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Polkadot staking rewards: DOT staking calculator

Earn rewards on Polkadot up to 15.37% APY. Compare staking rewards and features on 19 platforms.

Last updated: September 7, 2024|Advertising disclosure

Latest Polkadot (DOT) staking rewards

PlatformCoinStaking rewards
YouHodlerPolkadot (DOT)Up to 14% APY
UpholdPolkadot (DOT)Up to 14% APY
LedgerPolkadot (DOT)Up to 14% APY
BitmartPolkadot (DOT)Up to 4% APY
BinancePolkadot (DOT)Up to 10.9% APY
KucoinPolkadot (DOT)Up to 7.5% APY

Polkadot staking guide

Frequently asked questions about staking Polkadot (DOT)

What is Polkadot (DOT) staking?
Polkadot staking involves locking up DOT tokens to help secure the network and earn rewards in return.
How can I start staking Polkadot (DOT)?
You can start staking DOT by using a supported wallet or exchange that offers staking services for Polkadot.
What are the risks of staking Polkadot (DOT)?
Staking DOT carries risks such as slashing penalties for misbehavior or network instability. It's important to stay informed and use reputable staking services.
What are the rewards for staking Polkadot (DOT)?
Staking rewards for Polkadot can vary based on network conditions and participation rates. It's important to stay updated on the latest rewards and network changes.
Can I unstake my Polkadot (DOT) at any time?
Unstaking DOT typically involves a waiting period before the tokens become available for transfer. It's important to understand the unstaking process before initiating it.