FC Porto price (PORTO)

FC Porto logo
1 PORTO =$1.37Last updated:
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Price of FC Porto (PORTO) today

As of the latest data, FC Porto (PORTO) is currently priced at $1.5. The 24-hour trading volume stands at 4.30M, The circulating supply of FC Porto is approximately 7.80M. The cryptocurrency has seen a 3.89% increase in value over the past 24 hours.

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About FC Porto (PORTO)

The asset with ID 21533 is FC Porto, represented by the symbol PORTO. It is associated with an image of the FC Porto logo. The asset does not have a short summary or description provided. Additionally, there are no features or technologies listed for this asset. The asset does not have any links to its GitHub repository, website, whitepaper, social media accounts, or other online platforms. The team members, videos, and promotional information for FC Porto are also not available. The last update for this asset is not specified.

How does FC Porto work?

FC Porto (PORTO) is a decentralized platform that enables peer-to-peer transactions using blockchain technology. It operates on a consensus mechanism that ensures secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. PORTO's unique features include smart contracts, which automate and enforce agreements between parties, and tokenization, which allows for the creation of digital assets. This platform can be used for a variety of applications, such as crowdfunding, supply chain management, and voting systems, offering a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional financial systems. PORTO's decentralized nature and peer-to-peer transactions make it a versatile tool with potential applications across various industries and platforms.

How to keep your FC Porto (PORTO) safe?

To keep your FC Porto (PORTO) safe, it is recommended to use hardware wallets such as Ledger, which provide enhanced security measures to protect your assets from potential threats. Additionally, utilizing trusted platforms like Binance can also help safeguard your investments by offering secure storage options and advanced security features. By combining the use of hardware wallets and reputable platforms, you can ensure the safety of your FC Porto tokens and have peace of mind knowing that your assets are well-protected.

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