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Algorand staking rewards: ALGO staking calculator

Earn rewards on Algorand up to 10.02% APY. Compare staking rewards and features on 7 platforms.

Last updated: September 7, 2024|Advertising disclosure

Latest Algorand (ALGO) staking rewards

PlatformCoinStaking rewards
LedgerAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 10.02% APY
BitmartAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 0.5% APY
BinanceAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 1.5% APY
Atomic WalletAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 0.63% APY
MyCointainerAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 4.2% APY
ExodusAlgorand (ALGO)Up to 4.1% APY

Algorand staking guide

Frequently asked questions about staking Algorand (ALGO)

What is Algorand staking?
Algorand staking involves holding ALGO tokens in a wallet to support the security and operations of the Algorand network. In return, stakers earn rewards for their participation in the consensus protocol.
How can I start staking Algorand?
To start staking Algorand, you need to hold a minimum amount of ALGO tokens in a compatible wallet that supports staking. You can then delegate your tokens to a staking pool or run a node to participate in the network's consensus.
What are the rewards for staking Algorand?
Staking Algorand allows participants to earn rewards in the form of additional ALGO tokens. The rewards are distributed based on the amount of tokens staked and the duration of participation in the network's consensus.
What are the risks of staking Algorand?
Staking Algorand carries certain risks, including the potential for slashing penalties if a staker behaves maliciously or the network experiences technical issues. It's important to stay informed about the risks and rewards of staking before participating.
Can I unstake my Algorand tokens at any time?
Yes, you can unstake your Algorand tokens at any time, but there may be a waiting period before you can access your tokens again. It's important to consider the unstaking process and any associated lock-up periods before making decisions.