism
  • High throughput


  • Enhanced security
  • Scalable platform


  • Limited information on security measures
  • Limited user reviews

Aptos combines security and scalability in a unique package. It employs a unique consensus algorithm called Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to ensure network security and resiliency. The blockchain’s data model supports flexible key management and hybrid custodial options, contributing to a safer and more reliable user experience. Aptos achieves high throughput and low latency through a pipelined, modular transaction processing system that allows for parallel execution and efficient use of physical resources.

Despite these strengths, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures. Moreover, as a newer entrant, there are limited user reviews available to gauge its performance. Despite these challenges, Aptos’s focus on security and scalability make it a promising Ethereum alternative.


  • Security: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Information Transparency: 3/5
  • User Reviews: 3/5

Ethereum (ETH): Still the Market Leader

Ethereum (ETH) website overview: Continues as the market leader


  • Smart contract functionality
  • High transaction speeds


  • Large community
  • Active development team


  • High transaction fees
  • Centralization threats

Despite growing competition, Ethereum remains the market leader in the cryptocurrency space, including the cryptocurrency market. It boasts:

  • A first-mover advantage
  • A massively dedicated community
  • A highly anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade
  • An extensive ecosystem with the most dynamic development team in the field of Web3

Innovations like account abstraction, indicated by the deployment of the EIP-4337 proposal in March 2023, alongside infrastructure upgrades such as Verkle Trees, cater to making the Ethereum blockchain more user-friendly and secure, optimizing for Web2-like ease of use. The capabilities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which support decentralized applications, and the diligent work of Ethereum developers have made these advancements possible.

That being said, Ethereum isn’t exempt from facing issues. Issues like relatively high transaction fees and corresponding centralization threats persist. These challenges are being confronted with efforts to ease node operation and endorse secure, permissionless blockchain access via technological improvements on the underlying Ethereum blockchain. Despite these challenges, Ethereum’s ongoing commitment to enhance security and user-focused improvements reflect positively in user experiences, cementing its standing as a market leader.


  • Community: 5/5
  • Development: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 3.5/5
  • Centralization: 3.5/5

Tether (USDT): Best Stablecoin

Tether (USDT) website overview: Premier stablecoin


  • Pegged to the US dollar
  • Wide acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges


  • Stable value
  • Wide acceptance for transactions


  • Doubts about fiat currency reserves
  • Centralized structure

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. The aim of maintaining a 1:1 stable value is to offer a stable store of value that is not subject to the volatility of other cryptocurrencies. Its widespread acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges and utility as a hedge against market volatility enhance Tether’s attractiveness for transactions and protection of investments.

Even with these benefits, Tether has been under scrutiny. Doubts about the true extent of its fiat currency reserves and transparency issues have been raised. Additionally, the implications of its centralized structure have been a point of contention. Despite these issues, Tether’s stability and wide acceptance make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Acceptance: 5/5
  • Transparency: 3/5
  • Structure: 3/5

XRP: Best for Payments

XRP website overview: Top choice for payments


  • Fast transaction processing
  • Minimal energy consumption


  • Efficient for cross-border payments
  • Fast transaction processing


  • Regulatory scrutiny
  • Limited merchant acceptance

XRP excels in facilitating:

  • Secure and efficient cross-border payments and remittances
  • Global transactions
  • Handling a large volume of transactions per second, comparable to VISA
  • Processing transactions in 3–5 seconds
  • Not requiring intensive computing resources for mining, leading to minimal energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint.

Even though XRP offers these benefits, it has come under regulatory scrutiny, affecting its acceptance and value. Moreover, merchant acceptance of XRP is not as widespread as other cryptocurrencies, limiting its use for everyday transactions. Despite these challenges, XRP’s suitability for payments and minimal energy consumption make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Payment Efficiency: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speed: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: 3/5
  • Merchant Acceptance: 3/5

Binance Coin (BNB): Best for Trading

Binance Coin (BNB) website overview: Trading's top pick


  • Used for trading fees on the Binance exchange
  • Increased liquidity


  • Discounts on trading fees
  • Increased liquidity


  • Complex for new traders
  • Regulatory scrutiny

Binance Coin (BNB) is designed for trading on the Binance exchange, with incentives like discounts on trading fees. BNB holders enjoy various benefits, such as:

  • Participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad
  • Increased liquidity
  • Early access to new cryptocurrencies
  • Lower withdrawal fees
  • Access to exclusive events or promotions on the Binance platform

Nonetheless, new traders may perceive BNB and the Binance platform as complex and difficult to navigate. Additionally, regulatory scrutiny in various jurisdictions has raised concerns about the future use and value of BNB. Despite these challenges, Binance Coin’s trading benefits make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Trading Benefits: 4.5/5
  • Liquidity: 4.5/5
  • User-Friendliness: 3/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

USD Coin: Reliable Stablecoin

USD Coin website overview: Trusted stablecoin solution


  • Backed by US dollar reserves
  • Regular transparency reports


  • Stable value
  • Regular transparency reports


  • High centralization
  • Limited advantages over competitors

USD Coin is a reliable stablecoin backed by US dollar reserves, providing transparency and stability for transactions and value storage. The coin emits monthly transparency reports from top accounting firm Grant Thornton, LLP, detailing its circulation and reserve backing. Its reserves, which include U.S. treasury securities and cash deposits, enhance its reliability by simplifying its backing assets.

Even with these benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when using USD Coin:

  1. The rigorous KYC (Know Your Customer) process may discourage users who value anonymity.
  2. High centralization could lead to the freezing or confiscation of assets by authorities.
  3. USD Coin faces stiff competition in the stablecoin market, which could affect its market position.

Despite these challenges, USD Coin’s reliability and transparency make it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Transparency: 5/5
  • Anonymity: 3/5
  • Market Position: 3.5/5

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ethereum Alternative

Several factors should be considered when selecting an Ethereum alternative. These include:

  • Transaction speed
  • Fees
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Community growth

Slow transaction times during periods of high demand can hinder the user experience and deter adoption. Therefore, platforms like Avalanche, which offer low-cost transaction fees, can be more attractive, especially in the Decentralized Finance ecosystem.

Scalability is another critical factor. Platforms like Avalanche, which can handle a record of 3.07 million transactions and are exploring sharding methods to enable horizontal scalability without additional complexity for node operators, could be more appealing as a scalable blockchain. Security is paramount in protecting against malicious entities, and advanced cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, and formal verification of smart contracts are key features to look for.

Lastly, the growth and decentralization of the community are indicators of a maturing ecosystem.

How to Choose the Best Cryptocurrency for Your Needs

To select the most suitable cryptocurrency, you should:

  1. Define your investment goals
  2. Evaluate your risk tolerance
  3. Diversify your portfolio
  4. Keep abreast of market trends and regulations

You need to decide whether you are seeking short-term gains or long-term wealth accumulation, which will influence your choice of cryptocurrency and your risk tolerance.

Diversifying your portfolio is essential to mitigate risks. This can be achieved by spreading investments across various assets, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets on overall performance. Investors seeking exposure to the dynamic crypto market should stay up to date on market trends and be prepared to adapt their strategy. Also, be aware of the regulatory environment in your jurisdiction as it can affect the crypto market and your investment decisions. If you are uncertain, seek professional advice to help you make informed decisions.


In conclusion, while Ethereum continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market, a host of viable alternatives have emerged, each offering unique features and benefits. Whether you prioritize speed, scalability, interoperability, developer tools, security, stability, payments, trading, or reliability, there’s an Ethereum alternative out there to meet your needs. As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, staying informed and understanding your investment objectives will help you navigate this exciting landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which blockchains support smart contracts?

Several blockchains support smart contracts, including Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, and BNB Smart Chain. These are considered L1 platforms where smart contracts are executed directly on the main core platform.

Which crypto can beat Ethereum?

Cardano and Solana are two cryptocurrencies that are often considered potential contenders to beat Ethereum due to their superior performance metrics and growing blockchain ecosystems. These include Cardano and Solana.

Who is Ethereum biggest competitor?

Ethereum's biggest competitors include Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Avalanche (AVAX), C+ Charge (CCHG), Algorand (ALGO), and Chainlink.

What makes Solana a good Ethereum alternative?

Solana is a good Ethereum alternative due to its fast transactions and low fees enabled by its unique Proof of History consensus mechanism.

How does Polygon enhance scalability?

Polygon enhances scalability by processing transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain, allowing for higher throughput before committing them to the Ethereum mainnet. This significantly improves the overall scalability of the network.

Ethereum Alternatives: Top 10 Options in 2024


Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

For those dissatisfied with Ethereum’s limitations, a world of Ethereum alternatives beckons. This guide delivers a pointed evaluation of the top 10 rivals, zeroing in on their technological edge, costs, and overall capabilities. Discover which can fulfill your crypto needs as we unravel their standing in the blockchain arena.

Brief Overview of Top 10 Ethereum Alternatives

  • Best for High-Speed Transactions: Solana (SOL)
  • Best for Scalability: Polygon (MATIC)
  • Best for Interoperability: Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Best for Developers: Avalanche
  • Best for Security and Scalability: Aptos (APT)
  • Still the Market Leader: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Best Stablecoin: Tether (USDT)
  • Best for Payments: XRP
  • Best for Trading: Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Reliable Stablecoin: USD Coin

Solana (SOL): Best for High-Speed Transactions

Solana (SOL) website overview: Ideal for high-speed transactions


  • Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism
  • High transaction speeds


  • High transaction speeds
  • Low transaction fees


  • High hardware requirements for validator nodes
  • New entrant in the market

Solana distinguishes itself through its unique Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanisms, which facilitate high-speed transactions. It can process thousands of transactions per second, outpacing many of its competitors and offering significantly lower transaction fees. This makes it a cost-effective option for users and developers alike, as they can perform many more transactions per second than Ethereum at a cheaper rate. The platform’s rapid growth is a testament to its popularity, with users praising its fast transactions, scalability, and growing ecosystem of services.

Nevertheless, Solana has its share of challenges. The platform has faced criticism for its high hardware requirements for running validator nodes, which may limit participation. Additionally, as a newer entrant to the market, Solana brings with it associated risks that potential users need to be aware of. Despite these hurdles, the platform’s strengths in speed and cost-effectiveness make it a strong contender as an Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Security: 3.5/5

Polygon (MATIC): Best for Scalability

Polygon (MATIC) website overview: Optimal for scalability solutions


  • Scaling Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • High transaction speeds


  • Enhanced scalability
  • Diverse range of developer solutions


  • Potential scalability limitations
  • Unclear regulatory environment

Polygon aims to tackle Ethereum’s scalability issues head-on. It offers the following features:

  • Handles transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • Processes transactions at higher throughput
  • Commits transactions to the Ethereum mainnet
  • Allows for faster transaction speeds of up to 65,000 transactions per second
  • Provides developers with a great platform to optimize their applications
  • Offers various scaling solutions like plasma sidechains and PoS bridge

These features make Polygon an appealing choice for developers looking to address Ethereum’s scalability challenges.

Yet, it does face certain obstacles. There are potential scalability limitations that need to be considered, and the regulatory environment is still unclear. Despite these issues, Polygon’s focus on scalability, coupled with its diverse range of developer solutions, makes it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Solutions: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

Cosmos (ATOM): Best for Interoperability

Cosmos (ATOM) website overview: Leading choice for interoperability solutions


  • Inter-blockchain communication protocol for blockchain networks
  • App-specific blockchains


  • Enhanced interoperability
  • Flexible developer tools


  • Technical complexity
  • High competition

Cosmos was founded with a vision to solve interoperability issues and realize the vision of Web3. Its blockchain ecosystem includes the Binance Chain and Terra Classic, among others, along with the IBC Protocol, which enables seamless communication between blockchains. Developers can utilize tools such as Tendermint Core and the Cosmos SDK to create application-specific blockchains, streamlining development and reducing costs.

Despite offering sovereignty, scalability, customization, and security, Cosmos confronts challenges like technical complexity and direct competition from projects like Polkadot and Chainlink, which present varying governance and token transfer methods. Despite these challenges, Cosmos’s focus on interoperability and its flexible developer tools make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Interoperability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Tools: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4/5
  • Competition: 3/5

Avalanche: Best for Developers

Avalanche website overview: Prime choice for developers


  • Custom blockchains
  • High performance blockchain network
  • Efficient blockchain platform utilizing blockchain technology


  • Developer-friendly tools
  • High transaction speeds


  • Complex for new developers
  • Limited information on security measures

Avalanche stands out in the crowded field of Ethereum alternatives with its developer-friendly platform for decentralized applications. Its subnets enable developers to create custom networks, offering them the flexibility to define their own rulesets and virtual machines for a variety of applications. The platform achieves high performance with tens of thousands of transactions per second and sub-second finality, thanks to its unique consensus algorithm on a decentralized network.

Despite these advantages, the platform can be daunting for new developers due to its complexity. Moreover, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures, which may deter potential users. Despite these challenges, the diverse range of development tools and high transaction speeds make Avalanche an appealing choice for developers.


  • Developer Tools: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speeds: 4.5/5
  • Learning Curve: 3.5/5
  • Security: 3/5

Aptos (APT): Best for Security and Scalability

Aptos (APT) website overview: Ideal for security and scalability


  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism
  • High throughput


  • Enhanced security
  • Scalable platform


  • Limited information on security measures
  • Limited user reviews

Aptos combines security and scalability in a unique package. It employs a unique consensus algorithm called Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to ensure network security and resiliency. The blockchain’s data model supports flexible key management and hybrid custodial options, contributing to a safer and more reliable user experience. Aptos achieves high throughput and low latency through a pipelined, modular transaction processing system that allows for parallel execution and efficient use of physical resources.

Despite these strengths, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures. Moreover, as a newer entrant, there are limited user reviews available to gauge its performance. Despite these challenges, Aptos’s focus on security and scalability make it a promising Ethereum alternative.


  • Security: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Information Transparency: 3/5
  • User Reviews: 3/5

Ethereum (ETH): Still the Market Leader

Ethereum (ETH) website overview: Continues as the market leader


  • Smart contract functionality
  • High transaction speeds


  • Large community
  • Active development team


  • High transaction fees
  • Centralization threats

Despite growing competition, Ethereum remains the market leader in the cryptocurrency space, including the cryptocurrency market. It boasts:

  • A first-mover advantage
  • A massively dedicated community
  • A highly anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade
  • An extensive ecosystem with the most dynamic development team in the field of Web3

Innovations like account abstraction, indicated by the deployment of the EIP-4337 proposal in March 2023, alongside infrastructure upgrades such as Verkle Trees, cater to making the Ethereum blockchain more user-friendly and secure, optimizing for Web2-like ease of use. The capabilities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which support decentralized applications, and the diligent work of Ethereum developers have made these advancements possible.

That being said, Ethereum isn’t exempt from facing issues. Issues like relatively high transaction fees and corresponding centralization threats persist. These challenges are being confronted with efforts to ease node operation and endorse secure, permissionless blockchain access via technological improvements on the underlying Ethereum blockchain. Despite these challenges, Ethereum’s ongoing commitment to enhance security and user-focused improvements reflect positively in user experiences, cementing its standing as a market leader.


  • Community: 5/5
  • Development: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 3.5/5
  • Centralization: 3.5/5

Tether (USDT): Best Stablecoin

Tether (USDT) website overview: Premier stablecoin


  • Pegged to the US dollar
  • Wide acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges


  • Stable value
  • Wide acceptance for transactions


  • Doubts about fiat currency reserves
  • Centralized structure

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. The aim of maintaining a 1:1 stable value is to offer a stable store of value that is not subject to the volatility of other cryptocurrencies. Its widespread acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges and utility as a hedge against market volatility enhance Tether’s attractiveness for transactions and protection of investments.

Even with these benefits, Tether has been under scrutiny. Doubts about the true extent of its fiat currency reserves and transparency issues have been raised. Additionally, the implications of its centralized structure have been a point of contention. Despite these issues, Tether’s stability and wide acceptance make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Acceptance: 5/5
  • Transparency: 3/5
  • Structure: 3/5

XRP: Best for Payments

XRP website overview: Top choice for payments


  • Fast transaction processing
  • Minimal energy consumption


  • Efficient for cross-border payments
  • Fast transaction processing


  • Regulatory scrutiny
  • Limited merchant acceptance

XRP excels in facilitating:

  • Secure and efficient cross-border payments and remittances
  • Global transactions
  • Handling a large volume of transactions per second, comparable to VISA
  • Processing transactions in 3–5 seconds
  • Not requiring intensive computing resources for mining, leading to minimal energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint.

Even though XRP offers these benefits, it has come under regulatory scrutiny, affecting its acceptance and value. Moreover, merchant acceptance of XRP is not as widespread as other cryptocurrencies, limiting its use for everyday transactions. Despite these challenges, XRP’s suitability for payments and minimal energy consumption make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Payment Efficiency: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speed: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: 3/5
  • Merchant Acceptance: 3/5

Binance Coin (BNB): Best for Trading

Binance Coin (BNB) website overview: Trading's top pick


  • Used for trading fees on the Binance exchange
  • Increased liquidity


  • Discounts on trading fees
  • Increased liquidity


  • Complex for new traders
  • Regulatory scrutiny

Binance Coin (BNB) is designed for trading on the Binance exchange, with incentives like discounts on trading fees. BNB holders enjoy various benefits, such as:

  • Participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad
  • Increased liquidity
  • Early access to new cryptocurrencies
  • Lower withdrawal fees
  • Access to exclusive events or promotions on the Binance platform

Nonetheless, new traders may perceive BNB and the Binance platform as complex and difficult to navigate. Additionally, regulatory scrutiny in various jurisdictions has raised concerns about the future use and value of BNB. Despite these challenges, Binance Coin’s trading benefits make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Trading Benefits: 4.5/5
  • Liquidity: 4.5/5
  • User-Friendliness: 3/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

USD Coin: Reliable Stablecoin

USD Coin website overview: Trusted stablecoin solution


  • Backed by US dollar reserves
  • Regular transparency reports


  • Stable value
  • Regular transparency reports


  • High centralization
  • Limited advantages over competitors

USD Coin is a reliable stablecoin backed by US dollar reserves, providing transparency and stability for transactions and value storage. The coin emits monthly transparency reports from top accounting firm Grant Thornton, LLP, detailing its circulation and reserve backing. Its reserves, which include U.S. treasury securities and cash deposits, enhance its reliability by simplifying its backing assets.

Even with these benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when using USD Coin:

  1. The rigorous KYC (Know Your Customer) process may discourage users who value anonymity.
  2. High centralization could lead to the freezing or confiscation of assets by authorities.
  3. USD Coin faces stiff competition in the stablecoin market, which could affect its market position.

Despite these challenges, USD Coin’s reliability and transparency make it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Transparency: 5/5
  • Anonymity: 3/5
  • Market Position: 3.5/5

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ethereum Alternative

Several factors should be considered when selecting an Ethereum alternative. These include:

  • Transaction speed
  • Fees
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Community growth

Slow transaction times during periods of high demand can hinder the user experience and deter adoption. Therefore, platforms like Avalanche, which offer low-cost transaction fees, can be more attractive, especially in the Decentralized Finance ecosystem.

Scalability is another critical factor. Platforms like Avalanche, which can handle a record of 3.07 million transactions and are exploring sharding methods to enable horizontal scalability without additional complexity for node operators, could be more appealing as a scalable blockchain. Security is paramount in protecting against malicious entities, and advanced cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, and formal verification of smart contracts are key features to look for.

Lastly, the growth and decentralization of the community are indicators of a maturing ecosystem.

How to Choose the Best Cryptocurrency for Your Needs

To select the most suitable cryptocurrency, you should:

  1. Define your investment goals
  2. Evaluate your risk tolerance
  3. Diversify your portfolio
  4. Keep abreast of market trends and regulations

You need to decide whether you are seeking short-term gains or long-term wealth accumulation, which will influence your choice of cryptocurrency and your risk tolerance.

Diversifying your portfolio is essential to mitigate risks. This can be achieved by spreading investments across various assets, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets on overall performance. Investors seeking exposure to the dynamic crypto market should stay up to date on market trends and be prepared to adapt their strategy. Also, be aware of the regulatory environment in your jurisdiction as it can affect the crypto market and your investment decisions. If you are uncertain, seek professional advice to help you make informed decisions.


In conclusion, while Ethereum continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market, a host of viable alternatives have emerged, each offering unique features and benefits. Whether you prioritize speed, scalability, interoperability, developer tools, security, stability, payments, trading, or reliability, there’s an Ethereum alternative out there to meet your needs. As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, staying informed and understanding your investment objectives will help you navigate this exciting landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which blockchains support smart contracts?

Several blockchains support smart contracts, including Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, and BNB Smart Chain. These are considered L1 platforms where smart contracts are executed directly on the main core platform.

Which crypto can beat Ethereum?

Cardano and Solana are two cryptocurrencies that are often considered potential contenders to beat Ethereum due to their superior performance metrics and growing blockchain ecosystems. These include Cardano and Solana.

Who is Ethereum biggest competitor?

Ethereum's biggest competitors include Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Avalanche (AVAX), C+ Charge (CCHG), Algorand (ALGO), and Chainlink.

What makes Solana a good Ethereum alternative?

Solana is a good Ethereum alternative due to its fast transactions and low fees enabled by its unique Proof of History consensus mechanism.

How does Polygon enhance scalability?

Polygon enhances scalability by processing transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain, allowing for higher throughput before committing them to the Ethereum mainnet. This significantly improves the overall scalability of the network.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risk. You could lose all the money you invest. Please read our risk warning here.

For those dissatisfied with Ethereum’s limitations, a world of Ethereum alternatives beckons. This guide delivers a pointed evaluation of the top 10 rivals, zeroing in on their technological edge, costs, and overall capabilities. Discover which can fulfill your crypto needs as we unravel their standing in the blockchain arena.

Brief Overview of Top 10 Ethereum Alternatives

  • Best for High-Speed Transactions: Solana (SOL)
  • Best for Scalability: Polygon (MATIC)
  • Best for Interoperability: Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Best for Developers: Avalanche
  • Best for Security and Scalability: Aptos (APT)
  • Still the Market Leader: Ethereum (ETH)
  • Best Stablecoin: Tether (USDT)
  • Best for Payments: XRP
  • Best for Trading: Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Reliable Stablecoin: USD Coin

Solana (SOL): Best for High-Speed Transactions

Solana (SOL) website overview: Ideal for high-speed transactions


  • Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism
  • High transaction speeds


  • High transaction speeds
  • Low transaction fees


  • High hardware requirements for validator nodes
  • New entrant in the market

Solana distinguishes itself through its unique Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanisms, which facilitate high-speed transactions. It can process thousands of transactions per second, outpacing many of its competitors and offering significantly lower transaction fees. This makes it a cost-effective option for users and developers alike, as they can perform many more transactions per second than Ethereum at a cheaper rate. The platform’s rapid growth is a testament to its popularity, with users praising its fast transactions, scalability, and growing ecosystem of services.

Nevertheless, Solana has its share of challenges. The platform has faced criticism for its high hardware requirements for running validator nodes, which may limit participation. Additionally, as a newer entrant to the market, Solana brings with it associated risks that potential users need to be aware of. Despite these hurdles, the platform’s strengths in speed and cost-effectiveness make it a strong contender as an Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Security: 3.5/5

Polygon (MATIC): Best for Scalability

Polygon (MATIC) website overview: Optimal for scalability solutions


  • Scaling Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • High transaction speeds


  • Enhanced scalability
  • Diverse range of developer solutions


  • Potential scalability limitations
  • Unclear regulatory environment

Polygon aims to tackle Ethereum’s scalability issues head-on. It offers the following features:

  • Handles transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain
  • Processes transactions at higher throughput
  • Commits transactions to the Ethereum mainnet
  • Allows for faster transaction speeds of up to 65,000 transactions per second
  • Provides developers with a great platform to optimize their applications
  • Offers various scaling solutions like plasma sidechains and PoS bridge

These features make Polygon an appealing choice for developers looking to address Ethereum’s scalability challenges.

Yet, it does face certain obstacles. There are potential scalability limitations that need to be considered, and the regulatory environment is still unclear. Despite these issues, Polygon’s focus on scalability, coupled with its diverse range of developer solutions, makes it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Transaction Speed: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Solutions: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

Cosmos (ATOM): Best for Interoperability

Cosmos (ATOM) website overview: Leading choice for interoperability solutions


  • Inter-blockchain communication protocol for blockchain networks
  • App-specific blockchains


  • Enhanced interoperability
  • Flexible developer tools


  • Technical complexity
  • High competition

Cosmos was founded with a vision to solve interoperability issues and realize the vision of Web3. Its blockchain ecosystem includes the Binance Chain and Terra Classic, among others, along with the IBC Protocol, which enables seamless communication between blockchains. Developers can utilize tools such as Tendermint Core and the Cosmos SDK to create application-specific blockchains, streamlining development and reducing costs.

Despite offering sovereignty, scalability, customization, and security, Cosmos confronts challenges like technical complexity and direct competition from projects like Polkadot and Chainlink, which present varying governance and token transfer methods. Despite these challenges, Cosmos’s focus on interoperability and its flexible developer tools make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Interoperability: 4.5/5
  • Developer Tools: 4/5
  • Scalability: 4/5
  • Competition: 3/5

Avalanche: Best for Developers

Avalanche website overview: Prime choice for developers


  • Custom blockchains
  • High performance blockchain network
  • Efficient blockchain platform utilizing blockchain technology


  • Developer-friendly tools
  • High transaction speeds


  • Complex for new developers
  • Limited information on security measures

Avalanche stands out in the crowded field of Ethereum alternatives with its developer-friendly platform for decentralized applications. Its subnets enable developers to create custom networks, offering them the flexibility to define their own rulesets and virtual machines for a variety of applications. The platform achieves high performance with tens of thousands of transactions per second and sub-second finality, thanks to its unique consensus algorithm on a decentralized network.

Despite these advantages, the platform can be daunting for new developers due to its complexity. Moreover, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures, which may deter potential users. Despite these challenges, the diverse range of development tools and high transaction speeds make Avalanche an appealing choice for developers.


  • Developer Tools: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speeds: 4.5/5
  • Learning Curve: 3.5/5
  • Security: 3/5

Aptos (APT): Best for Security and Scalability

Aptos (APT) website overview: Ideal for security and scalability


  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism
  • High throughput


  • Enhanced security
  • Scalable platform


  • Limited information on security measures
  • Limited user reviews

Aptos combines security and scalability in a unique package. It employs a unique consensus algorithm called Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to ensure network security and resiliency. The blockchain’s data model supports flexible key management and hybrid custodial options, contributing to a safer and more reliable user experience. Aptos achieves high throughput and low latency through a pipelined, modular transaction processing system that allows for parallel execution and efficient use of physical resources.

Despite these strengths, there is limited information on the platform’s security measures. Moreover, as a newer entrant, there are limited user reviews available to gauge its performance. Despite these challenges, Aptos’s focus on security and scalability make it a promising Ethereum alternative.


  • Security: 4.5/5
  • Scalability: 4.5/5
  • Information Transparency: 3/5
  • User Reviews: 3/5

Ethereum (ETH): Still the Market Leader

Ethereum (ETH) website overview: Continues as the market leader


  • Smart contract functionality
  • High transaction speeds


  • Large community
  • Active development team


  • High transaction fees
  • Centralization threats

Despite growing competition, Ethereum remains the market leader in the cryptocurrency space, including the cryptocurrency market. It boasts:

  • A first-mover advantage
  • A massively dedicated community
  • A highly anticipated Ethereum 2.0 upgrade
  • An extensive ecosystem with the most dynamic development team in the field of Web3

Innovations like account abstraction, indicated by the deployment of the EIP-4337 proposal in March 2023, alongside infrastructure upgrades such as Verkle Trees, cater to making the Ethereum blockchain more user-friendly and secure, optimizing for Web2-like ease of use. The capabilities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which support decentralized applications, and the diligent work of Ethereum developers have made these advancements possible.

That being said, Ethereum isn’t exempt from facing issues. Issues like relatively high transaction fees and corresponding centralization threats persist. These challenges are being confronted with efforts to ease node operation and endorse secure, permissionless blockchain access via technological improvements on the underlying Ethereum blockchain. Despite these challenges, Ethereum’s ongoing commitment to enhance security and user-focused improvements reflect positively in user experiences, cementing its standing as a market leader.


  • Community: 5/5
  • Development: 5/5
  • Transaction Fees: 3.5/5
  • Centralization: 3.5/5

Tether (USDT): Best Stablecoin

Tether (USDT) website overview: Premier stablecoin


  • Pegged to the US dollar
  • Wide acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges


  • Stable value
  • Wide acceptance for transactions


  • Doubts about fiat currency reserves
  • Centralized structure

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. The aim of maintaining a 1:1 stable value is to offer a stable store of value that is not subject to the volatility of other cryptocurrencies. Its widespread acceptance on cryptocurrency exchanges and utility as a hedge against market volatility enhance Tether’s attractiveness for transactions and protection of investments.

Even with these benefits, Tether has been under scrutiny. Doubts about the true extent of its fiat currency reserves and transparency issues have been raised. Additionally, the implications of its centralized structure have been a point of contention. Despite these issues, Tether’s stability and wide acceptance make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Acceptance: 5/5
  • Transparency: 3/5
  • Structure: 3/5

XRP: Best for Payments

XRP website overview: Top choice for payments


  • Fast transaction processing
  • Minimal energy consumption


  • Efficient for cross-border payments
  • Fast transaction processing


  • Regulatory scrutiny
  • Limited merchant acceptance

XRP excels in facilitating:

  • Secure and efficient cross-border payments and remittances
  • Global transactions
  • Handling a large volume of transactions per second, comparable to VISA
  • Processing transactions in 3–5 seconds
  • Not requiring intensive computing resources for mining, leading to minimal energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint.

Even though XRP offers these benefits, it has come under regulatory scrutiny, affecting its acceptance and value. Moreover, merchant acceptance of XRP is not as widespread as other cryptocurrencies, limiting its use for everyday transactions. Despite these challenges, XRP’s suitability for payments and minimal energy consumption make it a strong Ethereum alternative.


  • Payment Efficiency: 4.5/5
  • Transaction Speed: 4.5/5
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: 3/5
  • Merchant Acceptance: 3/5

Binance Coin (BNB): Best for Trading

Binance Coin (BNB) website overview: Trading's top pick


  • Used for trading fees on the Binance exchange
  • Increased liquidity


  • Discounts on trading fees
  • Increased liquidity


  • Complex for new traders
  • Regulatory scrutiny

Binance Coin (BNB) is designed for trading on the Binance exchange, with incentives like discounts on trading fees. BNB holders enjoy various benefits, such as:

  • Participating in token sales on Binance Launchpad
  • Increased liquidity
  • Early access to new cryptocurrencies
  • Lower withdrawal fees
  • Access to exclusive events or promotions on the Binance platform

Nonetheless, new traders may perceive BNB and the Binance platform as complex and difficult to navigate. Additionally, regulatory scrutiny in various jurisdictions has raised concerns about the future use and value of BNB. Despite these challenges, Binance Coin’s trading benefits make it a notable Ethereum alternative.


  • Trading Benefits: 4.5/5
  • Liquidity: 4.5/5
  • User-Friendliness: 3/5
  • Regulatory Environment: 3/5

USD Coin: Reliable Stablecoin

USD Coin website overview: Trusted stablecoin solution


  • Backed by US dollar reserves
  • Regular transparency reports


  • Stable value
  • Regular transparency reports


  • High centralization
  • Limited advantages over competitors

USD Coin is a reliable stablecoin backed by US dollar reserves, providing transparency and stability for transactions and value storage. The coin emits monthly transparency reports from top accounting firm Grant Thornton, LLP, detailing its circulation and reserve backing. Its reserves, which include U.S. treasury securities and cash deposits, enhance its reliability by simplifying its backing assets.

Even with these benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when using USD Coin:

  1. The rigorous KYC (Know Your Customer) process may discourage users who value anonymity.
  2. High centralization could lead to the freezing or confiscation of assets by authorities.
  3. USD Coin faces stiff competition in the stablecoin market, which could affect its market position.

Despite these challenges, USD Coin’s reliability and transparency make it a worthy Ethereum alternative.


  • Stability: 5/5
  • Transparency: 5/5
  • Anonymity: 3/5
  • Market Position: 3.5/5

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ethereum Alternative

Several factors should be considered when selecting an Ethereum alternative. These include:

  • Transaction speed
  • Fees
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Community growth

Slow transaction times during periods of high demand can hinder the user experience and deter adoption. Therefore, platforms like Avalanche, which offer low-cost transaction fees, can be more attractive, especially in the Decentralized Finance ecosystem.

Scalability is another critical factor. Platforms like Avalanche, which can handle a record of 3.07 million transactions and are exploring sharding methods to enable horizontal scalability without additional complexity for node operators, could be more appealing as a scalable blockchain. Security is paramount in protecting against malicious entities, and advanced cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, and formal verification of smart contracts are key features to look for.

Lastly, the growth and decentralization of the community are indicators of a maturing ecosystem.

How to Choose the Best Cryptocurrency for Your Needs

To select the most suitable cryptocurrency, you should:

  1. Define your investment goals
  2. Evaluate your risk tolerance
  3. Diversify your portfolio
  4. Keep abreast of market trends and regulations

You need to decide whether you are seeking short-term gains or long-term wealth accumulation, which will influence your choice of cryptocurrency and your risk tolerance.

Diversifying your portfolio is essential to mitigate risks. This can be achieved by spreading investments across various assets, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets on overall performance. Investors seeking exposure to the dynamic crypto market should stay up to date on market trends and be prepared to adapt their strategy. Also, be aware of the regulatory environment in your jurisdiction as it can affect the crypto market and your investment decisions. If you are uncertain, seek professional advice to help you make informed decisions.


In conclusion, while Ethereum continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market, a host of viable alternatives have emerged, each offering unique features and benefits. Whether you prioritize speed, scalability, interoperability, developer tools, security, stability, payments, trading, or reliability, there’s an Ethereum alternative out there to meet your needs. As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, staying informed and understanding your investment objectives will help you navigate this exciting landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which blockchains support smart contracts?

Several blockchains support smart contracts, including Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, and BNB Smart Chain. These are considered L1 platforms where smart contracts are executed directly on the main core platform.

Which crypto can beat Ethereum?

Cardano and Solana are two cryptocurrencies that are often considered potential contenders to beat Ethereum due to their superior performance metrics and growing blockchain ecosystems. These include Cardano and Solana.

Who is Ethereum biggest competitor?

Ethereum's biggest competitors include Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Avalanche (AVAX), C+ Charge (CCHG), Algorand (ALGO), and Chainlink.

What makes Solana a good Ethereum alternative?

Solana is a good Ethereum alternative due to its fast transactions and low fees enabled by its unique Proof of History consensus mechanism.

How does Polygon enhance scalability?

Polygon enhances scalability by processing transactions on an Ethereum-compatible sidechain, allowing for higher throughput before committing them to the Ethereum mainnet. This significantly improves the overall scalability of the network.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser