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The asset with the internal ID 2489 is known as HUSD, which is its full name and symbol. HUSD is a stablecoin that aims to maintain a 1:1 peg with the US Dollar, providing stability in the volatile cryptocurrency market. The asset's key features and technologies are not specified in the provided information. The website link for HUSD is, where users can find more information about the asset. HUSD does not have a whitepaper, github repository, or active social media accounts based on the data provided. Overall, HUSD serves as a stable digital asset for users looking to hedge against market fluctuations and preserve the value of their holdings.

How does HUSD work?

HUSD (HUSD) is a stablecoin that operates on a decentralized platform, allowing users to transact directly with one another without the need for intermediaries. Built on blockchain technology, HUSD ensures transparency, security, and immutability of transactions. The consensus mechanism used by HUSD is typically proof-of-reserve, where the stablecoin is backed by a reserve of assets held in custody. This ensures that the value of HUSD remains stable and pegged to the US dollar. One of the unique features of HUSD is its ability to be easily transferred across different platforms and used in various industries, such as e-commerce, remittances, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Its decentralized nature and peer-to-peer transactions make it a versatile and efficient tool for conducting financial transactions without the need for traditional banking systems.

How to keep your HUSD (HUSD) safe?

To keep your HUSD (HUSD) safe, consider using hardware wallets like Ledger for enhanced security measures. These wallets store your cryptocurrency offline, making it less vulnerable to hacking. Additionally, trusted platforms like YouHodler offer secure storage options and insurance against theft or hacking. By diversifying your storage methods and utilizing reputable platforms, you can better protect your HUSD investments from potential security threats.

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