Japanese Crypto Exchange DMM Bitcoin Suffers $305M Hack

Japanese crypto exchange, has been hacked, resulting in the loss of approximately $305 million. The exchange has taken measures to prevent further unauthorized transactions.
June 1, 2024
Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.


DMM Bitcoin, a prominent Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, has recently suffered a significant security breach, resulting in the loss of approximately $305 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC). The incident, which occurred on May 31, 2024, involved the unauthorized leakage of 4,502.9 BTC from the exchange's wallet.

The hack was detected at around 1:26 p.m. local time, and the exchange immediately took measures to prevent further unauthorized transactions. These measures included suspending certain services such as new account openings, cryptocurrency withdrawals, and spot trading buying orders. Existing limit orders and Japanese yen withdrawals may also experience delays.

DMM Bitcoin has assured its customers that it will fully guarantee all customer Bitcoin deposits. The exchange has committed to procuring the equivalent amount of BTC that was leaked, with support from its group companies. This action aims to protect customers' assets and ensure that the security breach doesn't have an impact on them.

The incident is significant not only because of the large amount of money involved but also because it highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the cryptocurrency market. Price volatility and regulatory uncertainty have plagued the market, which can make it more vulnerable to security breaches and other risks.

The hack at DMM Bitcoin is the second largest in Japan, following the 58 billion yen ($353 million) theft from Coincheck in 2018. This incident has prompted stricter regulations by Japan's Financial Services Agency and increased focus on security measures within the cryptocurrency exchange industry.

DMM Bitcoin has taken steps to enhance security and prevent similar incidents in the future. The exchange has implemented restrictions on certain services and is conducting an investigation into the details of the breach. Customers are encouraged to visit the DMM Bitcoin customer support page for further information and assistance.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of security and risk management in the cryptocurrency market. It highlights the need for exchanges to prioritize the protection of customer assets and to implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and transactions.

In conclusion, the hack at DMM Bitcoin is a significant event in the cryptocurrency market, emphasizing the ongoing challenges and risks faced by exchanges and their customers. The exchange's swift response and commitment to guaranteeing customer assets are crucial in mitigating the potential fallout from the hack.

Japanese Crypto Exchange DMM Bitcoin Suffers $305M Hack


DMM Bitcoin, a prominent Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, has recently suffered a significant security breach, resulting in the loss of approximately $305 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC). The incident, which occurred on May 31, 2024, involved the unauthorized leakage of 4,502.9 BTC from the exchange's wallet.

The hack was detected at around 1:26 p.m. local time, and the exchange immediately took measures to prevent further unauthorized transactions. These measures included suspending certain services such as new account openings, cryptocurrency withdrawals, and spot trading buying orders. Existing limit orders and Japanese yen withdrawals may also experience delays.

DMM Bitcoin has assured its customers that it will fully guarantee all customer Bitcoin deposits. The exchange has committed to procuring the equivalent amount of BTC that was leaked, with support from its group companies. This action aims to protect customers' assets and ensure that the security breach doesn't have an impact on them.

The incident is significant not only because of the large amount of money involved but also because it highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the cryptocurrency market. Price volatility and regulatory uncertainty have plagued the market, which can make it more vulnerable to security breaches and other risks.

The hack at DMM Bitcoin is the second largest in Japan, following the 58 billion yen ($353 million) theft from Coincheck in 2018. This incident has prompted stricter regulations by Japan's Financial Services Agency and increased focus on security measures within the cryptocurrency exchange industry.

DMM Bitcoin has taken steps to enhance security and prevent similar incidents in the future. The exchange has implemented restrictions on certain services and is conducting an investigation into the details of the breach. Customers are encouraged to visit the DMM Bitcoin customer support page for further information and assistance.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of security and risk management in the cryptocurrency market. It highlights the need for exchanges to prioritize the protection of customer assets and to implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and transactions.

In conclusion, the hack at DMM Bitcoin is a significant event in the cryptocurrency market, emphasizing the ongoing challenges and risks faced by exchanges and their customers. The exchange's swift response and commitment to guaranteeing customer assets are crucial in mitigating the potential fallout from the hack.

Dean Fankhauser

Dean has an economics and startup background which led him to create Bitcompare. He primarly writes opinion pieces for Bitcompare. He's also been a guest on BBC World, and interviewed by The Guardian and many other publications.

DMM Bitcoin, a prominent Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, has recently suffered a significant security breach, resulting in the loss of approximately $305 million worth of Bitcoin (BTC). The incident, which occurred on May 31, 2024, involved the unauthorized leakage of 4,502.9 BTC from the exchange's wallet.

The hack was detected at around 1:26 p.m. local time, and the exchange immediately took measures to prevent further unauthorized transactions. These measures included suspending certain services such as new account openings, cryptocurrency withdrawals, and spot trading buying orders. Existing limit orders and Japanese yen withdrawals may also experience delays.

DMM Bitcoin has assured its customers that it will fully guarantee all customer Bitcoin deposits. The exchange has committed to procuring the equivalent amount of BTC that was leaked, with support from its group companies. This action aims to protect customers' assets and ensure that the security breach doesn't have an impact on them.

The incident is significant not only because of the large amount of money involved but also because it highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the cryptocurrency market. Price volatility and regulatory uncertainty have plagued the market, which can make it more vulnerable to security breaches and other risks.

The hack at DMM Bitcoin is the second largest in Japan, following the 58 billion yen ($353 million) theft from Coincheck in 2018. This incident has prompted stricter regulations by Japan's Financial Services Agency and increased focus on security measures within the cryptocurrency exchange industry.

DMM Bitcoin has taken steps to enhance security and prevent similar incidents in the future. The exchange has implemented restrictions on certain services and is conducting an investigation into the details of the breach. Customers are encouraged to visit the DMM Bitcoin customer support page for further information and assistance.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of security and risk management in the cryptocurrency market. It highlights the need for exchanges to prioritize the protection of customer assets and to implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and transactions.

In conclusion, the hack at DMM Bitcoin is a significant event in the cryptocurrency market, emphasizing the ongoing challenges and risks faced by exchanges and their customers. The exchange's swift response and commitment to guaranteeing customer assets are crucial in mitigating the potential fallout from the hack.

Written by
Dean Fankhauser