Render Price (RNDR)

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Price of Render (RNDR) today

As of the latest data, Render (RNDR) is currently priced at $10.03 with a market capitalization of $3.91B. The 24-hour trading volume stands at $616.30M, The circulating supply of Render is approximately 388.64M. The cryptocurrency has seen a -5.78% decrease in value over the past 24 hours.

Sentiment about Render (RNDR)

Social media platforms are indicating a neutral sentiment towards Render. The sentiment score, which represents the balance between positive and negative posts weighted by interactions, is broken down as follows:

• Reddit posts show 50%

• YouTube videos show 71%

• TikTok videos show 60%

• On X (formerly Twitter), sentiment towards Render varies. Approximately 39.1% of tweets express bullish sentiment, 2.85% express bearish sentiment, and 58.05% remain neutral. These sentiments are based on 2.83M tweets.

These findings are based on a total of 2.83M interactions over the last 24 hours, involving 872 unique social contributors to the topic.

This aligns with Render's market performance; it is currently priced at $10.03 with a market capitalization of $3.91B.

Price change data is not available at the moment.

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