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Price of DODO (DODO) today

As of the latest data, DODO (DODO) is currently priced at $0.1809 with a market capitalization of $102.32M. The 24-hour trading volume stands at $7.99M, The circulating supply of DODO is approximately 614.62M. The cryptocurrency has seen a -0.17% decrease in value over the past 24 hours.


DODO is a digital asset with the symbol DODO. It is associated with various features and technologies, although specific details are not provided. The asset has an active presence on platforms such as GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, and Discord. Users can access the asset's website, whitepaper, blog, and other social media accounts for more information and updates. DODO's logo version is 0, and the asset was last updated at a timestamp of 1,678,404,857. The asset also has an associated image available for reference. Its main use case and functionality are not explicitly mentioned in the provided information.

How does DODO work?

DODO is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that operates on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with one another without the need for intermediaries. DODO utilizes automated market-making algorithms to provide liquidity for trading pairs, enabling peer-to-peer transactions in a secure and efficient manner. The protocol employs a unique Proactive Market Maker (PMM) algorithm that dynamically adjusts prices based on supply and demand, ensuring fair and efficient trading. DODO's decentralized nature ensures that users have full control over their assets and transactions, without relying on centralized entities. Its consensus mechanism is based on Ethereum's proof-of-stake protocol, ensuring secure and reliable transactions. DODO's unique features include low fees, fast transaction speeds, and a wide range of supported tokens, making it a versatile platform for various use cases such as trading, token swaps, and liquidity provision. Overall, DODO stands out from traditional financial systems by offering a decentralized, efficient, and user-friendly platform for cryptocurrency trading and other blockchain-based applications.

How to keep your DODO (DODO) safe?

To keep your DODO (DODO) safe, consider using hardware wallets like Ledger for enhanced security. These wallets store your private keys offline, making them less vulnerable to hacking. Additionally, platforms like Binance offer advanced security features such as two-factor authentication and encryption to protect your assets. By utilizing these trusted tools and platforms, you can ensure the safety of your DODO tokens and have peace of mind knowing your investments are secure.


Sentiment about DODO (DODO)

Social media platforms are indicating a neutral sentiment towards DODO. The sentiment score, which represents the balance between positive and negative posts weighted by interactions, is broken down as follows:

• YouTube videos show 50%

• On X (formerly Twitter), sentiment towards DODO varies. Approximately 29.24% of tweets express bullish sentiment, 6.72% express bearish sentiment, and 64.05% remain neutral. These sentiments are based on 105.78K tweets.

These findings are based on a total of 105.78K interactions over the last 24 hours, involving 90 unique social contributors to the topic.

This aligns with DODO's market performance; it is currently priced at $0.18 with a market capitalization of $102.32M.

In addition, in the last 24 hours, the price decreased by -0.06%. Market data suggests a bearish sentiment, indicating a negative outlook for the cryptocurrency.

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